New Firms



I was wondering what "the educated crowds" opinion was of the New Firm Body Sculpting System. I saw their infomercial this weekend and thought it looked interesting. Would I like it? My workouts consist mostly of Cathe videos and running on a treadmill. I have a couple of Firm videos (Super Sculpting and TBSM)but I never use them. I also used to have Vols. 1-3 but got rid of those a long time ago.

I would appreciate anyone's opinion before I plop down $90 of my hard earned money.

I don't think they look challenging, and I've read bad things about the quality of the "fannny lifter".
It doesn't sound like you like the Firm, since you don't use the videos you have, and got rid of others--you might have answered your own question!
I'm not part of the educated crowd yet, but I did purchase the Firm Kit (back in January and received in March) and I don't think it is worth the money. I did the tapes for 2 weeks for a change of pace and lost strength, even though I used the heaviest weight possible (8, 10, 15, 20) both for Cardio Sculpt and Body Sculpt.

There is a distinct difference in style of course with Cathe and the Firm, and I've found that since I've incorporated Cathe's tapes into my workout regime over the last 4 months, that I've finally been able to increase my barbell/dumbell weights incrementally on a weekly basis -- I was unable to do that with the Firm's style of weight lifting (AWT). Cardio Sculpt has no real cardio to speak of, and the weight section is not impressive, there are not enough reps. Body Sculpt is a little more challenging than CS, but still is not thorough. By that I mean that I don't feel my muscles worked hard enough at the end of the workout, and I don't feel that pleasant soreness the next day that I always feel with a Cathe weight tape. I think these tapes would be great for beginners and intermediates, but for the more advanced exerciser used to a certain style of weight training, they're quite disappointing (JMHO!).


I'm not sure why you don't use Super Sculpting and TBSM, but if it's because they're too easy, then the new ones will be VERY easy for you. I have both of the above tapes (and don't use them too often either b/c I like Cathe so much more) and I ordered the kit before it was released expecting a challenging, new workout. I believe the tapes are made for beginners and intermediate exercisers. In my opinion, The Firm is attempting to reach out to a new customer base--one that is not currently exercising. I'd certainly recommend saving your money on these.

Just another opinion...

I traded for them on VF, watched them once and promptly traded them again. They are unmotivating, not at all fun and quite frankly, Cathe does a much better job. I actually like the FIRM and use them in my rotations but I could not see myself doing these. The instructors rarely smiled and it just did not look fun.

With all the advanced workouts we have to choose from, there is no reason to waste your money on these.
Thanks everyone for your opinions (my wallet and DH thank you too). Sounds like I would of made a mistake by ordering this set. It's funny how they can make things look so appealing in those infomercials. I've being doing Cathe's videos almost exclusively now for about 6 years. It's hard to find anything to compare to the intensity and overall quality.
Maybe I'll try the Powerstrike videos. I've read some good things about those workouts here on the forum.

Re: Powerstrike

Hi Jacque!

Now THAT's a great idea -- getting Powerstrike. My entire upper body and glutes have never been so sore in my life. They're a lot of fun, and if a kickboxing novice like me can listen carefully and execute the moves with reasonably decent form, these tapes shouldn't intimidate anybody! :) Go for it! Kathy S.

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