Let's Chat

Hi Reese! That's exactly why I don't like to weigh myself. You can fluctuate a good three pounds within a few hours on a daily basis and 5 to 6 pounds during your cycle. Best of luck to you , and go ahead and toss that scale behind the tree;-)
Thanks for the compliment on my name. I always hated it when I was growing up. Not for the name itself, but because I was named after my mother and you just don't expect to know two LaDonna Olivers. Once I got married and changed my name, all was well. :p

Thank you for taking the time to chat with all of us. Like most everyone here, I simply adore you. A thank you to Chris who answeres are many questions.

Have a great weekend!
Yes Kathy, try to sub dumbbells with the same total weight wherever possible per exercise. For example, a 40 pound barbell would be two 20 pound dumbbells.
Hi rgs424! We talked long and hard about this very question this week but we are still working on an answer :7 We'll keep you all informed when we come up with a solution.
Cathe, I missed the chat time. :( But I wanted to say one of my boys is starting Kindergarten soon as well. I'm very nervous because he's my eldest, so it's first time to elementary school for me, too (as a Mom, I mean).

Wish I had been on sooner!

[font face="palatino linotype" font color=purple font size=+1]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
Hi Linda! Wow, you have your hands full with three lovely kids at various ages. We will have another roadtrip in the future but at this time we don't have a sign up available. As it gets closer we will making announcements. Hope you can join us!
Hi Neicebug! Gosh, I thought the same thing with all the glue sticks. Too funny! Your children are so precious. Your pic's are great.

Actually Kyle's public Kindergarten holds JUST kindergarteners all from the our town. Its like a little college. They have their own little 5 year old university with an am or pm session, bus pick up, and daycare (pre and post drop off) if needed. I just think its so cute that this town has just one school for all the Kindergarteners.

"Don't you LOVE to watch them sleep at night??? Oh I can cry a river just watching their chest rise and fall! :)"

YES, YES, YES!!!!!

Take Care Denise....hugs to those precious ones!
Hi Tracy (and little muffin in the making). I was so surprised to hear you were pregnant. You are carrying so well I couldn't even see your lil bump. You did so well taking care of the two of you this weekend. I loved meeting you...such a doll!

Take Care!!!
Hi Lainie! I'm still hear but having to go very shortly for an appt. Best of luck to your little boy in Kindergarten. Hugs to your kiddies:7

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