
L Sass

I went to Dick's to get new running shoes and new cross-trainers. (My Rykas just don't give me enough arch support :( ) SIX FULL WALLS OF MEN'S SHOES for every kind of sport you can imagine - 2 itty bitty walls of all the women's stuff crammed together - and oh - it's worse. Of the 7 shelf displays from top to bottom - 5 were the same shoe!!! THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!! They had nothing. I complained to the manager and he said he is fully aware. He's been sending e-mail and journal reports constantly - but their buyers are mostly men. He says he's complained that this company is missing out on the HUGE women's fitness industry. How pathetic! (Maybe I'm just PMSing) }(

PMS or no PMS, that BITES. That manager needs to go kick some booty and get you some shoes!!!!!
I find that to be the case no matter where I shop for fitness clothes of any type. Another gripe I have is....why is there always plenty of larger sizes in shorts/tops, but the store will carry one size small or medium and it's already been purchased two minutes after it was put out on the floor? That chaps my arse to no end to find a style/color I like, and no small sizes, and you know it's a new item because you were in the store a week ago and that particular top/shorts was not there.

And while I'm at it...why does every woman in the world wear the same size bra I do because the size I need is ALWAYS out when I go bra shopping! x( x(
I was shopping at the Dick's in Lakewood , Colorado the other day and the customer service was deplorable. the salesman handed my son a box of shoes and walked away. I'm old enough to remember the days when your foot was measured, the salesperson laced up the shoes for you and offered comments re: fit.

Me too Lisa. We have a TradeHome shoes in our mall and I have to say...the sales staff in that store are fantastic. When my kids, or myself, need new tennies that is where we go.

We also have a smaller family run sporting goods store that carries athletic shoes besides the tennis shoes so that is where we have to go for football shoes, track shoes, etc. The store is over-priced because they are the only game in town. I don't mind paying more...but I do expect excellent customer service in exchange...and that store is usually hit or miss on the service end of things. Makes me mad to have to do business there when they can't be bothered to assist you with trying on the shoes. x(
I've given up on shoe stores. I wear a size 10 and it's practically impossible to find shoes in my size, let alone an attractive shoe. I started ordering all my shoes online (many from and have had great luck. It does take the fun out of shopping at a store, but I get what I want and don't leave the store depressed!

Heather I'm ready to turn to Road Runner and Title 9 - but I just never know about the sizing. Guess if I order before I really need them then I give myself some latitude as far as exchange time huh?

Lorrie...I have never been to Dicks...but I have ordered from them online and gotten great deals on Reeboks...RoadRunner is great but expensive. Another site I have tried is Kellys Running Warehouse. If you already know what shoe you want ordering online is the way I would go...:)
I'm lucky because I have big feet (also size 10), and will wear men's shoes if I can't find what I want in a women's shoe. Not to say that your complaints aren't valid, of course! Could you write a letter to the head muckity-muck buyer of Dick's and express your displeasure?

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)

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