
So if we're talking about meso 1 which is endurance, is it better to lower my 1RM thus resulting in a lower weight for an exercise so that I can keep up with Cathe and complete all the reps or is it better to stick with my original 1RM and go at my own pace and not complete all the reps that Cathe does? She goes pretty fast for some of the leg exercises and I just can't keep up with my weight selection. But if we're talking about endurance then I should be doing lots of reps. What do you all think?
Hi, Lisa. I had the same debate with myself over the weekend, and decided to lower my weight when necessary in order to get in all of the reps. For me, the primary purpose of Meso #1 is to build endurance. Strength gains are secondary. Meso #1 is laying the foundation on which Meso's 2 & 3 will build.

Are you doing a 3 or 6 month rotation? I'm on week 4 of a 6-1/2 month rotation. With the longer rotation, I use the first time through to note what works & what doesn't, in terms of weight. The second time through, I apply what I've learned. Refering to previous workout cards ensures I don't go below what I lifted previously.

If I can get in all but one or two of the reps with good form, I'll leave the weight where it is. There have been a few moves where I failed at 8 of 15 reps, or could only get in 14 of 21, or had really sloppy form. For those, I back off just enough to where I get in all or most of the reps, with the last few a struggle. Fortunately, most of my 1RM results have been accurate.

I wouldn't hesitate to slow your pace if it keeps you in proper form. I certainly do. As Cathe would say, you've got to make it work for you.

Hope this helps. :D
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Wow, Beth, I could have written your post! I've also mostly decided to go lighter where I need to, but still I have trouble keeping up with a few things! I tam wishing I had repeated week 1 (I'm just about finished with week 2 and I think I will repeat it, but the thought of repeating with 60% sounds better than 65% :D).

Thanks Beth. I was planning on doing the 31/2 month rotation but maybe I should do the 6 1/2 month. I'm just afraid that I will get bored.
I certainly understand your concern, having failed every previous attempt to follow even a one month rotation. :eek:

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