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  1. K


    There are some fantastic deals at certain sportsgood stores, and depending upon your area (I shop at Academy here in Tx), you can really find some bargains. I'm having a massive garage sale tomorrow, and selling a barbell set (also selling a treadmill and stairstepper) with tons of plate...
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    Interval Max Support Group Check-In

    LAST EDITED ON May-22-02 AT 05:11PM (Est)[p]Hey, guys. I just finished Interval Max, with no modifications until #4 -- then there they came. I think it's interval #4, 5 & 8 that I especially have problems with. Those scissors seem to be absolutely unnatainable! But I look forward to that day...
  3. K

    which tape(s) would you suggest for me??

    LAST EDITED ON May-22-02 AT 04:58PM (Est)[p]I have to agree with the suggestion about starting off with the Wedding Video. I'm going to relate my own experience, although it may differ from how yours will be. I had already been working out for 3.5 years to Firm videos when I started off with...
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    Interval Max Support Group Check-In

    Hi you guys, can I join? I did Interval Max on Saturday with several (or maybe a little more) modifications, but I did complete it. It was the 2nd time I did it, so I'm hoping each time I can add a little bit more of what Cathe's actually doing as opposed to modifying. Nicole, you are totally...
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    Interval Max

    Hi Donna & Nicole - I'm glad to hear others are doing IM on a regular basis and gaining that cardio endurance. And Nicole, IM with no modifications AND adding 3 intervals from Step & Intervals??? It's already a MAJOR feat being able to do it with a couple of modifications! I can't wait until...
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    Interval Max

    I would love to read of IM success stories, how you first tackled IM, where are you with it now (modifying?, can do it all without modifications, etc.), how it helped to increase your cardio endurance, how long have you been doing it, how often do you do it during the week, what types of...
  7. K

    Step ups: How high?

    I agree Rachel -- No Firm lower body work I've ever done (and I have almost all of the tapes) has ever compared in intensity to Cathe's lower body segments. Leaner Legs comes to mind. . .
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    New Firms

    I'm not part of the educated crowd yet, but I did purchase the Firm Kit (back in January and received in March) and I don't think it is worth the money. I did the tapes for 2 weeks for a change of pace and lost strength, even though I used the heaviest weight possible (8, 10, 15, 20) both for...
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    Body Max Circit Segment =BRUTALITY!!

    I've done this one time, all the way through and by the end, I was not smiling to say the least. I walked out of my workout room and my dh looked at me and walked over to me, taking me by the elbow and led me to the couch. I think I stayed there for the next 8 hours just staring into space...
  10. K

    How long does it take?

    Hi Wendy, thanks for responding. Your suggestions make sense, I do think that the intensity of the rotation I'm doing is a little much, so subbing lower intensity, shorter workouts may work better for me, that and also adding the rest day in mid-week. I'll be trying your suggestion next week...
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    How long does it take?

    I have a question for the educated crowd. I've been doing Cathe's vids for about 4 months now, and I notice when I do them 6x a week, that by the end of that week (and with somewhat clean eating) that I feel more toned, defined and if possible, I actually can see a difference in regard to...
  12. K

    Are All Cathes step tapes like this???

    Hi - I was just curious, what exactly about StepFit don't you like? I ask this because if we know what you are not thrilled with, i.e. the intensity, choreography, etc. I think it would give a better gauge as to what videos to recommend. Before I started doing Cathe's step videos, I swore I...
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    Please Help Me Pick Some Videos!!!!!

    Oh, you are going to be so happy you got that step, and such an awesome price! Let us know how you like it :)
  14. K

    Question - exercising 4 times a week only...need help !

    Hi - I have to agree with Lauren & Connie, I worked out for several years 4x a week, and could never seem to work out more than that because my body would start displaying signs of overtraining. Just recently have I been able to work out 6x a week and not exhibit those signs. As a matter of...
  15. K

    Step ups: How high?

    I've been using the tallbox for about 4 years now, and I have kept the height at around 12.5 inches, and just recently purchased the new fanny lifter which is 14 inches. I've been using this for LL and other videos that include step up's, and have not experienced any problems, if anything, I've...
  16. K

    Freak or what!!

    How funny - I do the exact same thing, and by the looks of it, we're in good company! Low-ends, crazy 8's, staggered push-ups - they all elicit unkind word spewage, and looks that could kill. I remember doing BodyMax for the 1st time a couple of weeks ago and by the end (the last 10 minutes or...
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    Please Help Me Pick Some Videos!!!!!

    RE: Erin! LAST EDITED ON May-04-02 AT 09:50PM (Est)[p]Yes, the CTX series is awesome. It's versatile, fun and not only that, the results are amazing. I was able to get wonderful upper body definition that I hadn't seen before (this was my first Cathe rotation, I Firmed exclusively for years...
  18. K

    The Firm? Benefits?

    Angie, you have made excellent choices. I have all of the Firm tapes except for the Basic series, Prime Powers, Tort/Hare and the Splits, and I think that Super Sculpting and Tough Tape are the best strength oriented tapes they have produced. I always get results from these two, and if I want...
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    Barlean's Essential Woman Oil

    I've used Barleans Essential Oil for years, and it has a lot of positives. My hair is thicker, shinier and healthier, my nails are stronger and seem to grow faster, my skin doesn't get dry anymore, and doesn't have those bumps on the upper arms. Also, my cholesterol levels have improved, in...
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    Essental Oils?

    Hi lorab, I'm not Cathe obviously, and I hope you don't mind me piping in here :) but I wanted to let you know of my own experiences with essential fatty acids. I use Barleans Essential Woman (flax oil, evening primrose oil, soy, rosemary) and have been for several years now (in my salad...