Pilates effectiveness study

Thanks Lois! It was interesting but also confirmed what I thought. Thanks for sharing!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I like pilates for it's toning abilities and for it's effectiveness at increasing flexability ...I never believed it was an effective way to lose weight on it's own though...I have always used it in addition to a regular cardio and weight routine. :)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
Thanks for the link Lois! I enjoyed the info and tend to agree with the findings. Mari Winsor always says that her Pilates is great for weight loss, but if I recall correctly, in one of the brochures she always recommends some cardio for 30 min daily.

Thanks again!
Thank you Lois for sharing that article. I do Pilates here and there, and thought the same as what the article says.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
That is intereresting, especially since I just started it. Thanks for sharing.

Although after doing it once I can't imagine anyone would be under the impression that it's an effective cardio workout. Toning yes, but cardio? No way!
Pilates barely did anything for me. I tried to get into it so many times but just couldn't. Definitely not a cardio workout. As for muscle toning... maybe if you're a beginner. If I want something for my abs, core, flexibility and balance, there's always yoga.

Makes you think there are actually people out there who are doing Pilates to burn calories and lose weight. Talk about uninformed. (eye roll).
I love my Pilates sessions but definitely treat them as a supplement to my strength and cardio work.

It makes me angry to see the infomercial-marketed "fat-burning Pilates" workouts and think of the beginners and overweight people desperate to lose weight who are suckered into thinking that Pilates alone will do it for them. Hope this study gets widespread press in fitness and women's magazines so people can clue in.

>I lost 75 lbs doing Pilates (nothing else) and eating
>whatever I wanted.}(

I WISH it was that easy!!!!:)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
While I was doing yoga and pilates exclusively (and walking my dog)---I gained about 50#.

Back to Cathe and running and ---size is coming down!

'Nuf said. :p
a) not enough participants to be statistically significant
b)not enough known about the exercise group and confounding factors
c) what was control group
d) how were measurements made
e) not peer reviewed

Can't make any conclusions.
That's kinda like saying you'll lose weight from just lifting weights. We all know what you're eatting counts for most of how much you'll lose and doing something aerobic will help burn more calories. The article didn't say what those people were eatting.
I've actually had good results with pilates and some yoga. My abs and thighs are more toned and firm, which were my goals. If I do too much weight training with my legs they get bulky.

The article does say:
The researchers found that, on average, a person weighing 75 kilograms (or 165 pounds) burns 480 calories per hour from an advanced workout, 390 calories per hour from an intermediate routine, and 276 calories for every hour of a basic Pilates workout.

It does burn calories, about the same as a weight training workout. I weigh about 130, so I'm guessing I burn about 200-400 calories doing an hour of pilates, doesn't sound that bad to me!

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