hey hippahips/pinky :)


I am now 108 lbs with 3 lbs left to lose, that is my goal right now. It's amazing to me that I am just a few lbs away from what I was when me and hubby married almost 23 yrs ago. I can now get into a size 4 :7 ........... just had to share with ya cause I know your 108 too :7 ........... Rhonda :7
Hi Rhonda, congratulations on your weight loss.:) (No moving icon here of a clapping smiley, but that's what I'm doing.) Wow! All that running worked, huh? And it didn't take that long, too. Wasn't it only a month ago when you said you were running again to torch some fat? You should probably start thinking about getting yourself a new wardrobe.:7

candi, yes I am, I am very happy with freestyle training, I will keep using it............. Rhonda

before I started the freestyle training I was having trouble getting rid of those 6 remaining holiday lbs, then I wanted to lose another 5 lbs, well I have gone from 116, to 108 ... mind you, I had to re-examine my food intake, eat no more than what I need. The freestyle book says this, in order to lose weight you must eat less calories than what you burn, this goes against what most in here say, but it makes since to me, and I can't remember right now who posted it, but she said, she goes to bed a little hungry, well so do I 99% of the time, and I don't go around feeling hungry like she said just empty.

Like I said this works for me......... Rhonda:7
Yeah Pinky, between the 6 weight training days followed by 30 minutes running on the treadmill and 10 minutes walking on the treadmill, all of it together are really paying off, and like I told candi, re-adjusting my eating........... my pants are getting lose and it hasn't been all that long, well last summer that I had to buy 4 new pair of pants cause my 8's were to big, now my 6's are getting that way, but thats good news :7 .........I will keep ya posted ... Rhonda:7

I'm really interested in what you've been able to attain.

Would you mind replying with a sample of your daily food intake on a typical day? I am still interested in losing about eight lbs before summer gets here. Maybe I could integrate your style of eating and see what happens. I would really appreciate it!
well candi,

for example.. today at 7:30 am I had my 10 oz of cappuccino, then I had my 8 oz of orange juice will doing my weight training, then after my treadmill, I had a can of tuna, 1/2 cup of green peas and 1/2 cup of 2% cottage cheese, that was lunch at 11 am, sometime around 1 or 1:30 I will have a medium size apple, the about 5:30 supper which will be 1 broiled chicken quarter(a leg and thigh) 1/2 cup of veggie, and probably some more cottage cheese 1/2 cup, I only eat until I am satisfied, then I stop ... and I will probably eat my protein bar at supper too.

probably around 4 pm I will do some more ab work (15 to 20 min)... I only drink water after my cappuccino and orange juice ....... HTH ... Rhonda :7
Wow, Rhonda, that's awesome! I think I read in another post that you run and weight train 6 days a week. Do you do both every day? How do you weight train; do you do just one body part a day? Alternate between upper and lower? Do you weight train first and then run? If I do both in one day, I do like to weight train before I do cardio. Is running the only cardio you're doing right now? How much total time a day do you spend working out, weights and cardio combined?

Sorry for all the questions, but you must share your secrets to such great success!

Congratulations and good for you!:) :) :)

Hi Marie,
Yes I do cathe's lower body workouts, I do 2 upper body workouts a week of about 30 minutes each, I do a lower body workout every day for 6 days, as soon as I am thru with my weight workout I do my treadmill.... I spend between 45-60 minutes or so on a lower body workout, then I do running for 30 minutes and 10 minutes fast walk. When I can I get outside and run, mostly on saturdays......... I am trying to do my ab workout before I start on my weight work out, then again in the late afternoon, so I can work my abs good..... HTH.. Rhonda :7

What I do is called Freestyle Training
Hi Rhonda,
Wow, that's impressive, but scary. From what you said it sounds like you're eating no more than 1200 kcals/day and burning at least 400 kcals/day in excersize. I hope I'm wrong in my calculations. If not then it's no wonder you're losing weight (and muscle), but be careful or your metabolism will slow down. I'm speaking from experience, so I'm concerned that's all.
I can see why Cathe never answers questions on what she eats. Because she knows what is enough for her body and so do I, I don't starve myself, and I eat plenty of protein and whats good for me.
Frankly I think people tend to be a little too obsessive with eating.
I eat when I am hungry, and like I think it was rita that said, I don't feed my stomach the minute that it starts growling........ Rhonda :7
Hi Rhonda,
I'm sorry if I offended you, I probably shouldn't have said anything that sounded critical. Your recent posts remind me of myself three years ago, and we are so similar in so many ways. I'm 5ft, and 40. I went from 138lbs to 106lbs, and was trying to lose more, thinking my "ideal" weight was 101 because that's what I was in my 20's. I was also on a strict diet and did a lot of running and the firm (I only discovered Cathe 2+ years ago). My metabolism ground to a halt, I had to excercise more and more and eat less and less. I lost my period, and that was the signal for me that I was everdoing it. I was down to 11% body fat. I looked awsome. But I could not maintain it, and felt horrible trying. I finally gave up on caring what the scale said, and concentrated on building back my metabolism with heavier weights and more food (I'm not talking excessive here, I eat about 1400 kcals/day, and I've reduced workouts to 5-8hours/week). I still look awsome (if I do say so myself), actually probably more so because I've got more muscle and I'm not so gaunt. I'm now 15% bf, 112lbs and mainting that easily (more or less). I still fit in all but the tightest clothes I was wearing at 106lbs. It has taken me three years to learn a very hard lesson.

I'm sure you look awsome right now, with more muscle than when you were 23 since you've been lifting and have more muscle maturity. The hardest part of weight loss is maintaining it I think and it's really tough if you're too hard on your body. That was my experience, and I hope it won't be yours. That said, I congratulate you on your weight loss because it is a great acheivement, and I wish you the best of health and happiness. I'm sure you'll do what is best for you
Thanks Elisa for explaining ...
And I do appreciate your concern, I promise I am not starving, in fact most of the time like last night I felt like I over ate cause I ate an apple with my supper, and I felt stuffed, but this morning when I got up, I had lost another lb, and I do feel great.
I have been too skinny before because I didn't eat right. But that is not the case this time. I am taking good care of myself. I am probably going to stop at 105, which is only 2 more lbs. If I don't lose another lb or 2 after that it won't bother me, but I will be taking care of myself and making sure I get enough of everything I need.
Again thanks for explaining and being concerned .... God bless ya .... Rhonda :7

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