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  1. E

    The Compendium has been emailed

    Wow, thanks so much Lunacat and Aquajock, it's absolutely awesome, just what I needed. Elissa
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    Hello, my name is....

    Hello, we're very similar I'm 41, live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I have only an 8 year old daughter, and my hobbies are Cathe (for the last 3-4 years, I have them all) running, gardening and "home improvements" . pretty scary... (ok, I don't do Tae Bo, although I'm sure I'd love it)...
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    Questions for Marathon Runners

    Hi Lynn, I agree music really helps. I've also watched Cathe tapes while running, that's how i previewed the hardcore series. I live in Toronto, Canada and I'm training for the Ottawa half marathon on May 29. When's yours? Any other Catheites reading this planning to run in Ottawa? Elissa
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    Questions for Marathon Runners

    Hi Lynn, I don't have any suggestions but I wanted to say you have company. I'm also training for a 1/2 marathon, at the end of May, and currently running exclusively on the treadmill. I got the treadmill a week before the hardcore series, and I've been having a hard (but fun) time getting it...
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    Frustrated with results

    Hi Trish My thighs always gain size when I stop running, and running is the only excercize I found that can bring their size down, even while maintaining my weight. I've finally got a treadmill for winter running because I miss it so much. I love Cathe too, so it's hard to get it all in, but...
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    Calling all runners!

    I'm training for a half and I find that about every other week I'm just too tired to put in 4 runs, in that case I substitute a stretch tape for a run, add in some abs, and it helps me recover. For weights I do one upper body day (heavy, trying to keep muscle mass) and one circuit training day...
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    Husband, excercise, and smoking - advice please

    Thank you so much for your kind words, you're all absolutely right and I have calmed down today. I was so shocked last night I just got overly upset. The lying is what really hurt me, because Clare hit it on the head, he did have an affair before, and even though we somehow survived that, when...
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    Husband, excercise, and smoking - advice please

    I caught my DH smoking again today, second time in a month. We have a long history (over 10 years) of arguments over this which I thought had finally ended 2 years ago when he had quit completely, but it's back, and I'm so disapointed. What seems so incredible to me is that a few months ago he...
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    I can't do power scissors!

    I hear you, I find them the toughest. I posted something about it and got some great advice, I can do them, but not a lot of them, like the interval in Imax I. It does help not to go too...
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    power lunges/scisors

    Aquajock and Clare, Thanks so much, these are great suggestions. I'll work on building my leg endurance since that seems to be missing. Because I tend to bulk up I already do a lot of circuits workouts and my favourite leg workouts are PLB and L&G, but I should go back to LL for awhile. I...
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    power lunges/scisors

    Cathe, you just leave me in the dust with two things: biceps and power scisors. I'm actually making progress on the biceps and have increased my weights on them but I'm getting very frustrated with my lack of progress on power lunges (in L&G and I-max, body max I think also). I'm short and...
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    hey hippahips/pinky :)

    Hi Rhonda, I'm sorry if I offended you, I probably shouldn't have said anything that sounded critical. Your recent posts remind me of myself three years ago, and we are so similar in so many ways. I'm 5ft, and 40. I went from 138lbs to 106lbs, and was trying to lose more, thinking my "ideal"...
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    hey hippahips/pinky :)

    Hi Rhonda, Wow, that's impressive, but scary. From what you said it sounds like you're eating no more than 1200 kcals/day and burning at least 400 kcals/day in excersize. I hope I'm wrong in my calculations. If not then it's no wonder you're losing weight (and muscle), but be careful or your...
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    What are your reasons for preordering the new workouts?

    RE: What are your reasons for preordering the new worko... As all of the above + I've been wanting a tubing workout for when I travel and DVD #1 has both upper and lower body with tubing. They also use the stability ball so I'm not sure it'll work, but I may be able to modify. I'm sure I'll use...
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    Nwe Years Resolution Rotation/January

    What a great rotation! It certainly delivered what it promised, I lost the holiday pounds, and I had a blast. I modified the order a little to get some of the longest workouts on the weekends, and added a few evening sessions when I couldn't get up early enough to do everything in the morning...
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    7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Programs

    I'm not sure there is a single set of rules for all. I've tried eating 6 mini meals and it really didn't work for me. I ended up being always hungry, never satisfied and always thinking about food. 4 meals works best for me, breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. If I'm hungry later I might have...
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    Need new stability ball- suggestions wanted!

    I recommend my daughter's "bouncy ball" called Hop!55. It has a handle and you're supposed to sit on it and jump. It works just great as a stability ball (that's what I've been using), the handle is easy to get around. It's kid-proof and Cathe proof. My daughter could teach Cathe some great...
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    Are you from Canada, eh?

    I've been living in Toronto for 21 years. I'm 39 and I have a 6 year old. I gained a ton of weight with pregnancy and beyond (always had a tendency to be chubby, but I was hitting obese territory as I was going through some tough times). I decided to finally do something about it 2 years ago. I...
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    another chick with thick thighs!

    I also have thick thighs, with fat at the knees and the inner top that resist any weight loss. I'm only 5' so its even more ugly. Lifting helps but I have found that running really changes the shape of my thighs and make them much leaner. You mention that you run. I think longer distances is...
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    Adding Cardio to Advanced Total Body Blast Rotation

    I feel the same way. I love the intensity series but I need more cardio for weight and mental sanity control, unfortunately I don't have the time to tack on cardio on top of current workouts so I'm ending that rotation as soon as I get the cardio tapes I ordered and I'll start a new...