Does anyone plan their housework?


Good Evening Ladies,
I was just wondering does anyone have a set schedule for anything? Or as life gotten so busy that we do things when we find the time?
Before I worked 2 part-time jobs, I did my hosuework on Tuesdays.Besides for the vacumming everyday(dog fur).Then when I started 2 part-time jobs, I had plenty of time to clean.I was off almost every weekend and even mondays.
Now I have started a full-time job,plus trying to keep my casual job until it become redundent.(Thank God I only have 7 weeks left!)And now I am having trouble doing the things I normally do.By the time I work,get home,eat,workout(priority),get my child in bed house work is falling behind.I manage to do bits and pieces but the vacumm ends up in the middle of the floor for 2 days before I get time to finish vacumming.
Not only the normal house work, but I need to clean my cupboards,and really dig things out.Throw out things that are no longer needed.And then a part of me wonders...Are we out growing our house??? There isn't to many places to store things anymore.The one place I have is in under my steps and thats filled up with boxes of summers clothes.
So I was wondering, should I look at my schedule a month in advance, and decide what days I am going to do my housework and maybe once every two monthes, schedule a day to dig out? Its just driving me crazy b/c we have things lying around thats never put in its proprer place.And then again....I don't even know if there is a proper place for things anymore.
Anyone have any ideas? Anything that you do? I wish I could have one of those houses that people walk in to and everything is nice and tidy but I don't think its possible.
hey Lori! sorry you life has gotten so hectic. i just clean whenever i think something is dirty, but i have heard around here something
about a flylady website. i'm not quite sure how it works, but i know several around here swear by it.

hope you settel into a routine soon and find some peace.

Do I ever plan my housework!!! In fact I plan more than I do it!!!:p I could have written alot of your letter. I too have been finding it extremely hard to get my cleaning done. I homeschool my youngest son, work p/t and run a pet/house sitting business. Add homework help with the other 2 dk's and other community/church involvement - my house is the most neglected area of my life.

A few years ago I discovered which was a huge help but since I've gotten busier I've altered the plans some. I split my cleaning up during the week. Mondays I'm home so that's laundry day. Tues. - dust; Wed - wash/wipe/polish; Thurs - menu planning/groceries etc; Friday - floors; Saturday - Zone cleaning (Zones as laid out by flylady)

Looks like a great system on paper. In reality I feel like I'm always behind with this great guilt of unfinished work hanging over my head. My family does do a lot. The kids are on a dishes rotation and they can actually do a great job now after years of training. Saturday everyone tidies up. Theoretically everyone is in charge of their own room - their rooms are a mess. DH helps out with just about anything albeit quite sporadically (and he thinks he's such a hero when he does!!!:) ). I occasionally simply say "Can we all spend 15 minutes cleaning up?" I set the timer and it's amazing what we can all accomplish in 15 mins. Sometimes I have to bribe my workers with ice cream.

I highly suggest checking out 'flylady' and making your own system to suit your lifestyle. I hope this helps. I know it's helped me to hear what others do to maintain household sanity.

It's not that important to me. Sometimes my house is clean, and sometimes it's pretty cluttered. I clean on Wednesdays (my day off) and either Saturday or Sunday. One day I do the downstairs and the other I do the upstairs. And one day I do the laundry. And if I get too busy on one of my cleaning days because I'd rather spend the time hanging out with my daughter, well...that floor doesn't really get a good cleaning until the next week. Oh well!

I'd rather enjoy my life than have one of those houses that people walk in to and everything is nice and tidy.
Go to your library and get the book "Speed Cleaning" by Jeff Campbell.
I hope I got his last name right. Just google it and you can get on their website.
It's a great read and helps you to really get the work done fast in a clear concise manner. Instead of hopelessly wandering in circles like I did.
I 2nd Trish with the Flylady suggestion!! I have always been good about housework, and a bit of a neat freak. Somehow I do the same stuff but it is way more 'slow and steady wins the race' kind of mentality. My family is happier and I am less stressed about it all. As a stay at home, homeschooling mom of three, (in a very small house mind you) my husband is always reminding me that we truly LIVE in our home and something will always be out of place or need cleaning. This helps us and hopefully you can find something useful in checking out her site.
I clean once a week and don't keep track anymore as to what day I will clean on since life can be hectic at times.
I always de-clutter the house once a week. I always find something to throw away...I love to throw out stuff that is not being used that way if you just do it then, you will not have anything accumulate. I can't stand stuff accumulating! My children go thru their own rooms and get rid of their own stuff which is whenever.
I looked at the flylady site, and that is just not my style. I love to get everything done in a day or two and not have to think about it for another week, including giving my dogs a bath and washing the cars inside and out. Whatever needs cleaning is done within the two days and then I can just relax afterwards.
Laundry is done daily and sometimes it just sits where it is when it is all done.

I have to go work sales for a few weeks without a day off so I am counting on my children to get things done while I am gone. They will have to cook and clean which I think will be great for them to take over once in awhile as it is a great learning experience for when they get their own place. I just hope I don't come home to dog poopy on the floor...that would freak me out!
I'm counting on them, but I am worried abit.
I do have one of those houses that People can walk into any time and I'm not emmbarressed. I also enjoy life. ( family of 6 here)
I have adopted the flylady system to fit my needs. What I have found to bethe most helpful are the daily and weekly routines. Yes I do plan my cleaning and stick to it. This system has workked for me for several months now. It even worked through the holidays. It is important to make the plan realistic. I don't spend the whole day cleaning. Another helpful tool is the Control Journal. It has taken me some time to get it fine tuned to my life but it is worth it. I'll talk to anyone if interested PM me or e-mail me. Flylady system works for me and I have more time for fun and Cathe sessions!
AKA "Likes2bfit"
I don't really have a set "habit" when it comes to cleaning and I don't plan it at all. I do it when I can or when I'm in the mood. Sometimes it's all at once and sometimes it's in bits and pieces. It depends on my mood, and my schedule. I do laundry often to keep the hamper from overflowing but don't do it ALL until the weekend comes. My DH and I can also tend to leave clean clothes in baskets for a while before they make it to the drawers. I don't mind if my house is not PERFECT...I am not a neat freak...but I must admit that things WILL start to bother me if they are dirty or messy or cluttered looking for too long. There are also things I clean on a very regular basis and others that I will let slide another week so I'm not cleaning for HOURS and HOURS every weekend. As long as my house is presentable for an unexpected knock at the door, I am satisfied.

DH helps out where he is "capable" and never complains that I didn't do something so any stress that I ever feel about housework I do to myself...

After my son is born, and he (and I ;)) are on some kind of "schedule", I intend to improve my cleaning habit a lot as I should have the time to be more thorough about it....but until is what it is...

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
This is what I did when I was pulling 12 hour shifts in the military overseas with 2 kids and a deployed spouse.
1. Keep clorox/lysol wipes in the bathroom and wipe down the toilet and counters while you're waiting for your morining shower to heat up. The rest will keep until a day off.
2. Get a good dog brush and use it daily! It makes a big difference and you'll only have to vacuum 2x a week.
3. Spend a couple of minutes cleaing up the collection points daily. You know, the place that everything gets dumped when you walk into the house.
4. This is a great FlyLady tip. Pick one room of the house daily. Set a timer for 15 minutes and work on that room for the 15 minutes. Actually, you can get the entire house cleaned up in a couple of hours using this method. Especially if you have a couple of kiddos to divide the labor with ;)
5. Always keep the entry way to your place straightened up. It's a total bummer to walk into a messy entryway when you come home.

Hope this helps,
Plan housework, are you kidding??? First of all, I'm not very domestic, but I work a full time job, a part time job, I'm working on my doctorate, and I NEVER miss a workout. The house gets done when I have nothing better to do, or it's on the verge of being out of control. I find housework to be a thankless job.

Thanks for the tips.I HAVE to check out that website. I feel a bit better today.I spent 1 1/2 hours earlier cleaning the kitchen.In that room alone, I had a full garbage bag of garbage:eek: I then took a couple of hours off, worked out and did some other stuff.When I got home, I got back at it again.I finished the kitchen,then I cleaned the french doors,cleaned the bathroom and folded and put laundry away.
Tomorrow I will tackle downstairs.The laundry room/workout room is a disaster.
I can't wait until I am only working one job!
Thanks again,
I know what you mean. Although the housekeeper cleans, it's up to me to go through all the stuff in the apartment and decide what stays and what goes and to keep things uncluttered. Unfortunately, there is no one who can do this for me. I can't stand all the paper that comes into the house, especially the mail. I hate the mail. I used to go through everything regularly, not now the filing just piles up for months. I'm becoming really conscious of it because I have houseguests coming next weekend. :(
I try to do a few things a day, like one day a couple bathrooms, another day vacuum 1st floor and wash kitchen floor, etc. However, I cannot manage this week at all b/c I am exhausted and need some free time like this forum. Last weekend I had to have the kids at a swim meet by 7 am for 6 hours each day. This weekend I have to have my son at a karate tournament and my daughter at another 2 day swim meet. She is coming up on certain competitions and wants a national ranking. How can I tell her no when it's her dream? Sooo, here I am for some mental relaxation reading about my favorite hobby and avoiding housework like it's the plague. Plus my perfectionist DH is having the floor ripped up in the entry room (he's not happy w/ how the wood looks) and is refinishing the rest of the 1st floor. Do I care? Not really since I went w/o a kitchen for almost a year when he tore down half the house to add on a second story, etc. Considering I have a working kitchen, I can live w/ my messy house and be very happy. ;) /karen
The people who really love you won't care how clean your house's the true test of family! I have golden retriever hair "bunnies" (actual bunny sized, too!) all over all the time...aargh!

Really though, between working; being a good parent (not just a present parent);working out; keeping in touch with people who are important to you; buying & preparing food; laundry; trips to the doctor, orthodontist, dentist and vet; trips Target for the things you constantly are running low on or that last minute important is a spotless house?

I've decided what works best for my family is that everything is tidy & put dishes in the sink or clothes on the floor. Beds don't get made unless company is coming & I know ahead of time.
Bathrooms & cooking area stays clean. I sweep up dog hair every day (and still it never looks swept). Truly, what doesn't kill us will make us stronger :)

Don't be too hard on yourself...just pick a few things that are a "must" for you & focus on that.

Oh, and my daughter can keep her room however she feels she can live with it (certain rules apply in order to avoid nail polish in carpet, etc). She really tidies more frequently than I anticipated when I stopped nagging her. Just close the door in the between times.

Hope this is helpful - Ginny

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