Recs for Vegan Cheese Please


Hi all!

Can anyone recommend a tasty vegan cheese- preferably something like a block of cheese, shredded cheese, or sliced cheese?

Hi Gina...sorry I can't help. But the only cheeses I have found that say vegetarian (not vegan) have Casein in them. Which is a skim milk product. My DH uses one like that. Maybe Kathryn would know...:)...I'll do a search...:)...Carole

Wow...even with slow dial-up I found a site...says its meltable...:7 Info.htm :)
Thanks Carole! That's the site I found also! Apparently the reviews on veggie boards are good. I don't recall seeing this brand in my local Whole Foods, so I considered ordering it from the site. The shipping was literally like $70, because I suppose they have to pack it specially and send it quickly. Now I love cheese, but not that much!!!
I know the shippind is awful. I did get some Mozzarella and Cheddar as my DH loves cheese. I might have to get some friends together so we can split the cost!!!...:)...Carole
It says shipping UPS ground is $13.70 (still more than the products). It says:
To ensure that you receive a fresh, chilled product, we use styrofoam containers to ship our refrigerated grocery items. A container deposit of $5.00 is included in your shipping charge. To receive a FULL REFUND of the $5.00 container deposit (and to help protect our environment), we encourage you to recycle the container by returning it to us for re-use. Simply affix the enclosed, prepaid, return label to the shipping carton, and then give the package to any UPS driver, or drop it at an authorized UPS location

I never ordered refrigerated things, not sure how good it would be having it lay in a UPS truck for a few days?
I wouldn't trust a cheese shipment in a UPS truck all the way from CA to Jersey. If it were frozen, that'd be okay, but I'm leary about it otherwise!
There is at least one vegan block cheese. Toffuti, I think? I've found it in a health food store.

Better yet, buy the book "The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook." It has recipes in for making your own vegan cheese, much better than the stuff in the store, from what I've heard (I haven't tried many of the recipes myself).
Kathryn to my rescue, as usual! I actually ordered "Unchesse" but haven't read it yet. I suppose now is the perfect time!

I know there is a Tofutti sour cream which is really good. I have never seen any block Vegan cheeses yet.

I am in CA so I'll give this (expensive) Earth Kind Vegan cheese a try. I also have gotten some things in the mail that needed to be refridgerated and haven't had any problems as of yet...:)...Carole
In searching and searching (mostly b/c I just became a vegan and am missing cheese, mostly pizza related, more than just a little) this was also the most promising that I came across. I know, the shipping is terrible, but I called around to all the health food/whole food/natural food places and one store actually carries it. $4.29 for a 10oz. block. I'm going to make a trip tomorrow, and maybe even a pizza (100% whole wheat crust, lots of veggies, of course:9 :9 ). I'll let you know how it is, and if it's worth the investment. Also, you should call every store in your area b/c I don't live in a very big town (only had 4 stores to even call :) ) and one other store was willing to order it for me.
Thanks so much Mattea! I checked Whole Foods & Trader Joes yesterday, but neither had it. I'm probably half an hour or so away from the Whole Foods in NYC, well, maybe an hour with parking lol, and they must carry it!
JCrew, maybe you should just "get over" cheese. I mean, I can't really, mentally, consider a food "clean" if it is smothered in cheese, even Vegan cheese. Does it look "clean" to you?

I know it's just my 2 cents worth. I wish you the best.

I vote for Vegan-Rella! Yum! It even melts!
P.S. be careful with Tofutti products. They like to use hydrogenated oils.
Val..thanks for the "head's up" on Tofutti products! I ran and checked and my Tofutti sour cream has no transfat!!!...:)...

Gina...I think the Follow Your Heart cheese is clean. The worst part is the oil but it is canola oil and that is so much better than transfat. Besides a little won't hurt and I usually only use cheese on Veggie pizza, now my DH on the other hand...:)...cheese fiend...x( :7 ...Carole
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up on the Vegan "Follow Your Heart Cheese." We got the mozzarella flavor and the texture is softer and kind of grainy (not in an unpleasant way, it actually slices very nicely). It was only $3.99 for a 10 oz. brick and about half a brick covered a 20 inch THIN crust whole wheat veggie pizza, (I told you I'd be good ;-) ). It was pretty tasty, but and melted sort of the way lower fat cheeses melt and of course it isn't stringy b/c is has no casein in it. The flavor is very mild and the pizza was delicious. I would say if you are used to a pizza with a lot of cheesy, gooey, cheese then you're out of luck, but if you were trying to eat clean before and only used regular mozzarella sparingly then this will pretty much accomplish the same thing.
As a side note, I would go hours out of my way or spend a lot of money for it, just make your sauce, toppings, and dough as flavorful as possible and ditch the cheese on the pizza-there's enough other flavor and texture there. However, this combined with other flavors of vegan cheese might be really killer on a grilled vegetable panini, just a suggestion.
If you have any other questions let me know,
Thanks Mattea...I gave up the real gooey cheese on pizza years ago, so this sounds good. My DH is kinda like Mieky in that commercial a long time ago "He eats anything" and I would rather not see him eating the veggie cheese with casein...:)...Carole

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