Questions for Marathon Runners

Lynn M.

Hi there:

I am training for my first 1/2 marathon that takes place in a month.

Yesterday was my long run (10 miles) which is the longest I have ever run at this point. Well, I must say, it just wasn't pretty, I totally hit the wall at 7 miles. Going into the run I felt like I was pretty hydrated, well fueled, etc, but the fatigue that hit me was huge, and quite discouraging. I also did hydrate quite well throughout my run, so I don't think dehydration was a factor.

I wanted to find from all of you experienced marathoners if those power gels/goos might be something I should use to help keep my energy up during these long runs. If so, do you have any recommendations on which ones are the best?

In hindsight, I probably was running a bit too fast (for me) and next week when I attempt my run, I will probably slow it down as well.

Do you have tips for me on far as pacing? Is it better to start out fast if it feels good or should I try to maintain a steady pace throughout. ( or is different for everybody? )

Thanks so much in advance,

Lynn M.
Hi Lynne....are you hydrating with a sports drink or just water? I do use Accelerade sports drink and their gel also. But I only use gel if I am doing a real long run, about 18 miles.

You really have to experiment with what to drink and eat. I think you might have answered your question and yes, you probably went out too fast for the distance. I think for longer distances it is better to start out slow, for short runs you can usually go all out...:)

Do you use a Heart rate monitor? I have for years and it does help with my pacing. Everybody is different. My fastest marathon I did hold a steady pace but I have a good friend that starts out very slow and then picks up her pace halfway through.

Are you following any kind of training schedule?...:)...Carole
Hi Lynn M.

I think you should probably start out slower and keep a steady pace, you can also experiment with the gels and sports drinks to see what works for you..

Good luck on your half mary!!!

When I do a 10-miler I keep my HR at 150-155 and try to stay there till the end. I actually make my own sports drink using equal amounts of orange juice and water with a little added salt. Got that from Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guide Book. My stomach likes this much better than Aquarius or Gatorade. My son prefers Aquana for our long runs.

Oh, and we have an oatmeal breakfast about two hours before we go.

I use GU when I'm doing runs over 7 miles. One package at about that time really makes a tremendous difference for me.

I HIGHLY recommend Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook mentioned above.

Make sure you experiment with the enery gu/gel things now during your training and also with sports drinks. Don't use your race day to try new things.

As for hitting the wall at 7 miles - what did you eat the night prior? I try to eat a small bagel or a slice of toast at least one hour before my long runs.

And, those energy gels really saved me during my marathon. I took one about every hour (4X in my case).

Pacing yourself is one of the most difficult things to remember during a long run, especially in the beginning of your run when you have lots of energy.

Good luck!
Hi everybody!!

Thanks so much for the wise advice and info. I think next week I will definitely try a sports drink or the OJ concoction and see if that doesn't help. Combined with a slower pace I am optimistic it will help! :)

As far as following a training schedule, I was kind of following one from Hal Higdon. However, with a job that has me travelling quite a bit lately and Cathe's new Hardcore series, I have been playing around a bit to try and get it all in.

My rotation ( in theory ) until April looks like this:
Mon- Chest GS/Abs/ CTX Step or CTX Kickbox
Tues: Long run 10-12 miles
Wed GS Back,Shoulders/Bis and some abs
Thurs: Short Interval run (35 min) +leg strength workout
Fri: Tris/Abs +1/2 hour of lap swimming
Saturday: Moderate run 5-6 miles, extensive stretch (ie Stretch Max)
Sun: rest

Does it look like I need to switch anything up? Other than my long run day, it is a rotation that is something that I am pretty comfortable with.

PS.. Beverly, your pic is gorgeous.. I covet your abs!!!

Thanks again, Lynn M.

Good question about what I ate the night before.. I was wondering about what would be a good meal to eat on the eve of a run...I have always heard to eat pasta, rice, etc . The night before this run, I had a big meal.. big salad, chicken tacos, rice and beans, and fruit.

The morning of the run I had eaten a bowl of high protein cereal w/ (low fiber as I have heard that high fiber pre run can be a bad thing), milk, and a banana.) This was about 3 hours beforehand.

Should I have eaten or done something different?

Lynn...its great you got some very good advice!! As for the meal the night before a long run....pasta, pizza, I tend to have more chips and maybe some cookies. It could be psychological as if I eat a bit of junk food I run better...:)...your breakfast looks fine as I usually eat oatmeal or another type of cereal with some protein powder, but I run within an hour, so maybe the 3 hour wait took some energy away from you...???

Kind of a rule of thumb I followed years ago before marathons was to take the race distance you are training for (13.1 miles) and run double that distance as a weekly total (weekly, 26.2 miles) As far as your rotation goes, it looks good, although you might want to put the leg strength day on a day you don't run or at least not an interval running day. I have never had a problem with leg strength and running on the same day but have read from others, they can't do really is an experiment with your own body an how it reacts...let us know when the half is and how you do...:)...Carole
Hey Carole-

Thanks again for the info. I didn't know about the mileage rule of thumb.. very helpful!! Also, I don't seem to have problems strength training my legs post shorter runs. I did it today and it felt pretty good!! ( Thank goodness, I can't give up too much of the weight training,, I like it too much!!)

OK one more question if you don't mind.. I live in Michigan right now and while I don't mind running in the cold, there is too much snow on the roads to be safe. So, I have been hitting the treadmill for my training. As soon as the snow melts, I'll be back outside, but, well this IS Michigan so it might be awhile!! Any words of wisdom on what to expect when treadmill training vs outside running training for long durations?? I am mentally preparing for the 1/2 marathon run to be much harder due to pavement, hills, etc...tell me I am wrong?!?!?! ;)

Now, enough about me... are you in process of training for a marathon right now as well?? When and where? :)

Lynn M.
Hi Lynn,
I don't have any suggestions but I wanted to say you have company. I'm also training for a 1/2 marathon, at the end of May, and currently running exclusively on the treadmill. I got the treadmill a week before the hardcore series, and I've been having a hard (but fun) time getting it all in. I'm doing a very similar program to yours, (no swimming though). Was your 10 miles on the treadmill? I've only gone 6 miles on it so far, and I was getting pretty bored.
I ran a half last fall, and continued long runs until the weather got too bad (up to 16 miles). I got through the long runs, however difficult it was getting, simply because I had to get back home! I don't think I'll have the motivation to do very long runs on the treadmill, although I love it for shorter workouts (it's great for intervals and hill repeats). I can't wait for spring. It's not looking to good right now.
I did want to say that for me how well I run depends not so much on nutrition, but on sleep. Make sure to get lots of sleep 2 nights preceding your long run.
All the best,
Lynn..I don't mind any questions at all...:)...unfortunately I have rarely run on a treadmill (like 3 times). So not much knowledge there. I do know from marathon runners that they like to do long runs on the same type of terrain they will do the marathon on. Not sure if that is the same for half marathons. So, my only guess would be the actual half will be alot tougher than a treadmill, just due to the terrain. But training for a full and a half can be alot different. And the rule of thumb about weekly distance I gave you is from a long time ago, but it worked well for me although training does keep changing...I am quite fortunate as living in Calif we don't have much snow here..

Thanks for asking...:)..I am actually tapering until the 12th of March. I am doing a 50K (31 miles) on trails. A run I have wanted to do for about 5 years!! Good luck and when is your half???...Carole
The rule I use is that my weekday (Mo-Fr) mileage is about 50% of my total weekly mileage. So if I'm running 10 miles on the weekend, my runs through the week should total 10 miles also. Doesn't always happen though ;-))) And if I run 4 times per week, I'd run 3-4-3-10 miles. If I run only 3 times per week it would be 4-6-10 miles. I don't do run intervals though, my knees don't like it and I have to be careful with hill repeats.

Carole, can't wait to hear about your race.


Wow, a 50 K AND on trails?! You are my new hero!! Will you post an account of your race after you do it?

Lynn M.
Hi Elissa!

Thanks for the reply and its always nice to hear from somebody in the same boat. I do agree w/ the boredom factor on the treadmill.. the only thing that saves me is my IPod. I did the 10 miles on a treadmill and actually wore down the battery! I know alot of people like to watch movies while they are running, but music has been what works for me.
What part of the country do you live and where are you doing your 1/2 that is coming up in May?

PS.. Sleep, huh? Between my own tendency towards insomnia and a toddler who inherited from me, I wish I could get more of it! :)

Take care, Lynn M.
Hi Lynn,

I'm a marathon runner and when I train on the treadmill I incrase the grade every mile and after 3 miles I begin to decrase it I start at
1% and go up. I can only run 6 miles on the treadmill, I rather be outside. Regarding the gels I love e-gels you can find more information on

Hi Lynn,
I agree music really helps. I've also watched Cathe tapes while running, that's how i previewed the hardcore series. I live in Toronto, Canada and I'm training for the Ottawa half marathon on May 29. When's yours? Any other Catheites reading this planning to run in Ottawa?


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