7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Programs


1. Eat every 2-3 hours, no matter what. You should eat between 5-7 mini meals per day. Perhaps 3 Main meals and 2 snacks or 7 mini meals.

2. Eat complete (containing all the essential amino acids), lean protein with each meal.

3. Eat fruits and/or vegetables with each food meal.

4. Ensure that your carbohydrate intake comes from fruits and vegetables 85% of the time.

5. Ensure that 25-35% of your energy intake comes from fat, with your fat intake split equally between saturates (e.g. animal fat), monounsaturates (e.g., olive oil), and polyunsaturates (e.g. flax oil, salmon oil).

6. Drink only non-calorie containing beverages, the best choices being water and green tea. Diet soda does not count as a beverage.

7. Eat mostly whole foods that in theory you could either hunt, pick, grow or kill yourself.

There you have it folks. 7 Highly effective principles...

Mr Berardi Rocks!
Thanks Wayne! This is a great print out!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Also...is "hurt" supposed to be hunt??? Ha!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hey Bobbie, what is meant is that the majority of your meal should be vegetables with some form of lean protein (fish, meat, tofu, etc...) and limit the amount of processed carbs. An example might be fish with salad plus steamed vegetables with half a jacket potato. This is a big meal, and you don't have any processed carbs (unless you count the jacket potato, which is still a vegetable). Limiting processed carbs (i think) is a good thing all round. They do not really contain many health benefits and fruit and vegetables are grown that way, they do not require altering the structure of the food. I eat about 7 meals per day and five of those contain fruit and three, vegetables. That way i'm full up and think less about processed food as i'm never that "hungry". Sometimes i'll make a large green salad (very large!) and break it into two meals that i'll eat throughout the day. I use olive oil, a little cheese (very little) and flax oil. Chicken (lots) and maybe some croutons (which i always limit) plus i always have fruit afterwards to crave off any sweet tooth. I hope this helps.
Whew! I am fine then. I love my fruits and vegetables but I think most of my carbs come from sources like brown rice and beans which I am currrently "featuring" in an attempt to keep my fiber intake high. I love my diet now. It's clean and lean with just enough indulgence foods (like butter and cheese in moderation and a small piece of chocolate most days) to keep me satisfied and healthy! Is the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Programs a book?
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
I need you as my nutrition coach :( I have been doing such a bad job since I've been on vacation. When I was in Italy, I'd never eaten so healthy in my life. As soon as I landed back in America, my eating habits went right down the tubes.

Even before then, my eating was great. I must be going through some sort of phase lately. I need my junk.

Those are great tips, and they are being posted on my wall!

Hey Guys,

No not a book. Just thought they are pretty cool. Bobbie, i think beans, brown rice, etc... are great food choices and very good for your, ermmmm, movements! lol ... Thanks for the compilment Sara. I'm sure your eating will get back on tack. I always thinks that these are the best principles to start with, once you've (everyone) got these down pat, then i think people should start thinking about fine turning and calories, etc... but if say you eat 5 times a day, thats 35 times per week, if 30 or so abide to the above principles, then the other 5 or so i think you can be more "easy" with. I'm currently eating 7-8 times a day now, and my waist size has not increased. In fact i'm actually leaner. And i don't count calories anymore. I'll keep posting these in the future...until then...be well, eat well, look GREAT!!!
I'm not sure there is a single set of rules for all. I've tried eating 6 mini meals and it really didn't work for me. I ended up being always hungry, never satisfied and always thinking about food. 4 meals works best for me, breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. If I'm hungry later I might have plain nf yogurt or a glass of nf soy milk but that is unusual. I certainly agree with getting lots of vegetables and limiting animal fats and processed carbs.
Wayne, I web searched Mr. Berardi and he comes highly recommended. I agree with Eisa, you have to do what works for you. I find small frequent meals wonderful and a moderate increase n protein, or more importantly, eating protein with every mea,l really helped me get leaner since even the high quality carbs I eat will be processed and strored relatively quickly without fat and protein to slow em down. I also try to avoid trans fats like the plague.
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
"This is a big meal, and you don't have any processed carbs (unless you count the jacket potato, which is still a vegetable)."

Potatoes aren't counted as processed carbs are they? Am I misunderstanding? Most of my carbs come from potatoes, rice and millet. I know I should eat more colourful vegetables/fruits, but there are very few that I actually like. x(
Hi, Shaz, potatoes are better classified as a carb and not a vegetable.

Do the giant salad thing. I add peppers, green beans, broccoli to the usual mix of tomatoes, onions, cukes, depending on what I have on hand and I eat very large salads because for the caloric content, they pack a huge punch! (Dressing on the side!)
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi

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