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  1. B

    Rock Star INXS

    I can't stand JD but the band seems to really like him lately. I love Marty and would buy their album the day it came out if he's the lead singer but wouldn't listen or buy anything if it's JD. I liked Mig for awhile but now don't think he fits with the band. Susie is great but can't see them...
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    Hi! Surgery went great!

    That's great, I am so glad for you!!!
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    Tubal Ligation

    I had mine done on a Friday morning, had some pain in my shoulder from the gas but it went away completely with 3 Advil. Went back to work Monday. I think I worked out the following week. It was the best thing I've done, I am so glad I did it!! You'll be fine! Oh, and the surgery took about...
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    I use silicone bakeware now and it seems to bake stuff evenly. Love it!
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    Ideas to stop being self defeating with my diet

    I think you could eat a fudge bar every night if it's only 40 calories.
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    You know you've worked out with Cathe when...

    Great thread! You get to sleep at night by repeating the workout you just did, or the one you're going to do the next day! You love looking at your arms in the mirror when washing your hands (like others have said).
  7. B

    Lunges and knee pain

    I get that pain too sometimes, just in my bad knee though, not the other one. When it starts happening, I just do reverse lunges instead of forward ones and then my knee is fine. And I either use light weights (no more than 10 lbs total) or no weights at all.
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    I pretty much eat 1800-2000 calories per day, 5-6 days per week. One day I usually eat whatever I want and don't worry about it. I try to workout 4-5 days per week, usually 1 or 2 cardio, 2 AWT, & 1 weights only. In the summer I try to get outside and walk a couple times per week. Bev
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    Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal.....

    Wow, sounds like I'll have to try this stuff! Especially if Costco has it. Thanks ladies, I'm always looking for good cereals to try.
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    Which Cathe workouts for the rebounder?

    I do part of the blast from KM on the rebounder but many times I just jog in place while she's doing all her jumps. I don't try to do the same thing, I just want to keep moving. So you could use the rebounder for any of her workouts in parts that you don't feel comfortable doing or don't want...
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    General: Mount St. Helens

    I know it would be cool to see it blow but having ash cover everything is really bad. I remember last time it blew and everyone was told to stay indoors, especially if you had asthma. And it was really bad on your car engine, and on your eyes if you wore contacts, etc. I think Mt. Rainier...
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    PLB now!

    I LOVE the ball work on PLB! The first time I did it I could only do one set of the hamstring lifts but quickly worked up to doing them all. And those frog pull-ins for the inner thighs kill me! I still can't do all of those. My legs feel completely fried after this workout, it's awesome. I...
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    I really like ME, it's nice using lighter weights but it will fry you because of how many reps you do. Give it a shot and just do what you can, no reason to be scared. Have fun! It does have fun music too.
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    Kick Max is killing my lats!

    Yes, that happens to me too, plus my shoulders are always sore the next day. I'm going to try to do KM twice a week for a while. I love the low block move, it feels great in my triceps!
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    Your last drink

    I try not to drink much 3 hours before bedtime. I hate getting up at night cause I have a hard time getting back to sleep.
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    Hip Measurement

    I just measure around the biggest part.
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    General: Mount St. Helens

    I'm from Seattle but live in Anchorage now. We saw it on the news last night. Pretty exciting! My family just visited there a couple years ago, it was very interesting! In the paper this morning it said they weren't expecting much else to happen, but we'll see, huh!
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    PUB...Oh my!

    I like to do "up only" for both PUB & PLB, that way I can fit them both in on one day. I went heavy the first time I did PLB and I couldn't sleep well for a couple nights cause my legs ached. Now I go lighter and will work up to heavy weights! I LOVE the ball work for the legs. I think it's...
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    Can I get a whoot! Whoot?!!

    That's awesome, way to go!!
  20. B

    Push Up Question

    I would think planks would be fine but like you said, I'd be afraid of flipping over doing pikes, it sounds too dangerous. I suppose if you really wanted to try you could just go very slow! Good luck! Bev