Let's Chat

Hi Cathe, I'm just jumping in to repeat the refrain "Thanks for the road trip." It was an unforgetable experience. Lucky Phyllis getting to visit with again so soon! I sure hope to get back to the Four Seasons someday too.
RE: Happy Friday, Cathe!!!

Wow! I have thought of hundreds of questions to ask or things to say to you over the years, and now your online and I guess I am just "STARSTRUCK" I cannot think of a thing except yipee!!!!!!!!!

I have gone through and enjoyed all the RT pics so much and all I can say is Cathe you are just STUNNING in every way. You make me smile :)

Oh here is one thing - not only do I absolutely love you but so do my kids (girls 7 & 11) My youngest actually has me put in your workouts for her friends and herself to workout to. It is so cute to watch and lets face it what a great activity for her. She always says "Mom Cathe just wears me out" She's actually pretty good at it. And she really does "JUMP HIGHER"

Thank you for being part of my family.

God Bless you :)
hi cathe, although i was unable to attend the road trip this year, i was able to participate in your high step class back in april( loved it). i would like to know what besides your family do you do for relaxation. are you a reader? play a musical instrument? or gardener??? hope your boys make you run after them this weekend as you made 105 people keep up with you last weekend. ha ha jocq
Jillybean!!!!! We missed you!!!!! I wrote a "wish you were here" note to a "Jill" not making the connection it was you until the next one I wrote was to A-jock. That's when it clicked that "Jill" must have been our Jillybean. I'll write more about combo's another time so that I don't drink up the chat time right now, ok? :7
Good Afternoon Cathe,
What shoes do you prefer for stepping? I've found that my Nike crosstrainers are not quite cutting it.

Hi Cathe! [font color=red]Happy Friday![/font] I can't believe it's already been a week since I was flying over to NJ for the road trip! I wanna come back! ;)

I don't have any questions (that I can think of at the moment) but I just wanted to thank you again for being such a gracious hostess last weekend, and for kicking our butts in your awesome classes! :D
RE: Happy Friday, Cathe!!!

"the radio I have in my office starts playing "Buttercup"..."

That's too funny Connie! Yes, the RT was a blast. We really learned a lot from the first one and feel we greatly improved on this one. I hope to meet you one day!!!!

Hi Cathe!
Thank you so much for you and all your crews hard work to make a perfect RT! You are such a sweet loving person! I hope to come back for another RT:)
Take Care
I understand. Can't wait to hear more about the workouts.

(P.S. I received my note yesterday. LOVED IT!!!!!)

Thanks. :)
RE: Happy Friday, Cathe!!!

Hi Dianne! It is true that it is hard to get motivated once returning home from a RT because the energy is our of this world on the RT and so hard to capture at home. I'm struggling with it too.

My regular class schedule is posted here:


Please call ahead if you come because I many times have to cancel for business trips. Hope to see you again :7
RE: Happy Friday, Cathe!!!

Hi Cathe!

I was surprised to see the gym is open on Labor Day! Wow.

I've done the day pass thing a few times on days off and would like to come over and k'box at least once before school starts. I'm thinking the 27th.

~Cathy http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/4.gif

"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
You are sooo sweet Donna, but gosh, my hair was so not cooperating the whole weekend. No time to fuss with everything going on, but really, who cares right? I just wanted to sweat and have fun with my fitness friends. My brown top came from Arden B, thank you for the compliment.
Oooooo Cathe just said hi to me :) :) :)

Newbie excitement! Anyways, I should be working my abs right now but... this is more of a prioroty.

I have a 15 yr old boy and a 5 yr old girl. My daughter likes to work out with me but she gets a little tired and has to modify much. ;) She says to me "you're doing that pretty lady again? She would like me to get her a step of her own, and maybe I should. It's a good lifetime habit to get into early. She is nothing but a great ball of energy!

Bye the way, I have had my long step since....ummmm.....1993. Sometimes it feels like the top is getting a little...spongy might be the word, should I replace it (and I already have 8 risers), so is it possible to just get a top?

Thanks, glad to see you're getting in with Altus, my lifting gloves are Altus. Will you have barbell sets, weights. mats, etc. with your Cathe logo on them?

Colleen :D
Hi, Cathe!

Could you give me a litle more info on your high step class you offer at your club, I'm looking forward to taking a couple of classes at your place this fall, and Wednesday would be best day for me.

Is it more of an advanced class..I am just learning step and don't want to embarass myself...:p I do see, though, that the class normally uses weights, so it's something I think i'd be interested in!!

RE: Happy Friday, Cathe!!!

Hi Cathe
I want so much to attend the next RT.
I have so many questions. I really need your input.
Do you prefer working out on a six inch step or 8?
Does it depend on you eight?
How tall is Jai, Lorraine, CeDe, Brenda?
Where did you get Brown shirt, White pants, Denim Capris, you were wearing in all the pictures?
And you are the Greatest.;-)
PS trying to change my name. How do I do this???
Hi Melissa! We are working with NFL all this week on premixes. We also have our own graphics people working on cover design and layout.

To keep eating in check, eat clean, drink water, up your protein a bit, eat a lot of dark leafy greens, eat complex carbs, vs simple sugars (unless a healthy piece of fruit) and get a great nights sleep too....

I'll pass on the words to crew and Cathe.com. They know I love them, I tell them all the time. I will tell them your kind words too. Thank you for acknowledging them. EVERYONE.... Chris, cathe.com employees, customer service, cast.....they all work SO HARD with me.
Hi Linda! I don't belive I am permitted to publicly deliver the handouts by the guest speaker. I'll have to check on that for you, ok?
Here's a good morning shout out to you Cathe. The sun is shining out here in San Diego. There's a great beach nearby for walking and collecting one's thoughts. In fact, lots of joggers like to take a run there each day! ;-)

Happy "back to school" shopping with the boys. Are they going to pick out their clothes for school?

I sure miss working out with you and 104 of my fellow trippers. It's just not the same working out with you in my bedroom. x(

Happy Friday!

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