Cathe-Possible Virus on this Site Alert


I believe that there is a spybot worm virus attached to this forum somewhere. Both of my computers were fine until I signed into this forum. My husband ran some checks (his expertise is computer/network security) and this is the only place they could have come from. You may want to have your webmasters run some scans.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,
We are also experiencing many virus problems as of late and have tried several different removal programs. I visit this forum daily, and have been notified by my virus scans that spy attempts have attempts tbeen made while on this web site. SNM, let us know what happens if you check this out.

Thanks you
It did come from here. On Friday we had roadrunner broadband installed and this was the only site I went to and received viruses. My husband is a network/security engineer and looked into it. We do have a firewall installed too. Yes, please, SNM, look into this. Thank you.
YES!! I have had problems with my computer too since about friday, maybe saturday.

Can't ya'll tell me how you removed it from your computer??
I tried a few different removal programs and no luck.
I've been having a lot more pop-ups lately too. I do a sweep almost everyday and they still pop up. We had been trying to figure out where it was coming from, now I'm beginning to wonder if it is this site. Could you guys check it out?
I'm not so sure it's the site because I'm at work and I haven't gotten one pop up. Maybe it's the virus protection.

Tia, we had to remove the profile from the computer. If you use Symantec, make sure that you have the latest definition files. If you do, then go to the website and download the removal tool.

Tracy, the network at your job is blocking it. That's why you're having no problems.

I'm sorry to hear that you have found a virus on your system but I absolutely doubt that you could have got it from this forum or

If anyone has opened this thread and is worried, please make sure you have done the following:

-- Update your anti-virus definitions - this should be done *at least* once per week, every week. If you don't have any anti-virus software, get some.
-- Update your firewall software, or get some if you don't already have one (you can get away without having one if you just use dial-up.) If you don't know how to set up a firewall, ask someone who does or use to search for advice and "How To..." articles.
-- Visit the Windows Update site and download any security patches and other updates. If you run a non Windows OS, please visit the appropriate update site.
-- Find a good spyware/adware removal tool. Do remember to update it and run it as often as you run your anti-virus software and other updates.
-- Last but not least. Back up your files and put them somewhere safe. If the worst happens and you lose your files because of a virus or crash (hardware or software) you will be glad you made a back-up. Please back up your files regularly and store any back ups you make onto an external device such as a CD, DVD or other external hard disk or storage device.

Good luck!
- Lisa :)
We're running a full security scan on the site, but we have not noticed any problems or unusual activity that would indicate a worm or a virus.
I haven't been having problems, but I ran a full virus scan anyway and nothing came up as infected. I also use a Firewall which may have blocked something. Those can be a nightmare to remove!
I had to download the yahoo pop-up blocker it is free.... I also have zone alarm.... I rarely get a pop-up.... Rhonda
Thanks for the quick follow-up SNM! I think it was attached to a link to FWOnline but you say that nothing untoward was found. Oh well...

Wow! Me too!
I've been having problems ever since last Thursday, esp accessing the yayas which I usually do from Cathe's links page!

I ran all my protections/updates etc & My noadware diagnostic test came up with check off :IE startpage
Something hijacked my Internet explorer!
Wow,thought it was just me!
Just an FYI, you don't actually have to surf the net to get hijacked. They can hit your IP # and do it as well, if you don't have an port scanner and your worried about being hijacked get one, it will tell you who is connectiong to which ports, and when they are connection to a port that they shouldn't shut the door and close them down.

Visiting a website and clicking on the links, is safe as long as you don't download something. I've been in internet security for years, and every report of I clicked on a web site and got a virus, has either been because the person downloaded something and it was a time bomb and just happen to go off after they visited the site. Or someone hit their ports and slipped their computer something.

It's really sad as most people do not know how to protect their computer and a lot of computer people don't either, as it can get extreamly complicated in a hurry. Also if your runing IE, you are asking for a virus, you are basically running around nude, in a very dark alley with a lot of creapy crawlies. If you want better protection then that, go get a different browser, all of them are free, and most will import your IE favorites, and you will not have a 100 tons of security holes. Yes MS makes updates, but that's only after enough people have been attacked, threw the holes they left in their program.

Right now Firefox, is offering a browser, and email client together. If you actually run a hardcore test on IE even with the latest updates, it still has as many holes as the drops of sweat you expire, doing the whole entire hardcore series.

And to top it off IE has days of PMS so it acts funny anyway. When the net was new and IE 2.0 first came out it was great, but then again everything was an experiment, but for some reason IE gets prettier, by putting make-up on, but it sure doesn't lift a muscle to workout. Other then doing more, it still has a lot of the same holes that it did 8-9 years ago. And hackers know this, and they will use it to their advance, as they sit there all day just scanning the net for IP addresses and when they find an address that uses IE, and hardly any other protection, your free game.

Even on my system, every month I have over 500 hits on different ports that I don't allow to be open, and they aren't from any websites or activies I've been doing. They are from hackers trying to find an easy target and know that once they get into a certain port, they can set virus off, they can grab passwords and personal info.

If you are having problems with your computer, first thing to do is get a very good firewall and close all ports that you are not using. As well as set the ports so that you have to accept or decline they opening for something. Yes it's a pain in the butt, but if your on a large ISP, like AOL, earthlink, sprint, etc. It's well worth it, as that's will the hackers will hit. They know people who are on those networks don't know much about computers. So to them they are like sheep and they can just take whatever one they want, whenever they want. Your computer doesn't even need to be turned on for them, to play with it. So don't ever think I had my computer off all day, there is no way anything could have happen to it, it must have been that webpage back there that caused the problem. As it more or less usually isn't. As most webpages doen't have active execution. And if it does, you shouldn't be on that site as it's a hackers site and they are just grabbing all the data they need to easily find you again.

Also back up your data, at least once a month I know it's a pain but when you get a virus and have got to fix your computer it's well worth it. And speaking of viruses, your protector is only as good as the person who made it. Which means it's human and makes mistakes and doesn't always see things. Also keep it updated and check and make sure its updating if it's an auto update one, they don't always auto update, sometimes they just download the file for you and expect you to install it. Which if your not installing the file, your not protected.

I really wish computer secuirty would get simple so the average user had decent protection but it looks like that's years away still. As on a daily basis I see people who have been hacked, gotten viruses, etc. And have had all the right equipment, it was just the fact it wasn't set up properly, or the hacker found a hole that their protectors just didn't cover, which is very common.

Also be very very careful with your email virus protection or not, you can still get a virus, as no one can keep up with all the new viruses out there. It would be like trying to count how many hairs are on your head, by counting one hair at a time. It's just not possible due to time constraints. And the fact that the virus softwear companies want to make money. So they aren't going to hire, a million programs to write something for every virus, they'll let some slide and take care of other ones. Business is will business and your there to make money, not lose it.

Do keep your computer well backed up and start learning to really use your firewalls, and your virus protectors, port scanners and get rid of IE, at least until they start filling in the holes that they left 7 years ago, and actually making something that doesn't look holier then swiss cheese.

Kit, that's a great post! I just hope the non-techs understood it although you were crystal clear. I hope this thread will do the job of scaring those who haven't got around to securing their computers into doing so.

- Lisa

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