Barlean's Essential Woman Oil


Has anyone had experience with this combination flaxseed, omega 3 oil? I'm wondering how many times a day one has to take it and the caloric content?
I use the Udo's Choice one. I probably should, but I don't even count the calories in it.
I just ordered this from Barlean's this morning (the oil in the capsule form). I have heard wonders about this oil---I can't wait to get it--I'm interested inlearning more about it too!
I've used it for a couple of years now and it's hugely improved my PMS symptoms and my skin and nails (and my hair grows faster, too.) Just follow the dosage directions on the bottle. I've bought this in capsule form and in liquid form, and FYI I don't care for the flavor of it on food so I just take it in capsules. I take 3 a couple of times a day with a meal. Kathy S.
I've used it for a couple of years now and it's hugely improved my PMS symptoms and my skin and nails (and my hair grows faster, too.) Just follow the dosage directions on the bottle. I've bought this in capsule form and in liquid form, and FYI I don't care for the flavor of it on food so I just take it in capsules. I take 3 a couple of times a day with a meal. Kathy S.
I've used Barleans Essential Oil for years, and it has a lot of positives. My hair is thicker, shinier and healthier, my nails are stronger and seem to grow faster, my skin doesn't get dry anymore, and doesn't have those bumps on the upper arms. Also, my cholesterol levels have improved, in addition to my PMS symptoms being relieved.

I usually put it in my salad dressings, protein shakes or yogurt. I take 1 tbsp. daily, and before TTOM, I take 2 tbsp. daily. I don't even count this into my caloric or fat intake, but I don't count calories or fat grams anyway and have been at my goal weight for several years now. 1 tsbp. of the Essential Woman has 110 calories and 11 grams of fat.

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