

Can anyone tell me where I can purchase either a weighted barbell or a barbell with separate weights at a fair price Also can you buy separate weights for a weighted barbell?? Currently I am using regular hand weights (up to 15 lbs) for Cathe tapes I have but it seems for some of her tapes a barbell might be easier/better. Any ideas? Would appreciate all comments. Thanx
There were lots of suggestions on this forum before for on-line barbell orders, but the price for shipping killed me. I bought a 15 lb. barbell that came with tons of separate plates(yes, thank goodness you can buy the weights separate for barbells) from Sport Mart. It weighs 120 lbs. when everything is on there (the most I EVER set it at is 50 lbs. though). It was $40 bucks. That was pretty good I thought. I have also heard that barbells show up at Play It Again Sports, if you have one of those in your town. Good luck!
There are some fantastic deals at certain sportsgood stores, and depending upon your area (I shop at Academy here in Tx), you can really find some bargains.

I'm having a massive garage sale tomorrow, and selling a barbell set (also selling a treadmill and stairstepper) with tons of plate weights (we just bought a new barbell set) and I'm pricing it at around $20 - $25 (haven't decided yet), so garage sales are another option.

You may also want to look in the newspaper/Greensheet to see if there are any barbell sets listed in the Classified section.
I guess it would all depend on where you live. I live in NJ and shop at #####'s Sporting Goods, Sports Authority & a few "specialty" shops. I got my 110 lb set from Sports Authority for $48. Good luck!

"You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given". John Gardner
I just got a barbell for my Mother's Day gift!:) I also got the CTX series and the Rythmic Step + DVD, but that's beside the point.

Anyway, I got it at Sports Chalet. I'm not exactly sure how much the bar weighs, but it's pretty light. It came with 70lbs. worth of plates (2 X 10, 4 X 7 1/2, 4 X 2 1/2) for $30. Since it was so inexpensive, hubby bought me a pair of 15lb. dumbells, too.

The lady at Sports Chalet thought I was nuts. :)

Oh....and they did have extra plates for sale in all weights.


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