Let's Chat

Hi La Donna (cool name):7

Yes, you are correct, my boxing trainer ended up moving to Maryland due to his full time job taking him there. So I had to cancel the demo for the RT. I am currently working with someone else and will keep everyone posted as that progresses. Yes, I do plan on doing them still but don't have a definitive time frame yet. Take Care!
Thanks Cathe, I am experiencing this myself. I recently got my hip replaced and have lost 10 pounds. Good grief! Thanks for the reply! I am doing my isometric type PT exercises so I am hoping these will at least keep the muscle "hard" until I can do squats and lunges again...they told me after three months I can pretty much go full force again.
RE: Soundtrack of your life, Cathe?

PS..... Shelby asked

I’m wondering with the hundreds of tracks that you’ve used as background music through the years, when you hear songs on radio/at the mall/wherever does it often make you remember a particular workout?

Absolutely Shelby!! I never hear a song the same way again once I use it in a workout
Hey Cathe:) Just curious what's on your i-Pod and/or MP3 player these days...what did we ever do without these amazing devices!!??? Remember when we thought a 'Walkman' was state of the art and ever so cool? My teens would look at me with a blank stare if I said Walkman:)

Take Care
Congratulations to "new mommy Jennifer" as well as "getting fitter by the day Jennifer"! Keep up the great work! Hugs to the little muffin!

Thank You So Much For Everything Y_O_U did. I couldn't have done the RT with out you, Kathy and Lorrayne. That's a PROMISE!!!!

We'll be in touch soon:7
Oh, and you and the gals looked hot! I did not get to go on the RT, but it looked like fun:)
Ever consider doing one in Las Vegas?? Thats where I hail from-yes its hotter than you could ever imagine right now!
I seriously have all of your workouts-just ordered the new 4-day split and cannot wait. Thanks for all you do, you are really a pioneer in this industry, no other instructor can touch you.
In my humble opinion of course;)
Bad Hair Days


I had a bad hair weekend in Jersey! :eek: My hair looks so much better in Texas. Jersey humidity and Texas hair simply do not mix! ;-) My roomies laughed at how long I spent on my hair every morning only to sweat it out with you. :7 LOL! You cannot make a mess of my hair this week. :p And your hair looked beautiful all weekend. I was amazed that you looked so good after every workout. I have not seen a bad picture of you yet! :)

Despite what my roomie Kim told you Saturday morning, I do still love you bunches even though your classes made a big mess of my hair! ;-) So much for my plan not to sweat! ;-) I did not have time to wash and dry my hair before the brunch Sunday morning, but I love my avatar anyway because it reminds me of those precious moments. :)

I love you on good hair days and bad hair days! :*

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Happy Friday, Cathe!!!

Hi Melissa! I think doing at least one is fine as long as the rest of your week involves legs somehow (ie: imax workout, interval run, regular step workout, brisk walking...). Alternate doing one of these each week if not doing both in a week. Try do do floorwork once a week too if only doing one of these workouts a week.
RE: Soundtrack of your life, Cathe?

I appreciate your good wishes, Cathe. Can't wait for the day when I'll be able to visit your gym and 'talk tunes' with you in person;-).
RE: Soundtrack of your life, Cathe?

I appreciate your good wishes, Cathe. Can't wait for the day when I'll be able to visit your gym and 'talk tunes' with you in person;-).
Hi Brigitte. I didn't know you lived in Germany....coolio!

Congrat's on taking 3rd place on your first contest no less and at 42, mother of 3....that's most impressive too. I'm so proud of you.... Keep up the great work. Hugs to the kids too! They have a very strong mommy!
Hi Brigitte. I didn't know you lived in Germany....coolio!

Congrat's on taking 3rd place on your first contest no less and at 42, mother of 3....that's most impressive too. I'm so proud of you.... Keep up the great work. Hugs to the kids too! They have a very strong mommy!

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