Interval Max Support Group Check-In


Hey Everyone!

I wimped out and did not do IMax this week! I was too tired today and felt like I would not live up to my performance last week.

Anyone else tackle the beast this week?

Lol .. Funny you referred to it as "beast" .. I used the same word in a thread earlier this morning to another cathe-ite :)

Tackled it yesterday morning .. I had previously wanted to add it to my rotation twice a week .. but I just can't get pumped to do the same exact workout twice a one week. So my solution this week was the same as last week .. IM with the three intervals from CTX Step & Intervals tacked on. Since I don't want to do IM twice a week, I figured I'd just try to extend the one interval workout I am doing :)

~ Nicole
Hi you guys, can I join? I did Interval Max on Saturday with several (or maybe a little more) modifications, but I did complete it. It was the 2nd time I did it, so I'm hoping each time I can add a little bit more of what Cathe's actually doing as opposed to modifying.

Nicole, you are totally my hero, I want to be you when I grow up. :)

I'm certainly glad there is a check-in for this, I know this will give me the incentive to do IM if I know others are doing it too. I'm on an MIS rotation right now where I'm doing MIS 2x a week, BodyMax or Circuit Max once a week, 1 Cathe Step tape (or Cardio Kicks) a week, Interval Max 1x a week, and a lower intensity, moderate cardio a week.

Am curious to see how many more of us tackled that beast. .

Hey Kris :) I had to laugh at your response to me :p

If Saturday was only your 2nd time doing IM, you're already doing *phenomenal*!! This one definitely takes time to 'get down'!! Bear in mind, I've been doing IM off and on for probably about two years, thus the reason why I've mastered the 'beast'. However, when I first started doing this tape, I remember actually TALKING to Cathe (as if she could actually hear me!) during the 2nd interval saying "Are you NUTS?!?!" .. :) It's definitely a toughie!! Hang in there, it's a blast after it stops being so hard! Added bonus .. it's going to help you to kick the others tapes (i.e. Body Max, MIC) right in the rear :-jumpy

~ Nicole
Ack! I, uh, forgot to fit it in this week! I bet I would have nailed it, though! ;-)
Terry (obviously in her own little world out there somewhere)
I like this checkin i- may I join? ;-)

I did Imax yesterday morning (sunday). I don't seem to have as much energy in the first half of the day and I'm used to working out in the evening... so I only made it through the 1st 7 intervals. But with no modifications! I have only done all 10 intervals about 3 times, with some modifications every time. It's killer. ;-)
HI everybody

This is my first posting to the Cathe message board and as soon as I saw the check in for Interval Max I knew I had to write.

I am just starting the Cathe weight loss rotation and in two days I will be doing Interval Max for the first time. I have already done other interval training workouts like Intense moves and other Cathe workouts like Cardio Kicks and Circuit Max.

But I thought I would write to ask some advice. Is there anything I should remember to watch out for when doing IMAX? Any tips for a beginner?

This was a "great" Imax week for me. I did it this am and I am proud to say I completed #2 (air jumps) with NO modification at all! I was so tickled with myself!

I'm still modifying on #4 (plyo-jacks), #5 (2 feet jumps), #8 (power scissors) and without a doubt on #10 (leap/tuck). But I'm tackling the "beast" every week until I'm modify free! :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-22-02 AT 05:11PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey, guys. I just finished Interval Max, with no modifications until #4 -- then there they came. I think it's interval #4, 5 & 8 that I especially have problems with. Those scissors seem to be absolutely unnatainable! But I look forward to that day that I'm able to complete them! ;) Positive thinking, or am I just kidding myself. . .

Nicole, I know what you mean about talking to Cathe and interval number 2 -- I absolutely was stunned the 1st time I attempted IM and saw that interval. I looked at her as if she were an alien, telling her she must be nuts! My dh asked me later who was I talking to in there. My kids have to be out of the house when I do this one, I don't want them learning any 'new' words.

Hi Dana -- in regard to any tips for beginners, I would say that I would watch Cathe and make sure to take note of the modifications she shows before the interval starts and come back to that when the interval becomes too intense. Since you've done Circuit Max, you already have an advantage, so you may not have to modify a whole lot. Take it at your own pace. :)

Everyone keep up the excellent work -- the beast WILL be slayed. . .

Hi Dana-
I notice you have CAthe's weight loss rotation. I would love to have a copy of this rotation. I'm not sure if I have all the tapes but I might be able to modify. Please let me know. Thanks so much. Also, I did(tried) to do IM this morning. I made it to interval 7. It's a journey,right? :) KB

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