Please Help Me Pick Some Videos!!!!!

Hello, I am having a hard time picking which videos I want, so I was hoping you could help!

A little about me....I have been working out 5xs a week for about 1.5 years. I vary my workouts quite often, for example this time last year I was mainly lifting weights, last summer I was running, last fall I played tennis, just recently I ran a half marathon. In this process I have lost about 40 lbs, and would like to lose another 20.

What I am looking for....Currently, I have been using my elliptical trainer, running or walking for cardio. I recently bought the firm fanny lifter kit, and would like to continue using that as well. I am new to step aerobics and like that cardio sculpt (Firm) uses mainly athletic moves. Since I am uncertain how I will like step aerobics, I would prefer to purchase videos that I can modify to use with the fanny lifter. I also have a barbell and dumbells.

Currently, I have my eye on the DVD 12 pack (has the 4 newest dvds) because I like the idea of doing rotations of the 2 weight rotations (PS and SH) with throwing in things like Power Hour, MIS, etc. Then I would also have the 4th dvd with cardio to mix up my current cardio routine. I was all set to buy this....but after reading all of your reviews, I am not so certain. I see lots of comments on the CTX series...honestly, I think I would rather start with PS and SH but I am wondering if I would be making a mistake. Do you have a better suggestion than the DVD 12 pack ($190), besides the DVD 23 pack?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Hey Baileybirl!

I know nothing about DVD's, can't advise there.

But: athletic moves you say?

Try: Powermax (step), Circuit Max (hi/lo, step and kickbox), Cardio Kicks, MIC (hi/lo and step), all by Cathe.

Also, Reebok's Intense Moves Interval Training Workout with Gin Miller, Karen Voight's Energy Sprint Interval workout, also Mindy Mylrea's Intervals Training and Pump Party. All very athletic.

Step can also be very athletic, so don't be afraid of it. Cathe's step workouts are not only extremely challenging but also "easy to learn and fun to do." She says this at the start of a good many of her tapes and she's right. You feel you can get the moves down within two or three workouts and then you can really put the power behind them. Even her dancy tapes are actually not really that dancy. Step works for example, I call that athletic. Look at the intensity!

Hope this helps


Thanks for your quick response! By athletic moves I mean I am a klutz! From your response I will try to be less afraid of step aerobics!

Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed people would already know what was on the DVD 12 Pack! Here is what is on it:

1. The Strength series DVD
2. Rhythmic Step, Interval Max & MIC DVD
3. Power Hour, MIS, Body Max DVD
4. Slow and Heavy Series DVD

So, it is either that package or the CTX package and one or two more dvds...i.e. the strength series.
Hello -

Baileygirl, one thing I noticed is that you mentioned that you are looking for step that you can modify with your Fanny Lifter. I don't own one, but from what I've seen/heard they are square shaped, and higher than the average 4-6-8" steps aren't they? If you go for one of Cathe's step tapes my advice to you is to modify on the floor rather than try to use your Fanny Lifter. You really should have the full size step in all it's length to attempt Cathe's step tapes when using a step - for safety reasons first and foremost. I've heard from many that when modifying on the floor you can still get a lot of intensity. Just my opinion!

Enjoy your new workouts whatever you decide - I'm sure you're going to love them! :)
I suggest getting a full size step too. My first and favorite Cathe puchase was CTX. However, the 12 pack is a great buy too! If you get the 12 pack, I would start with a rotation of MIS and MIC splitting each workout in half so you can get used to Cathe and to the sequencing of these workouts. You will be hooked! Have fun!

Thanks for your concern regarding the step. The Fanny Lifter is a smaller square share that comes with 2 parts (6" and 8") when put together are 14". For the time being I was thinking about using the floor and the 6" step for modifications. Which videos are your favorites?


I was fairly set on the dvd 12 pack, but I keep hearing such good things about the CTX is making me reconsider. What I haven't been able to figure out is if people like the CTX series because of the value for money, or because of the actual workouts. Do you still use the CTX a lot? Thanks for the suggestion on the starting rotation.

Hi again!

Well, I just got the CTX for my birthday last week and am loving it so far - it's great because the cardio is fun (and intense) and it has a little bit of everything. Besides that, I would say that Circuit Max, Cardio Kicks, Rhythmic Step and Powermax are my favs.

Rythmic and Powermax are just great all step tapes for when you want cardio for a good hour and they are fun.

Circuit Max has hi/lo, step and kickboxing circuits (2 each) with lower body endurance weight work in between each. GREAT variety here.

CK - Well, it's just fun and the intensity drills at the end are super intense (most excellent at the end of a stressful or crummy day).

Don't know if I've made your decision harder or easier. But good luck. ;-)

Thanks Lizzie,

You made my decision easier...I decided to start with CTX, if I love it as much as everyone here seems to, then I will take the plunge and get the 12 DVD pack. I figure you are right the CTX has a bit of everything, so it seems like a good place to start. Now I just have to wait for it!


You're in for a real treat!!! You will LOVE the CTX Series! EXCELLENT choice! Your wait won't be long for the vids. The customer service at S'N'M is great & speedy. Have fun and let us know what you think.:)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Erin!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-04-02 AT 09:50PM (Est)[/font][p]Yes, the CTX series is awesome. It's versatile, fun and not only that, the results are amazing. I was able to get wonderful upper body definition that I hadn't seen before (this was my first Cathe rotation, I Firmed exclusively for years before that), and my lower body really firmed up with all the stepping and Meaner Legs. ;)

I had a small step (much longer than the FL, though) that I used when I first started doing Cathe vids, and am sorry to say that it just didn't work out at all. When I invested in a full size club step (Bollinger), the difference in the intensity was amazing. I definitely encourage the purchase of a full size step when you use Cathe videos, I would even probably sacrifice the purchase of a DVD or two to be able to get that step. I also have the new 2 piece fanny lifter, and I don't believe you can modify any of Cathe's moves using this small step. Cathe utilizes too much of the club-sized step to be able to use anything much smaller. You could do the moves on the floor without the step, although.

I am glad everyone has such good feedback on CTX. I am very excited to get it (Wednesday)! Anyway, I am open to getting a proper step, I just want to try the videos first. I was watching some previews (i.e. Power Max) and it does look like I would need a full size step for that. So, what step would you suggest? Any good online stores? Thanks in advance! Erin
RE: step???

Youll love CTX - great variety - I got mine at sports authority - it was bollinger - i think it was 70 or 80 $. You can use the firm step for Lean Legs at least - but you definetly need a bigger step.

Let us know how you like CTX
You already said you bought CTX, but I just wanted to say that I use at least one CTX tape in every rotation I do. They are so much fun! Cathe just seems to be pumped and happy in every tape and the cardio sections are intense and the perfect length for a day when you want to do cardio and weights. CTX was my first into to Cathe and soon after I ordered all of her others. You will not be disappointed - CTX is awesome!
Okay, you guys sold me not only on CTX, but on a full size step. I decided to check out Play it Again Sports and they had one of the full sized steps "The Step" for $35. It was a little dusty, but it is all cleaned up now. So, now I just have to wait for Wednesday (when I get the CTX dvd).

Thanks again for all of your help!!!!!

I just wanted to report in that I received the dvds yesterday (Wednesday). The first night I did Power Circuit, and for parts I found myself pretty much jumping around the room flailing my arms (did I mention I was also new to aerobics). Today I did 10-10-10 and since some of the moves are repeats from Power Circuit, I found it much easier. I must also add that the previews on the web site, do not do Cathe's personality justice. And if I could just have her energy!!!!

So, thank you for suggesting CTX to me. Also, thank you for telling me to go out and get the bigger step, you are right...there is no way I would have been able to do these workouts on the Firm Fanny Lifter.

I guess my next question is, what comes next? I plan on doing CTX for several weeks...but I am already trying to decide my next purchase. For weights I think it will be the PS series, does that make sense? What about cardio? I am a klutz, but I am in good shape...

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!


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