Can I get a whoot! Whoot?!!

It worked and I'm deliriously happy!:D :D
I stumbled across Cathe last October when I was looking for challenging workouts to help me maintain my fitness level over winter when I can't jog. My goal, in addition to maintaining my fitness level, was also to keep those 10 lbs of winter weight from packing on. It finally warmed up enough for me to hit the road on Friday! I've only been jogging for a few years (started it when I got bored with my run-of-the-mill aerobics tapes) so every spring I'd have to start back in a walk/jog routine and build up to 30 mins of jogging. Friday I went out and jogged 3 miles in 30 minutes (I know I'm slow!x( I'm working on it!) with absolutely no problems, no cramps, no lung pain, and without any DOMS! And when it rains or is too cold, I have great indoor workouts to fall back on!!! Thank you Cathe for helping me reach my goals!

I'm so pleased...and I can't think of a person in my world who really wants to hear this news! :-( BTW - I stole the subject line from my dd. She has a great group of friends that call this out whenever they do anything slightly amazing and feel like bragging about it. I hope they are able to keep this up because I don't think my adult female friends would give a hoot(!) about this accomplishment.

Congratulations, Trish! You know you are in the right place to brag and all I have to say is, "Yay!" You're the bomb! :D

Edited to say, Whoot, whoot!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
Wow Trish....a WHOOT is a good thing! I am a seasoned distance runner and I have even run 3 miles in more than 30 min, so don't ever worry about being slow....:)...way to go.....Carole
Confucious said, "It doesn't matter how slow you go so long as you keep going".

Whoot Whoot to you!

Well I think it's a major deal! Congratulations! I wish I could get excited about jogging. But...I hate the foul exercise. 5 minutes into it, I'm ready to stop. Not so much because I'm tired, but because I get so BORED! Well, some of it's because I'm tired. I think it's much harder than Cathe.
Trish~you just Whoot-away!!!What a great accomplishment. Keep up the great work. (From Deb, who is hoping the snow & cold in Ohio will go away for good so she can get back into jogging. :7)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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