Freak or what!!


so this is my first week of doing a ps rotation, and I saved the legs/abs for today. Now mind you, I have really enjoyed the other two tapes, so I was really looking forward to this one!
Well about half way thru (starting about with the sit hover stand things) Im thinking...What the heck am I doing this for??
This lady is CRAZY!!!! And Im starting to say some pretty bad things to wonderful Cathe! At this point, I really hate her, hate this stupid work out, I am NEVER going to do this again. And just when I think I cant do one more leg lift--we're done and I'm standing there, legs trembling, sweating like a pig, saying how I love Cathe and that this w/o ROCKS!!!!!!

I know that tomm. I am going to be sooo sore, but who cares, I will live to curse at and then love this w/o once again!
Can anyone one relate?

Have a great day all
Jayne F
They don't call it "S-N-M" for nothin!

The first time I did Interval Max straight through with no modifications I truly thought I was gonna die - and inked I-Max into my workout program twice a week for the next 6 months. That was my first Cathe workout. How on earth can she smile?

Everytime I have to go through the agony of Leaner Legs, and I am trembling badly, I say about Cathe (in a very loving way of course), "She's CRAZY!!!" when she pushes more and more reps - especially the 'low end' ones.

But afterwards - I feel great - and my legs are really getting toned.

We love you Cathe!
I can *totally* relate!! My first exposure to "sit and stands" was in PS Legs .. then when I did Leaner Legs for the first time, and found that we were subjected to BOTH sit and stands, and those dreadful "low-ends" I thought for sure I must be nuts for subjecting myself to that!! :) However ... when I finished 6.5 miles on my treadmill the other day (up from 5 miles) I realized that was thanks to the wonderful torture of PS Legs, and LL .. and realized it was all because of those wonderful workouts!! What can I say .. Cathe ROCKS!!! :)

~ Nicole
I did BodyMax for the first time yesterday and that's the first time I've ever glared at Cathe and told her she was mean. At the end of the workout I was wondering if I would ever subject myself to that again, but by now I'm ready to go for once a week to build up that endurance and watch myself progress. Gotta love it! --Karen
Heck yeah I can relate! :)

I routinely talk "trash" to Cathe while working out, mostly during Leaner Legs, but she catches a mouth full whenever "crazy 8's" are involved! I can handle ANY other bicep work except for crazy 8's, they burn me and/or fatigue me during the first set to the point I can't always complete the first set through with her (so I pace around the room panting and sweating and talking trash! :))
Oh, and Imax day isn't pretty either!
Oh yeah - that's another one - those CRAZY crazy-eights!

I finally made the executive decision (after all the great advice I got) to try doing the strength portions of CTX before the cardio sections.

And it worked! I got through the biceps - crazy eights and all!

Also yesterday I got through all the planks (legs lifted and all) for the back. Staggered pushups for the chest still have me beaten though.

But wow - what a difference in performance for the better when I am doing the strength before the cardio.

How funny - I do the exact same thing, and by the looks of it, we're in good company!

Low-ends, crazy 8's, staggered push-ups - they all elicit unkind word spewage, and looks that could kill. I remember doing BodyMax for the 1st time a couple of weeks ago and by the end (the last 10 minutes or so), I was frowning (an actual mouth down to the end of my chin expression), my brow was furrowed and I was very unhappy and irritated that Cathe was happily smiling away and taking it all in stride wishing I could have such a great attitude when in fact I was on the verge of death I was sure of. We all dearly love Cathe, though - she has taken us to that next level in fitness that we would not have seen had it not been for her!

It would be so funny if we could videotape ourselves working out to those hard Cathe tapes and then have a video get together to watch them - I bet that would make some interesting entertainment!
Crazy 8's are what do it for me everytime. I trash talk my way through them every time. I marvel at the weights cathe uses for crazy eights, I hate her for the weights she uses for crazy eights - I want to use the weights she uses for crazy eights. As you can see my relationship with cathe and crazy eights is a complicated one.

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