What would be a good weight loss/definition Rotatin?


Active Member
Im looking for a 4 week rotation. I can workout 5 - 6 days a week for 1 hour.
What sort of workouts should I include for weight loss & definition?
Should I be strictly doing Intervals for cardio? Doing cardio & weights together? How many days of weight lifting?

Can you help w/ some ideas?


Check out the July 2003 Fat loss & Definition rotation in the "Index for Cathe Rotations" link above. I got great results when I did this one! Good luck!

Hi I could not locate July 2003 Fat Loss & Definition-It did not come up in my search- do you have it? & will I be happy with it- I am at an intermediate level- thanks, deb
Look in the Index For Cathe Rotations thread up above. It has mostly all of Cathe's rotations.


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