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  1. F


    Can I go? I'm afraid I won't no anyone :(
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    Friends-Who needs them?

    I think most people on this forum are like that, so I'm not sure if you're going to get the answer you're looking for here. I do agree on doing an activity you enjoy where you meet some new people, maybe take an exercise class or see if your college offers exercise/nutrition courses.
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    anyone from wisconsin

    Good thing the WI governor didn't pass the small game license to include cats, lols
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    Personal much $$$ do you make

    >I've always wondered myself. I'm figuring if my gym charges >$65 an hour the trainer is probably getting half that. I'm >further figuring w/the 25 or so trainers at my gym they >couldn't be working more than 4-5 hours per day, if that. So >that's generously about $750 a week, or about...
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    where to begin

    Pyramid Upper and Lower Body DVD is good for toning up. There are some good premixes on the DVD that makes it a really good bang for buck.
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    anyone ever jump rope w/ Michael Olijade?

    It's good to do on rebounder. I don't have high enough ceilings for jump roping.
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    ? about protein they taste like slim fast shakes?

    The Isopure shakes Cathe uses also come in fruity flavors; Apple Melon, Alpine Punch, Pineapple Banana Orange and Mango Peach. Haven't tried any myself yet but they will be the next ones I try.
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    stability balls

    I think I need a new and better stability ball. I've been using a Reebok one and it came with a hand pump and it's really a pain to inflate. Then only a few days later and it starts losing some air and I have to pump air into it again. Can anyone recommend a good stability ball that isn't too...
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    save old fitness mags or toss them?

    Does anyone save thier fitness, fashion and beauty magazines? I have so many all around the house and in boxes and they take up some room. I'm trying to decide if I should throw them out or if I'll actually need them one day. Some have workouts or recipes in them or a celeb on the cover I like...
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    is it possible to have a fit body without...

    I think Cathe is is the exception. So it is basically the norm or expected if you get buff to get breast implants? Most of the women in fitness videos and magazines have them. If one day I wanted to become a personal trainer or something in the exercise/fitness field would it look out of place...
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    is it possible to have a fit body without...

    Is it possible to have a fit, toned body without having to get breast implants? Or does it just look incomplete without having them?
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    The best fragrance ever!

    I still haven't found my special fragrance yet that make people ask what I'm wearing or say that I smell good. I wish I had a Sephora around my area. I may just order Falling in Love from QVC though to try it. DebbieH, There's a PaulHarris website that has a Haberdasher cologne, maybe it's...
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    What's your favorite Disney movie?

    Nightmare Before Christmas. I see some hard to find Disney movies going for big bucks on Ebay, it reminds me of the hard to find Firm tapes.
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    How many of you use protein supplements..which one?

    Most of the ones I've tried taste pretty bad. I just can't make myself drink something everyday that doesn't taste good. Oh yeah, adding fruit, milk and yogurt and whatever else and you'll have a snack that can add up to over 500 calories, not good for some of us. I eat protein bars sometimes...
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    karen voight

    I was wondering if anyone here did Karen Voight's workouts and what you would consider "must have" DVDs of hers. I have the Great Weighted Workout already and wanted to add a few more to the collection. TIA.
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    Recs for Vegan Cheese Please

    It says shipping UPS ground is $13.70 (still more than the products). It says: To ensure that you receive a fresh, chilled product, we use styrofoam containers to ship our refrigerated grocery items. A container deposit of $5.00 is included in your shipping charge. To receive a FULL REFUND of...
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    Pilates effectiveness study

    That's kinda like saying you'll lose weight from just lifting weights. We all know what you're eatting counts for most of how much you'll lose and doing something aerobic will help burn more calories. The article didn't say what those people were eatting. I've actually had good results with...
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    Which Fitness Celebrities that is annoying to you???????

    I can't think of any that annoy me that much. I am getting kinda annoyed with the fakness of the Firm's instructors since they seem to be trying to fit in to a Barbie doll mold more and more each time a new BSS comes out. Denise Austin used to annoy me too but one day I was watching her on...
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    gym style premixes

    Are options on the Gym Style upper body workouts that cut the workouts in half? Could I get an entire upper body workout in an hour using both upper body workouts?
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    Anyone a "ya ya?" Anyone buying the new FIRM "Transfirmer" kit?

    RE: Anyone a >What is the yaya's web address. I used to visit and post but >are they member only now? Thanks for the info! >Lisa > It's on Cathe's links page. Yea, they are members only now. :o