Hi Rhonda,
I'm sorry if I offended you, I probably shouldn't have said anything that sounded critical. Your recent posts remind me of myself three years ago, and we are so similar in so many ways. I'm 5ft, and 40. I went from 138lbs to 106lbs, and was trying to lose more, thinking my "ideal" weight was 101 because that's what I was in my 20's. I was also on a strict diet and did a lot of running and the firm (I only discovered Cathe 2+ years ago). My metabolism ground to a halt, I had to excercise more and more and eat less and less. I lost my period, and that was the signal for me that I was everdoing it. I was down to 11% body fat. I looked awsome. But I could not maintain it, and felt horrible trying. I finally gave up on caring what the scale said, and concentrated on building back my metabolism with heavier weights and more food (I'm not talking excessive here, I eat about 1400 kcals/day, and I've reduced workouts to 5-8hours/week). I still look awsome (if I do say so myself), actually probably more so because I've got more muscle and I'm not so gaunt. I'm now 15% bf, 112lbs and mainting that easily (more or less). I still fit in all but the tightest clothes I was wearing at 106lbs. It has taken me three years to learn a very hard lesson.
I'm sure you look awsome right now, with more muscle than when you were 23 since you've been lifting and have more muscle maturity. The hardest part of weight loss is maintaining it I think and it's really tough if you're too hard on your body. That was my experience, and I hope it won't be yours. That said, I congratulate you on your weight loss because it is a great acheivement, and I wish you the best of health and happiness. I'm sure you'll do what is best for you