OT: What kind of work do you do?

Hello ladies!

I am a mother to 5 boys:

Kyle 14
Calvin & Spencer 11 (yes they are twins, and former 28 weekers)
Jason 10
Braden is 8

My twins are Autistic, and my youngest, Braden has severe ADHD.

I am an RN and I work in labor and delivery and Postpartum and we circulate and scrub our own c-sections (Very cool). I love working in labor and delivery, as I had all c-sections and never had the oppotunity to have a vaginal delivery.

I work every weekend, so I can stay at home with my children during the week.

:) ;-) :D :9 :p :7 :+
Hello All!

I am a Medical Technologist, currently working in Microbiology/Virology. I got my Master's in Computer Science a little while ago and am looking to switch my profession.
SAHM of a 9 year old son and Wife - for now. I have been home since I shattered a disk in my neck when I was a flight attendant. x( I did that for 15 years at USAirways (Piedmont original) and I loved my job. It was not the way I wanted to end my career but not much I can do about that. Prior to that I was a gymnastics coach and judge. I volunteer at my son's Luther school during the week.

I have dabbled in some things trying to work out of home. Cake decorating but my nerve damange in my hand from my injury won't allow that. Jewelry/beading but same thing. I have been thinking of millinery design but not sure.

Now I am seriously thinking of getting into real estate. I think that would be flexible for me and if I bust my rump I can have my little chunk of land in the USVI for retirement . . . and a summer home in Traverse City MI on a trout stream. . . :7

Very interesting, Calico. Thank you. It never occurred to me that it might have anything to do with religion.
I can totally understand that being a parent is the hardest, most stressful job in the world (not to mention the one with the highest reward). My job as an attorney is very stressful, but I'm sure it's like a day in the park compared to parenting.

I remember thinking as a kid that my mom had a harder job than my dad but my Dad got all the glory and got to wear the cool suits. I made up my mind at a young age that the easy job with all the glory was the way I wanted to go. Guess I was short-sighted, cause someday you'll have a fabulous grown-up daughter to share your life with! Hang in there!
I work for an insurance agent, and sell life, health, property/casualty. I detest my job! It does nothing to stimulate my brain or body - in search of something else next year!!!x(
I am the MIS Director and Accounting Manager for my company... In other words the computer and numbers geek... :) I enjoy the diversity of my position and they treat me pretty well.

I am also a single mom to two boys - Max is 12 and Mason is 10. Both very active in sports with baseball practice kicking into high gear next week - of course same days and times at two different schools... time to put on the mileage again....

I have 2 boys 16 & 18, a husband, and 3 dogs. I'm a special education resource teacher, I provide assistance to special education teachers, mostly to manage student behaviors. I also work part time as the bookkeeper for my husband's tree business, and I'm 75% finished with my doctorate. The only other thing thing I have time for is working out and cooking :)

Hi! I live in rural Louisiana and I work for a John Deere dealership. I am the accts payable clerk. I hate my job and am currently looking for new employment. I hope you like your job. I work in a soap opera.
I work for a large food company. Most of my career has been in the regulatory area at the corporate office, but I currently have an operations engineering job at one of the company's food plants. I have worked in the food industry for 14 years and have degrees in food science, nutrition and business.

I'm a mom to a 2 yo boy and 4 yo girl. Like others have stated, they are wonderful, but I do have to go to work to rest!
I'm a Medical Laboratory Technician and work in a lab in a hospital. I'm in Blood Bank and my job is to find crossmatch compatible blood for the hospital's patients so that they may have safe and effective transfusions. I prepare blood, cryoprecipitate, plasma and platelets for transfusion. I identify blood antibodies and ensure the safety of my patients.

Then I go home and work off my stress by doing Cathe and then I'm a wife and a dog-mom of two Shiba-Inu. I like that part of my day the best!!
Hello ladies!

Lots of fun sounding jobs here!

I am a software and web developer for a government consulting firm. In my spare time i workout and am pursuing my Masters in Information Technology. I love to cook, and try to learn as much as i can about nutrition and fitness and teach all my friends so they will be around as long as I will!!! haha
I wear a few different hats. I homeschool my youngest son and am mom to a 15yo boy and a 14yo girl. In response to why I homeschool - I started when we moved into the community my oldest would have gone into gr. 1 and I found out there were only 9 kids in the class and 5 were on ritalin!!! I was concerned that maybe the teacher had ADHD so I kept him home that year and it became a habit that was really hard to break. My ds and dd were homeschooled until Gr. 9. My youngest is trouble everywhere and has spent a year here and a year there - I think this will be his last year here.

I also work p/t doing admin work for our church. My dh is the senior pastor - it's been so much fun working together. So yes, I am sleeping with my boss and my dh is sleeping with his secretary!!!:eek: I also run a petsitting/housesitting business.

Right now, unemployed and losing my mind. Just completed a 21 year stint in the USAF as an x-ray tech. Spent the last 17 years of it bossing other x-ray techs around ;). Have an interview in Erie on Monday so pray, light candles and burn some incense for me. :+ I want to buy some Cathe (aside from the IMAX3 I just bought from janiejoey on eBay) and I need a job to do it. Will be going back to school to become a radiology physician assistant in a couple of years. That is all....
It's been really cool reading what all of you do. I would love to homeschool my kiddos. As it is, I tend to after-school them quite a bit.


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