Let's Chat

I am in !!! Thanks so much for chatting with us.

Hey Cathe....have you ever considered doing more than 1 road trip per year ????? I am being selfish here but I did not make the last one and want to do one sooner than have to wait a whole year.

You keep me very inspired and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your cardio routines !!!:)
Cathe: I also wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your monthly rotations. I am on my third month of rotations and I LOVE it!!

Thanks for your hard work!!
RE: Happy Friday, Cathe!!!

Hi Rocky! You have to re-register to change your name. Simply send customer support and email.

I like 6 inches mostly but 8 for a day to throw my body a shocker. I do prefer 8 though if the moves are more basic with a slower tempo. A shorter person 5 foot 2 and under, most especially, might find a 6 inch step height more comfortable to step on.

The cast is between 5 foot even and 5 foot 2.

Brown shirt at Arden B, white pants at Express, denim at Old Navy.

Have a great day!
Thank you for answering. I kind of torked my knee out while doing the ricochets on All Step a couple of days ago and I know that my shoes were a big part of the reason why. Speaking of shoes, Otomix trainers are great on straight weight training days that do not involve plyo anything. Since the heel isn't raised you have better stability for the squats/lunges/deadlifts.

Thanks again,

Can't believe my luck in logging on while you are chatting! I am a new but avid fan of yours thanks to recently getting Fit TV! I am a Mom of 2, ages 10 and 12 and have been a GF instructor in Chester County, PA, for about 3 yrs. I am so interested in joining the RT next year...how do I go about signing up?

I am back!!! Just made it! :)

Cecily is also starting Kindergarten this year...it is sooo scarey about the bus. I worry so much for her.

Kyle is lucky to have big brother to "guide" him!!! I am certain he will do fantastic.

It did amaze me at the number of GLUE STICKS I was told to purchase for her to use in Kindergarten. Cecily is such a craft-bug, I am sure she will be in heaven.

Tucker is in pre-school. Such a precious little guy, definitely mommy's boy! :)

Don't you LOVE to watch them sleep at night??? Oh I can cry a river just watching their chest rise and fall! :)

Thank you so much for speeding some time with us today! Its value is immeasurable! :)

Enjoy a fab weekend!
xoxo, neicebug
I have done the microderm abrasions too...they are sort of 'painful'...at least the ones I have had.

We have been doing the AFT Laser Therapy...both for beauty and hair removal...ouch!

xoxo, neicebug :7
Hi Phyllis! Bummer, I don't teach weekends since my kids have their sports on the weekends. I occasionally fill in for a call out but thats about it.

You were great this morning. I really got happy after seeing you. I still have a bit of the blues when I teach because the energy is so much less for regular classes vs RT's, but as soon as I saw you I perked right up....thanks for the lift :7
Hi Laurie....I haven't seen my Ipod or Zune in months. With all the "stuff" we are doing my Zune and Ipod have been confiscated for testing. But it will be worth it in the end :7
Hi Cathe
I had so much fun at the RT--what a blast (literally, I guess!)
I had to tell you that I started your August rotation on Tuesday and am having so much fun! I bought a zillion of your workout dvds at the RT so I'd have no excuses for not trying your rotations. Did GS legs this morning and nearly died during the calf and hamstring work, but I really liked the workout. You are amazingly creative in how you devise so many ways to work body parts! Thanks for all your hard work--it's much appreciated.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I think we were all double posting there for a while with how long it was taking to go through. Yikes!!! I was running between three different computers here to see if one was faster than the other:7
RE: Soundtrack of your life, Cathe?

Isn't that funny!

Now I hear Abrabracadabra (misspelled I am sure), and I can actually begin to do the moves from the video with it! :+
Hi Beth! This is definitely all very exciting, however, I owe everything to ALL OF YOU and will always be there for you. My roots will always be to teach, encourage, and inspire people. As long as you continue to join me, I will always be there for you :7

Aw, hugs to your little sweet girl. I'll race you to the Kleenex box :7
Hi Cathe!

I am sure I probably missed you as it's after 2, but I just wanted to thank you again for such a wonderful RT weekend. I really had the time of my life and I am even more inspired by all of the fit, healthy women I had the pleasure of working out with. :)

Thank you again for giving so much of your time and energy to us - you are truly inspirational to me.


Tracy (and the lil' kickboxing baby in utero:)

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