Hello, my name is....

Hi Shelley!

Welcome :) I'm fairly new here as well and really enjoy this forum. I hope you'll have a good time here too!

Welcome, Shelley! Thanks for telling us about yourself.

Here's my "bio":

- Name: Sooooooooooooosan (13 O's, please don't misspell:))
- Age: 43
- Location: Irvington, VA
- Kids: 3 - 12, 10 and 4
- Cathe History: Bought used videos from the Ya Ya's: MIS, Step Heat, Step Fit, Step Jam and fell in love. Since then I've accumulated all her DVD's and my fitness level has gone through the roof. I also enjoy yoga, Pilates and Christi Taylor. I used to be a Firmie (pre-Goodtimes) but don't enjoy the Firm anymore.
Thank you all so much for the warm welcome. I feel a bit like I'm at a party where everyone knows each other and I've just been introduced and now I have to remember all your names:p

Be warned. Once I get started, it's difficult to shut me up;)
Hello, we're very similar

I'm 41, live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I have only an 8 year old daughter, and my hobbies are Cathe (for the last 3-4 years, I have them all) running, gardening and "home improvements" .
pretty scary... (ok, I don't do Tae Bo, although I'm sure I'd love it)

Welcome to the forums!

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