Let's Chat

Cathe, Do you think that you could post sometime what a day is like for you, what you do and what you eat?
Hi Cathe!!!
I just had to tell you again that the roadtrip was so amazing! Thank you so much!! I was wondering if you ever imagined that your career would be this successful when you first started teaching. Did you ever think you would have so many people so excited about working out with you for a weekend? (':)') You are truly such an inspiration to all of us. Thanks for all you do!!!!

Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png:

P.S. My daughter starts kindergarten this year too. I know I am definitely going to need the kleenex that first day.
Hi Cathe,

I've always wondered how come Cedie and Brenda aren't in KPC as well as the new kickboxing video?
Sounds like everyone had a lot of fun at the roadtrip! Maybe next time I can make it!
Thanks for all the great videos, I finally made working out a daily habit :)
RE: Happy Friday, Cathe!!!

Hi sbaxterharris! Thanks for joining us. Kids are just the best. I love them to pieces. Hugs to them from me and thanks for joining us today
Hello Cathe!

Its nice to chat with you! I know you've mentioned this before, but it's something I'm struggling with. I have read you go by body measurements and how your clothes fit to gauge where you are with your weight, but do you EVER weigh yourself? I got into the habit of weighing myself daily, a year or two ago and I have found that my weight fluctuates so much daily that it can really be deflating sometimes. It's tripping me up! I'm considering throwing the darn scale into the treeline behind my house. At least back there it will be more difficult to get to and I'll burn more calories trying to reach it....:7
Hi Fitjock! Right now my hobbie is to clean my house, LOL. It has been so neglected that I have to get moving on it. The boys are great, very active and love to do outdoor stuff (soccer, swim, ride bikes, etc. so we have fun)! Thanks for asking and for joining us too!
Cathe, you made my day , my month, my year!

Next year RT!! Waiting excitedly for new work outs!

Was an Air Force daughter and an Army Wife now Retired.
3 tours in Germany Loved it.
PS. Mine kinder leiber dich auch :)(hope I spelled correctly it's
been a while) Brigitte
Hi Violette! I usually use Rkya brand studio shoes for step (used them in the latest series too) although lately I am branching into various Nike shoes and try out some others too.
Hey Cathe, have never posted personally to you before. I really have nothing to ask, just wanted to let you know that, along with everyone else here, I simply adore you. Can't thank you enough for your constant giving, not only in your superb products, but also in your willingness to personally adress comments and concerns from all of us. Not to mention your giving of yourself to 105 extremely lucky individuals this past weekend...I could go on and on. I don't post much, but obsessively lurk and see on a daily basis how many lives you have touched. You are a special person indeed.

All my best...
RE: Happy Friday, Cathe!!!

Yes, the gym is rarely closed Cathy...be sure to email customer service a couple of days ahead to make sure I am teaching. I have to cancel here and there for business appts. When you come be sure to come up before class starts and say HI. See you soon.
>I can just picture Cathe in her office going like a madwoman
>trying to keep up with us all!
>http://bestsmileys.com/computer1/14.gif This thread is loading
>very sloooow right now! Lots of us trying to say Hi to Cathe
Hilarious, Debbie:D! I can just imagine Cathe typing like crazy. I've called her a 'madwoman' at times myself but in a completely different context, IKWIM }( ;-)!
Hi Cathe!

I really don't have any questions, and it's pretty clear you're inundated already :7 . I just wanted to say hello and to thank you for this wonderful forum. I've made so many friends here and I can't say enough how much I appreciate the way you maintain your website.

I really hope I can snag a spot at your next road trip:D . I'm pretty clumsy but I promise to stay in the back where I can't hurt anybody:p :7

ETA I'm pretty good with your weight workouts, though;) . I'm so excited for your 4-day split!!! Your workouts ROCK!!!
Hi Cathe,

I really wish I could have attended the road trip. It sounds like everyone had a wonderful time.

I was wondering if you have any plans to sell posters. I would love to have them to hang in my workout room.

Take care,
Hi Jerry! Huigh Step class is most like my high step DVD's. Alongthe lines of High Step Challenge and High Step Training Advanced! Be sure to check out film clips to see if this interests you. Hope to see you soon!
Waving hi to Cathe,

I had two great questions that I was saving for a chat, but I can't think of them now x( . Oh well, I'm glad that you had some time to stop in to chat. Even though I didn't get to go on the RT, I'm having the post RT blues. It looked like soooo much fun.

Get some rest & some family time in,


Hi Cathe: I wanted to ask you about dumbbells. I do not have a barbell. So, in the workouts that use dumbbells, is the weight you tell us that your dumbbell is loaded to the total? Should I use dumbbells in the same amount?


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