Hello, my name is....

Hi Shelley. Welcome! Experiencing alittle Canadian weather here this morning in Virginia...can't wait for it to warm up too. I love gardening too, what is your favorite flower?

Hi Shelley. Welcome! Experiencing alittle Canadian weather here this morning in Virginia...can't wait for it to warm up too. I love gardening too, what is your favorite flower?

Hmmmmmmmmmm.... I don't think I can even name a favourite (note the Canadian spelling;) ). I do love daylilies and hostas. My new house has a fairly large yard, part of which is being co-opted by my SO for a large water feature (pond and waterfall), but the rest is ALL MINE!!! The previous owners obviously weren't great gardeners, so it's pretty much a clean slate.
Hmmmmmmmmmm.... I don't think I can even name a favourite (note the Canadian spelling;) ). I do love daylilies and hostas. My new house has a fairly large yard, part of which is being co-opted by my SO for a large water feature (pond and waterfall), but the rest is ALL MINE!!! The previous owners obviously weren't great gardeners, so it's pretty much a clean slate.
Hi Shelley and welcome

I am 33. I have 3 boys, 9 1/2 yo, 8 yo, and 2 (he will be 3 on the 19th). My DH will be 35 tomorrow. We live in Illinois. I am excited to get out into our garden this year, we just moved here in Nov and I can't wait to see what comes up in the Spring! I hope to plant some of our own too.

Have a great day!:)
Hi Shelley and welcome

I am 33. I have 3 boys, 9 1/2 yo, 8 yo, and 2 (he will be 3 on the 19th). My DH will be 35 tomorrow. We live in Illinois. I am excited to get out into our garden this year, we just moved here in Nov and I can't wait to see what comes up in the Spring! I hope to plant some of our own too.

Have a great day!:)
Welcome Shelley!

I too love to decorate. I'm now in the process of redecorating my son's bedroom. I'm 51 yrs. young;-) married for 21 yrs. to a wonderful man w/one son, who's 13 & the light of my life. I too love to read, listen to music, ride my bike, swim during the summer months & cook. I've been working out to Cathe for 13 years but exercising for 20.

Enjoy your new home! Kathy:D
Welcome Shelley!

I too love to decorate. I'm now in the process of redecorating my son's bedroom. I'm 51 yrs. young;-) married for 21 yrs. to a wonderful man w/one son, who's 13 & the light of my life. I too love to read, listen to music, ride my bike, swim during the summer months & cook. I've been working out to Cathe for 13 years but exercising for 20.

Enjoy your new home! Kathy:D
Hi, Shelley! Welcome to the fold! Forty-one is young, girl. I'm 42. I'm old! lol! You are going to love this webiste and it's partiipants!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
Hi, Shelley! Welcome to the fold! Forty-one is young, girl. I'm 42. I'm old! lol! You are going to love this webiste and it's partiipants!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
Hi Shelley,

Glad to have you here!! Cathe workouts are definetely addictive.

How much running do you do?

Hi Shelley,

Glad to have you here!! Cathe workouts are definetely addictive.

How much running do you do?

Hi there!

I try to get out 2 or 3 times a week. If I have time, I run about 6 miles (10 km) but my normal route is about 6.5 km. I hate running on treadmills and only do it if it's absolutely necessary (so read: never!). I'm the one out running in the blizzard or the torrential downpour or the sapping heat. I'm NOT a natural runner so it's the most difficult thing I do, but I get a great feeling of accomplishment from it.
Hi there!

I try to get out 2 or 3 times a week. If I have time, I run about 6 miles (10 km) but my normal route is about 6.5 km. I hate running on treadmills and only do it if it's absolutely necessary (so read: never!). I'm the one out running in the blizzard or the torrential downpour or the sapping heat. I'm NOT a natural runner so it's the most difficult thing I do, but I get a great feeling of accomplishment from it.
Hey shelly
I'm just a few hours away from you in western New York. We get to the Toronto/ Hamilton area a few times per year when our sons play hockey. In fact I'll be Up that way March 17-10th.
PS my basics: 44 years young, married 21years, 4 kids ages 19-17-14-11. Only do Cathe workouts or run/ walk or bike. Been "hooked on Cathe" for 7 plus years.

AKA "Likes2bfit"

Hey shelly
I'm just a few hours away from you in western New York. We get to the Toronto/ Hamilton area a few times per year when our sons play hockey. In fact I'll be Up that way March 17-10th.
PS my basics: 44 years young, married 21years, 4 kids ages 19-17-14-11. Only do Cathe workouts or run/ walk or bike. Been "hooked on Cathe" for 7 plus years.

AKA "Likes2bfit"

>Hi there!
>I try to get out 2 or 3 times a week. If I have time, I run
>about 6 miles (10 km) but my normal route is about 6.5 km. I
>hate running on treadmills and only do it if it's absolutely
>necessary (so read: never!). I'm the one out running in the
>blizzard or the torrential downpour or the sapping heat. I'm
>NOT a natural runner so it's the most difficult thing I do,
>but I get a great feeling of accomplishment from it.

Hi Shelley

My name is Kerrie and I'll be 40 this summer. I have two kids - 14 year old girl and a 9 year old boy and, yes, they are my world.:) Beyond them, I enjoy working out, reading, movies, and am active in my church. We have a lot in common - I've been running for 12 years or so, but am not a natural runner either. It just has never gotten easy! But I guess that's why I still like it - probably the most efficient form of aerobics I do - and that runner's high just keeps me coming back for more! I'm pretty new to the forum, too, but welcome. I've gotten great responses so far, and look forward to chatting with you!

>Hi there!
>I try to get out 2 or 3 times a week. If I have time, I run
>about 6 miles (10 km) but my normal route is about 6.5 km. I
>hate running on treadmills and only do it if it's absolutely
>necessary (so read: never!). I'm the one out running in the
>blizzard or the torrential downpour or the sapping heat. I'm
>NOT a natural runner so it's the most difficult thing I do,
>but I get a great feeling of accomplishment from it.

Hi Shelley

My name is Kerrie and I'll be 40 this summer. I have two kids - 14 year old girl and a 9 year old boy and, yes, they are my world.:) Beyond them, I enjoy working out, reading, movies, and am active in my church. We have a lot in common - I've been running for 12 years or so, but am not a natural runner either. It just has never gotten easy! But I guess that's why I still like it - probably the most efficient form of aerobics I do - and that runner's high just keeps me coming back for more! I'm pretty new to the forum, too, but welcome. I've gotten great responses so far, and look forward to chatting with you!

Welcome Shelley! My name is Jes(sica). I live in Texas. I am about to be 26. No kids, 2 dogs. I discovered Cathe at the end of last year. Nice to meet you!!!

My name is Susan, and I live in the Twin Cities in Minnesota. I'm 38, been married almost 7 years and have a 2.5 year old boy and 4.5 year old girl. I've been working out off and on (mostly on) since I was a kid, but exclusively with Cathe since November.


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