Step ups: How high?


I was reading A Men's Fitness magazine and one reader asked for help with his flat butt. They recommended step ups starting with 6 inches and eventually working up to stepping up on a bench that is mid thigh high. That sounds pretty high. Just wanted to check if that sounds right, the Firm usually recommends nothing higher than your working leg being parallel to the floor at the beginning of the move and I was wondering if the bench was mid thigh high that would be a bit of an angle wouldnt it?
I am not sure how tall you are, but The Firm's box used for step ups is 14" tall. They manufactured a 17" box at one point because a few of the Firm leads (from Vol. 5 & 6) were quite tall, but stopped making it. Cathe uses a 12" box, but she is, I believe, 5'2" (someone correct me if I am wrong, thanks!) So I think it depends on leg length. I use this rule of thumb, if I put one foot up onto the step, is my leg at 90 degrees, or is the bottom of my bent leg parallel with the floor? Then that is good. If my leg is actually at a greater angle, then that box is just too tall for me. But that's just my own humble opinion.
Hi, I think Cathe uses a 12" step in Pure Strength, but 14" in Leaner Legs. I've counted the risers and I think it is 14" (I could be wrong). I'm only 5' and recently started using a 14" without weights and then moved up to 3 pound weights. So far it is working fine. No way could I go any higher on the height, but I think I'm ready to up the poundage again. I think for being so short I must have kind of long legs because my thigh is pretty much parallel to the floor on the 14" step and I think that is what the Firm looks for.
I've been using the tallbox for about 4 years now, and I have kept the height at around 12.5 inches, and just recently purchased the new fanny lifter which is 14 inches. I've been using this for LL and other videos that include step up's, and have not experienced any problems, if anything, I've found that my results have increased.

I'm only 5'1" and with my foot on the box, my leg is a little less than parallel (so if I were to go by the advice of having my leg parallel to the floor, I could probably use a 15 inch box), but I have fairly long legs.
Has anyone noticed that in PS Legs, when Cathe gets to the Sit and Stands (ouch!) that she uses more risers? It seems to be higher in that segment than in the others. I guess the same rule would apply here, that when you sit your legs should be at a 90 degree angle?

I actually grab a nearby stool for this section that I know is TOO tall--I'm cheating! haha I need to go a bit lower, but boy, they're so much easier that way!
What a great idea to use a stool! LOL.

I don't have enough risers to be able to have the legs at 90 degrees - so I have to squat WAY down - and gosh does it ever hurt.

Ya know, I've done Leaner Legs about 8 times now (once a week) and everytime, I'm sore for 2 or 3 days after. Will the pain EVER go away????? LOL.
susan-lynn, ouch! I know what you mean; that's what I was doing before I noticed that stool in the corner--thank goodness I did, because even though I am actually "cheating" right now, I really think I was hurting my knees before. Be careful! I hope the pain after Leaner Legs is the "good" kind, not the "bad" kind. Good luck! Now I'm off in search of a happy medium between cheating and killing my knees...need to get creative!
What do the rest of you use? Just extra risers or Firm boxes?
I always use the 14 inch box DH made me for my FIRM videos. I am 5'5 but have short legs and a long torso. I also use it for seated upperbody work in the PS series because my full length step (also homemade) is an unadustable 6 inches. I feel as if I am sitting on the floor unless I use it.
I am 5'3", 30 years old, and for Firm tall box work, I use a 17" step! I have done this for years and years and years. It sounds high after reading these posts, but it really does the trick! And I have no discomfort, injuries, etc.
I have read a lot of people say they have really added shape to their butts from step ups. But when I was doing the firm all it did was fix my legs. It took Cathe vids to actually start adding some mass to it. S&H and Bmax and Power Circuit seem to really work. When I throw in Firm Strength then the step ups work better in combination with Cathe's videos. Some posts have said that the Firm has tougher lower body!!! When I switched to Cathe I could not believe how tough the split lunges were!
I agree Rachel -- No Firm lower body work I've ever done (and I have almost all of the tapes) has ever compared in intensity to Cathe's lower body segments. Leaner Legs comes to mind. . .

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