Have I fractured my foot?


Active Member
I know you guys aren't doctors but I'm wondering if any of you've experienced this. Over two weeks ago, I slammed my foot into the leg of my couch. I put ice on it that night and it swelled up and was bruised for a week. I haven't done any cardio, only walking since I did this. The bruising has gone away but it still hurts to bend my toes and sometimes wear an athletic shoe. Should I continue to stay off of it? I'm dying to do cardio!


I'm sorry to sound harsh, but we can't possibly know if it's fractured or if you should stay off it. You need to have it looked at by a professional. I would hate for you to do something because someone on here advised it, and have it make your foot worse.
I was told by a doc when I cracked a bone in my foot that if you can walk, then it isn't broken. But then again, I was able to walk on the side of my foot and it was cracked. It hurt like crazy and was swollen for a few weeks. Do see a doc.
I'm with Shelley. You must have it imaged or you could do more damage and have to lay off indefinitely. In the meantime, use RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation to help it along. Ibuprofen may be helpful as well. I hope it's not fractured but you can't be sure without a picture. Do it quickly! :) And heal well.
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/tiere/animal-smiley-032.gif
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Thanks everyone for the advice. I have an appointment with a foot doc this afternoon. I'll keep you posted. I'm hoping for the best:)
Good luck at your appointment Heather.

I know what you're going through. Last November I was doing a 6 mile walk and stepped on a pine cone or a nut and pulled the ligaments/tendons in my right foot. Ok..I'm not sure if it was ligaments or tendons because I didn't go to the doctor. I was able to walk on it (I actually walked a mile home after I did it) but it took a long time to heal. I had to sit out all of December and most of January. By February it was healed for the most part. Then in early April I was doing a step video and landed wrong and twisted by left ankle. It was bruised and swollen but I could put weight on it. I stayed off it as much as possible and was able to sign up for my bootcamp class by the end of April.

I can understand you wanting to do cardio. I was in a mild depression both times because I couldn't workout. When I felt comfortable I did upper body and ab workouts.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!
Good Luck Heather...hope all checks out okay. Maybe you just bruised it badly. Let us know.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks everyone. All went well and I do not have a broken toe or any broken bones in my foot. My fourth toe is still pretty swollen and the dr. says that I have soft tissue damage and may have damaged some of the small bones in the toe (we have many). She gave me a prescription for 800 mg of ibuprofen, recommended I use arch supports since I have a high arch, and told me no weighted cardio, running, lunges (because of the pressue on your toes), elliptical, or stair climber for at least a month. x(

Jane - Oh my goodness! ;( To heal from one foot injury and then go straight to another would have devastated me. I'm glad your doing better!

Debbie - You're right - The dr. said I bruised some of the bone on the top of my foot near the fourth toe. It amazes how something so small (like tripping or hitting your foot) can injure your foot.

So...I'm fighting giving up any exercise until I can do cardio. I can still use a stationary cycle, arm work and abs. I just need to get back into the swing of things!

Thanks for your help,
Hang in there Heather. It's worth the time to have your foot healed and in good shape. When you're ready to start back, you'll be strong and will be able to hit your cardio hard. In the meantime, work on your upper body and abs. You'll be good to go very soon!! Be happy that it wasn't a broken foot. That's what I kept telling myself.

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