anyone ever jump rope w/ Michael Olijade?


I did the Cathy Smith Aerobox tape and the jump rope sections about knocked my socks off! Well besides jumping rope being super challenging, he has to have such intricate moves. Dang I'm not coordinated enough. I hope I do better than lasting a minute or 2. Really takes my breath away.

That is my favorite old school video! The first time I did it, my calves were sore for almost a week! I have always wanted to try more from him, don't have the courage yet! If you get anything else from him let me what you think! In fact, you know what, I will get it and let you know what I think!

Hi Debbie
I have all of Michael's jump rope tapes.In my opion they are the most intense cardio vidoes on the market.I don't know what is but jumping rope kills me yet I have no problem with Imax 3.
Take care
Hi! I regularly jump 3 x per week, at least. Michael Olijade's tapes are great for teaching different steps which you can use on your own to your own music. I started by doing 1 minute jumping than 1 minute toe taps and built from there. Now I do 30-45 minutes straight. Learn how to do the boxer shuffle. You are still working but that move is a resting move in a way because it takes pressure off of my calves. I do 1-5 minutes of a particular jump (basic, side to side ski hops, Ali shuffle, aerorun, etc.) and then do a couple of minutes of shuffles. I've been at it about 6 years and still love it.

I love Micheal's original Aerojump the best, but his 3 dvd set is good also. I haven't mastered the moves on the advanced one, but it is fun to try. Just train your kids to stay out of the way (a rope in the face sucks) and wear long pants to begin with because you'll probably get smacked every once in awhile until you get the hang of it. I also jump on puzzle mats from Home Depot to help absorb shock, but I have never had any pain except in the calves (burning!) or if I hit myself with the rope.
I've never jumped rope with Michael Olijade, but I tried jumping rope with Michael Ondaatje once. Lemme tell you, it's tough to jump rope while holding an engrossing novel!


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