Calling all runners!


I'm wondering how this rotation will work with my marathon training I'm starting.

M- Circuit Training (Bootcamp, C and W, Circuit Max, Bodymax etc)
T- Run
W- Circuit Training (see above)
TH- Run
F- All weights (ME, PH, MIS, SS, PP etc)
Sun- long run

Also, I can't decide which would be better....3 days of running per week or 4? I've got training plans for both. Any opinions?
Can you get your mileage in with only running 3 days per week? I am training for a half marathon and have found that running only 3 days per week, I don't get in enough mileage to really increase the distance of my long runs.

I have recently cut back on some of my non-running workouts, to give myself more energy for my runs, in hopes that I can get my weekly mileage up and make my long runs easier. Right now, my legs seem to get fatigued and my make long runs a real struggle.


I think that running 4 days a week would be better when preparing to run a marathon. I have ran 4 half marathons and always ran at least 4 days a week to train for them.

Just a suggestion, cut out one of the circuit training days and maybe you could do a short run and weights.

I found weight training very beneficial in training to run a race. that is great you are incorporating it in..

Have a great day and good luck with your training and race!!!

Well that's what I'm not sure about. I have various training plans for a marathon and some are 3 days of running and some are 4. How do you know which is best? What are you doing for workouts on your non-running days? I've been way over training for the last year or so by doing 2 sometimes 3 workouts per day and cutting back to just one solid workout per day is a major break through for me. I just can't take it anymore plus its not getting me any results. Any advice you can give me would be much appreciated!
How about this then?

M- Circuit training tape
T- Run
W- Circuit training tape
TH- Run
S- Run
Sun- Run

Maybe switch that second circuit day with the Fri so the two weight days are far apart. Is that going to be enough weights? Oh I see, maybe one day of circuit weights and one day of more serious weights? Is that what you're saying?
I don't know what your goal is for your marathon. Do you just want to finish it?
When I am training for a marathon, I run, that's it, no other aerobic activity. If I do any resistance training at all, it is light.
My goal when running a marathon is not only a personal best time, but more importantly, to train and finish without injury. This is no small task.
You have to train your body to endure this kind of mileage and in order to do that, you have to run.
Just a suggestion

I just read your proposed schedule.. and it does sound like you might need to add the extra day of running..

How about instead of doing a circuit training tape on Monday or Wed do just an upper body workout followed by a light run? I don't know how long you usually work out for, but if you didn't want to strength train for an hour and THEN add a run, you could do the upper body portion of MIS ,PH, or ME if you fast forward through all of the leg work. That would give you approx. 30-40 minutes upper body and then however long you like to run for.

Good Luck with your training. I am in awe of marathoners!!!

Lynn M.
I agree with runninggal about adding more running and no other cardio. I have run 12 marathons and normally put in 40-50 miles a week during my training. I do that in 5-6 days. It does also depend on your goals? I didn't really follow any specific rotation during my training but usually I did weights along with just running. Not Cathe just traditional exercises...Upper body 3x a week, lower body 3x a week, and abs 3-4x a week. Not all runners work their legs as I do, but for me it worked very well. I haven't done a marathon in about 2 years and have focused alot on Cathe workouts and other cardio, so when I start training again in August I am not quite sure what lifting I will do, but I know it is good for injury prevention also....:)...Carole
Hi Ladies,

I'm also a marathon runner and have finished 9 of them. I usually run 4 days per week. The following is what I did to train for the Sand Diego marathon and like Carole I had not done a marathon for 2 years due to injury, but with Cathe's tapes and 18 week marathon training program from I completed it and felt great.
The following is my training:


I will be using the advanced program on for my next marathon in December and doing ME and
I'm training for a half and I find that about every other week I'm just too tired to put in 4 runs, in that case I substitute a stretch tape for a run, add in some abs, and it helps me recover. For weights I do one upper body day (heavy, trying to keep muscle mass) and one circuit training day. My legs are looking muscular and are actually getting leaner from the running, but also get tired and sore so I don't add a lot of lower body. So this is what two weeks typically look like for me

Monday - rest
Tuesday - run
Wed - run (interval)
Thu - Upper Body (PUB, CTX UB, MIS) and abs
Fri - run
Sat - circuit (BC, gauntlet+abs)
Sun - Long run
Monday - rest
Tuesday - Upper Body (PUB, CTX UB, MIS) and abs
Wed - run (interval, ImaxI sometimes)
Thu - EZ run and/or Classical Stetch and abs
Fri - run
Sat - circuit (BC, gauntlet+abs)
Sun - Long run

It's my first half marathon, so I'm not sure if this is ideal, but listening to my body and taking it easier or harder depending on how I'm feeling seems to be working well for me, both mentally and physically. I wish you the best in your training


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