Search results

  1. Beth F

    green smoothies

    Acadia: Thanks for the link! I've just been adding a handful of spinach to my usual protein shakes, with mixed results. Beth
  2. Beth F

    My new protein powder trick

    Yum! Thanks for the tip. Tried it earlier today, and it really boosted the chocolate factor in my protein shake. I'd been using chocolate syrup (:o). I'll stick with the cleaner alternative from here on out.
  3. Beth F

    Lurkers are very interesting people...

    I tend to lurk more than post for many of the same reasons posted by others. Often, when I get the urge to post a reply, the thread has been quiet for awhile so I figure, "I'm late to the party, so why bother?" Kind of like now. :D
  4. Beth F

    5oth anniversay ideas

    My folks celebrated their 50th a couple of years ago. My siblings & I arranged for a family photo session with a professional photographer as a gift. Easier said than done: there are five of us, all married, most with kids. It was chaotic, but fun, and my parents really appreciated the effort.
  5. Beth F


    Me too!! :D After snooping around their website yesterday, I've added TRX to my wishlist. Right after a squat rack, a new barbell/plate set, kettlebells (and related DVDs, of course ;)). It never ends! :eek:
  6. Beth F

    STS legs question

    Hi, Cindy. I like the way you worked out your schedule for Meso 2. One leg day per week isn't enough for me either. What do you do for cardio?
  7. Beth F

    Balance Challenged LUNGES

    Hi, rosepetals. I tend to wobble on lunges as well. When I'm not paying attention, my foot placement tends to be narrow. Almost like I'm on a balance beam. :confused: I've been trying to watch more closely, and widen my stance a bit (but not too wide - not beyond shoulder width). It helps...
  8. Beth F

    STS: Meso 3: Legs Poll

    Glad to learn I'm not the only one thinking about doing both. Haven't figured out how yet (I'm still on Meso #1, Week 4), but I really want to get the best of both worlds.
  9. Beth F

    I want to become a Fitness Trainer, but

    Hi, Kris. I'm curious. Why did you decide to go with ISSA? Been looking at some of these programs myself. There are quite a few out there, and it's not always clear to me what the differences are. -Beth
  10. Beth F

    Stretch Max/Band & STS

    Add me to the list! :D I've been using StretchMax on my rest days, and just did the stability ball version last night for the first time. Usually go for the mix with the resistance band, but felt like trying something new. Loved it! It worked my muscles just a little differently, and more...
  11. Beth F


    I certainly understand your concern, having failed every previous attempt to follow even a one month rotation. :o
  12. Beth F


    Hi, Lisa. I had the same debate with myself over the weekend, and decided to lower my weight when necessary in order to get in all of the reps. For me, the primary purpose of Meso #1 is to build endurance. Strength gains are secondary. Meso #1 is laying the foundation on which Meso's 2 & 3...
  13. Beth F

    ab circuits

    Aren't they on the back of the DVD case? I know I've seen them.
  14. Beth F

    Powerblocks vs Selectech dumbells

    I waffled between PowerBlocks and SelectTech, and finally went with the ST (weight range 5 - 52.5 lbs; 2.5 lb increments below 20 lbs). On the whole, I'm pleased. They still seem bulky & awkward for some moves (e.g., one arm dumbbell rows) but I'm adjusting. The dial mechanism hasn't been as...
  15. Beth F

    I need more cardio variety for sts rotation

    Gee, thanks for helping me spend more money, A-Jock! :rolleyes: Seriously, your comments about Cardio Kicks/Circuit Max made me check out the previews. They both look like my kind of cardio. High energy, but not too "steppy". I'm in the same boat as Rachel. Looking for some new cardio to...
  16. Beth F

    Gym Styles Success

    I love the GS series. They are so easy to work into rotations. Although I'm doing STS now, I've used GS in past rotations, and have been pleased with the results. You are smart to push yourself with heavier weights. Like many others around here, working through the 1RM tests showed I wasn't...
  17. Beth F

    Precision Nutrition results

    No milk. Plain yogurt is good, but cottage cheese tends to be used more since it is lower in carbs. That took some getting used to, for me. :) Like you, I'm more of a yogurt addict. Cutting out milk has been tough for me. I'll still use small amounts sometimes, but nowhere near what I...
  18. Beth F

    Precision Nutrition results

    Hi, Chrissy. I was definitely not a big veggie eater before PN. I knew I should be eating more, but found excuses to keep from eating them. I think it was laziness mostly. I'm not sure there are even 10 on my list of favorites! :D For me, it's spinach, broccoli, carrots, bell peppers...
  19. Beth F

    Precision Nutrition results

    Hi. I'm not the person you were thinking of, but here's my $.02 anyway. :) I've been following PN since December, and am quite pleased with the results so far. Haven't weighed myself lately, so I can't report much on that aspect. I can report that my pants are much, much looser than they...
  20. Beth F

    I have to say goodbye to my dog tomorrow

    My thoughts are with you. My husband & I had to put down our 10-year-old Brittany in June. Over the weekend we were talking, yet again, about how empty the house is without him. Unfortunately, I'm at work and can't type any more without tears starting. Please know I'm thinking of you.