Balance Challenged LUNGES


Active Member
Any tips on how to improve my balance when doing lunges. I wobble and weave on unsteady legs as I attempt to do lunges, looking like a drunk exerciser in a soggy exercise bra. Is it normal or am I Lunge Impaired?

I don't do them as deep as I am still working on developing strength and endurance. I end up using the back of a chair or walking stick for balance when necessary.

The dvds are so challenging I take short breaks when I do them, but I still complete them refusing to let them win over me. I think I can, I think I can, I know I can !!!

Thank you for your advice.
Better shoes? I find that certain shoes (with more lateral and ankle support) help a ton. Also, as time goes on, you get more stable... That said, I weeble wobbled big time in disk 20! Heavier weight wreaked havoc with my balance!
Hi, rosepetals. I tend to wobble on lunges as well. When I'm not paying attention, my foot placement tends to be narrow. Almost like I'm on a balance beam. :confused: I've been trying to watch more closely, and widen my stance a bit (but not too wide - not beyond shoulder width). It helps, although there are still days when I too look like a drunk exerciser in a soggy sports bra! :D

I also try to pay attention to my core muscles, and keep everything engaged. That seems to help.
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Thanks everyone. I use a walking stick to aid in balance. I have really good $100 nike and other brand shoes. My strength is considerably less in the left leg vs. the right leg which may account for some balance issues.
I guess I should also reveal that I am fairly new back to exercising and starting with STS. When I saw that it was like having a personal trainer I went for it. It is difficult, but doable with modifications in weights.

I noticed already an improvement in strength. I am on meso 1 disk 7. Did 5 and 6 yesterday along with weights and plates and the extended stretch. Resting today. Can't exercise daily or on a set schedule due to work.

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