I was so embarrased


I went out to dinner with a friend last night.
Well the story:

DH worked out of town and I never go anywhere. My friend says lets go to eat.
I pick her up after work. We end up at Red Lobster.
We had a really nice and attentive male waiter.
We get a drink at the bar and she leaves no tip.Then she orders a steak. It has some pink and she sends it back.It was a little scorched then.
The manager came over and apologised and took it off the bill.

She ate 1/2 of it (dipped her steak in melted butter)OOOH.

The bill came. They comped her meal. She never left a tip.
Well, I did for her.
I had Stuffed Tapalita and a shrimp coctail. The fish was excellent by the way....
My bill was like 23 bucks and I left him 35. I felt so bad.He was a really good waiter, and I am picky.

Then the best part is that she lives in a $750,000 house.

Now I know why i don't go out often with friends.
Would you have been embarrased.

Often times the ones who have lots of $$$ are the ones who act like that...how do ya think they got so rich? ;) :p

ETA: It seems too that some folks are not happy unless they are complaining...I rarely ever make an issue out of something like that unless it's waaay off from what I expected. Heck, I was at the diner last week and I ordered a "greek salad wrap"...do ya know what I got? A "tuna salad wrap"! I ate it and was happy. The fact is that I like tuna and it really wasn't such a big deal to me so I let it go. The waitress obviously just misunderstood what I said. Now if I didn't like tuna, yeah, I would've said something but that's understandable...AND I would have still left the gal a tip!:)
I waitressed for years at my parent's restaurant and it seemed like the people that had $$ either didn't leave a tip or left a very small one.

I hate to go out with my DH's cousin or aunt b/c all they do is complain. Whether it is about the price of the meal or the meal itself, they complain.
My brother is a partner in a Ruby Tuesday franchise and I use to wait tables and work in fast food for years. This is a touchy subject in my family! My dad never leaves anything over 12-13% for a tip. The rest of us end up covering for him. We can't discuss it with him because he gets mad! It really embarasses me when we're out if we have an excellent server. They deserve a good tip!

My MIL grips about leaving tips too, which really gets me. I've tried to plead my case but to no avail. The thing that she and my dad have in common is that they're both cheap!

These people should try living in Europe where there's a "service" charge just to eat at the restaurant. It typically runs 10% of the bill.

I would have been embarassed too!

That is a real pet peeve of mine. I will stop going out with people or will say something to them it bothers me so much. It does seem like the wealthy leave the worst (or no) tips. My sister was a waitress at a nice seafood restaurant years ago, and ended up owing them at the end of the month. x( By the time they took the taxes out on what she "should" have made on tips and her hourly rate, she really did owe them money. She was a really cute, friendly and good waitress too. Sad. (Obviously she quit)

I do think tipping depends on the part of the country you live in. When I lived on the east coast, it seemed everyone tipped well. Of course, if you didn't, someone might spit in your food. :p I always treat the wait staff nicely and tip well. After all they are the last people touching my food!

Please don't assume all people who have a little money behave like that because it simply isn't true. She is definitely a low class piece of work. Not only was it wrong for her not to tip at the bar, but she should have definitely tipped the waiter if the service was good. He should not have been held accountable for the "bad food" of the establishment. (I also hate to send food back...I'm always terrified someone will spit in it.....but I have when it was done incorrectly and there was absolutely no way I will eat it.)

Anne, you are definitely a class act and you should not feel embarrassed at all...she alone deserves that honor. Unfortunately, people like that don't feel a thing.

I would still go out to lunch with my friends....just not with her;)

Thanks ladies.
I waited tables for 10 years.
I know how hard they work.
Also, it is not the waiters /waitress's fault if the cooks screw up.
Just my input, but never again.
And I drove.
She should have offered to leave the tip. She didn't have to gas up her Escalade.
I know I would have picked up dinner if she would have driven.

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