Interval Max


I would love to read of IM success stories, how you first tackled IM, where are you with it now (modifying?, can do it all without modifications, etc.), how it helped to increase your cardio endurance, how long have you been doing it, how often do you do it during the week, what types of functional fitness did it help you achieve, etc.

I just did IM today for the 2nd time and was able to complete the tape (I only got through 7.5 intervals last time with modifications), but I did modify in several intervals. And that flying jack/jump/tuck interval!! What in the world! I bet Olympic Athletes could train with this video.

I was happy that I was actually able to get through it today, even with the modifications. This is by far, the hardest tape I've ever done. I fully intend to put it in my rotation 1x a week from now until the end of time, ;) but I would like to hear your stories, this would be encouraging to me to continue with it.
Well~I'm far from being a success story, but I'm working towards it! :)
I do Imax once/week every week, and each week I notice the intervals I struggle with get a little easier to get through. I modify on several of the "toughies" in order to get through the entire workout, but I've noticed that by doing the workout every week, I'm able to go a little further before having to modify.
I've also noticed that it has made other cardio workouts much easier to get through.
Hi there :)

Interval Max is definitely a beast!! I started doing it in an effort to increase my endurance level as I was training for a 5K. I started incorporating it once a week, and after about 6 months of doing it, I pulled out MIC on a whim, and was *shocked* that I got through the entire tape, without taking a break and without a single modification! A definite first for me. While I've heard interval training should be done twice a week, for me it's definitely a love/hate relationship, so to avoid having to tackle that one twice per week, I've just started extending it to lengthen my once a week interval session. Now, after doing IM in it's entirety (with no modifications thanks to what it's done for my fitness level) I tack on the three intervals from CTX Step & Intervals, so that I'm doing 13 total intervals once a week. I've been absolutely thrilled with the fitness results I've seen with IM .. hang in there .. it gets easier! :)

~ Nicole
Hi Donna & Nicole -
I'm glad to hear others are doing IM on a regular basis and gaining that cardio endurance. And Nicole, IM with no modifications AND adding 3 intervals from Step & Intervals??? It's already a MAJOR feat being able to do it with a couple of modifications! I can't wait until I can get to that point (if I ever do that is).

I think I'll join the Interval Max Support Group thread, I'm going to need to be accountable to do this one on a weekly basis. I'm just glad it's so much fun, without that fun factor I don't think I could make myself do such an intense workout.

This video seems really tough, so, naturally, I want it.

Does anybody experience any lingering high-impact stress from doing this tape, say, twice a week?? I am concerned that if I get it, it will make me running does if you do too much of it. I guess my question is, how does the intensity affect you?? Are you extra tired the next day?? Do your joints and muscles ache??
I have more vigor (vigor! what am I now a Geritol ad?) Anyway, I am more energetic the day after I do Imax. I think because although it is super intense, it's 38min. and not 59 or 47 like MIC or Step Jam. I don't feel pain in my joints, but I always sandwich Imax with strength videos so that I don't overuse my stepping muscles. My ankles tend to get super sore if I do too much high impact or step. Oh you will love it (and you will be so proud of yourself!) if you decide to get it!

Mastering Interval Max will make many of Cathe's other step tapes a piece of cake. Not that on some days they won't be challenging, but once you master IMax you will overall be a stronger stepper. I have been doing IMax for over a year, once or twice a week (occassionally, I have skipped a week) and finally it is easy. Can you believe that? Keep at it, and your body will be stronger and you will get through your cardio workouts more easily.


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