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  1. M

    Please Help Me - In major (emotional) pain..

    I'm sorry that this has happened to you. At least you invested only 3 years - I spent 6 years with someone who never wanted to get married. He sent signals throughout the entire relationship but I just didn't want to see it. I think you've gotten some good advice here! Heather
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    Birth control and hypothyroid

    I am considering going off of birth control. I have been on it for about 13 years and am concerned with how long it will take me to get pregnant, how my body will react w/o it, what my periods will be like,etc...we are not going to try and conceive for a couple of years. I'm also hypothyroid...
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    Talking to your husband/SO

    Janice, I am in a similar situation but without the tantrums. I come from a violent, checkered family where we talked about everything, yelled and screamed and got it out in the open. No topic was off limits. My DH comes from a family where his parents never argued in front of him (or at all)...
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    Why do people have more than 2 kids??

    Sparrow, Thanks for voicing your opinion about being childless. It seems in this world that there is harsh judgment against those who chose not to have children. While DH and I are weighing the pros and cons about having a child, there seems to be judgment from our families and some friends...
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    Have I fractured my foot?

    Thanks everyone. All went well and I do not have a broken toe or any broken bones in my foot. My fourth toe is still pretty swollen and the dr. says that I have soft tissue damage and may have damaged some of the small bones in the toe (we have many). She gave me a prescription for 800 mg of...
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    Have I fractured my foot?

    Thanks everyone for the advice. I have an appointment with a foot doc this afternoon. I'll keep you posted. I'm hoping for the best:-)
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    Have I fractured my foot?

    I know you guys aren't doctors but I'm wondering if any of you've experienced this. Over two weeks ago, I slammed my foot into the leg of my couch. I put ice on it that night and it swelled up and was bruised for a week. I haven't done any cardio, only walking since I did this. The bruising has...
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    Cheap Guy???

    Divagirl, You've gotten some excellent advice here. If money is a HUGE issue now, it won't get better with marriage. It will get worse. Heather
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    Things we STILL eat and know we shouldn't

    COOKIES! COOKIES! I could fill a whole thread with just that one word. I've been horrible lately and I think I need to go to cookie detox. I'm also a daily addict of Starbucks Skim Chai tea - I don't know if I'll every give those up. And yes, it's explains why I'm not losing weight! Heather
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    Are Today's Weddings All About The Money??

    Reading all of these responses reminded me of how my brother behaved at my wedding versus his. He didn't even get my husband and I a card or a gift. However, when he got married I was expected (not asked) to be in the bridal party, shell out money to travel halfway across the country to attend...
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    Are Today's Weddings All About The Money??

    I thought I'd chime in here since I got married in October 2004 and have been to a handful of weddings in the past two years. I have never heard of the bride wearing two dresses and selling raffle tickets at the wedding. How embarassing! I think this might be an isolated event. Never heard of...
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    Desperatly need a running/Cathe rotation

    Colleen - Take a look at the November 05 rotation. It's located under the "Video/DVD Rotations" section, titled "Index to Cathe Rotations". Just scroll through the first few posts and there will be an update with the Aug - Dec 05 rotations. It has a long run once a week and you should be able to...
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    Fave Cathe lower body rotation?

    The rotation above is the August 2004 rotation - looks like a tough one! Heather
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    What would be a good weight loss/definition Rotatin?

    Madison, Check out the July 2003 Fat loss & Definition rotation in the "Index for Cathe Rotations" link above. I got great results when I did this one! Good luck! Heather
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    This is great! Thanks for sharing! Heather
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    I've given up on shoe stores. I wear a size 10 and it's practically impossible to find shoes in my size, let alone an attractive shoe. I started ordering all my shoes online (many from and have had great luck. It does take the fun out of shopping at a store, but I get what I want and...
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    I was so embarrased

    My brother is a partner in a Ruby Tuesday franchise and I use to wait tables and work in fast food for years. This is a touchy subject in my family! My dad never leaves anything over 12-13% for a tip. The rest of us end up covering for him. We can't discuss it with him because he gets mad! It...
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    GS Legs

    I once did Pyramid Legs and then tried to do the first 4 intervals of Low Max afterwards. I barely made it through the workout - my legs were shaking and I felt like I was going to fall flat on my face! Heather
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    Lunges - foot/calf issue

    When I do lunges, sometimes my the front of my foot/toes are tender or numb. Usually I have to take my shoe off to let my foot "breathe" before I can continue. Sometimes this also happens when I do the IMAXs. Also, when I do a lunge, it feels like I'm working my calf more than anything. Is this...
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    Pure Strength or Slow & Heavy?

    If you had to choose between PS or SH, which one would you pick? Heather