PUB...Oh my!


I just finished PUB for the very first time and all I can say is....WOW!!! That work out is NO JOKE! I used light weights, using 3,5, and 8 pounds on almost everything and I am sooo fried! I only went up to 10 pounds on ONE exercise and even decided to start with 2# on a couple of exercises!
That is one evil upper body routine! }( }( }(
...And I thought UBS was a frier...PUB is even tougher IMO!...

I have PLB tomorrow...I think I will be doing only pyramid UP for my first time with that one...I have learned my lesson and learned it well!!! lol }( :p }(

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I love the Pyramid series and Slow and Heavy. I haven't done PUB in awhile as I am hooked on the Gym Style Upper Body workouts. I am sure I'll be rotating PUB into my workouts in a few weeks. The pyramid series is so flexible can work out just one/two body parts a day if you want to. I like to combine two upper body from PUB and 2 lower body from PLB and then do a cardio workout.
>The pyramid series is so flexible can
>work out just one/two body parts a day if you want to. I like
>to combine two upper body from PUB and 2 lower body from PLB
>and then do a cardio workout.

Hmmm...sounds like a great option, Cathy! Thanks for the idea! I'm gonna keep that one in mind for the future!:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Watch out on PLB - I got my husband to try it for the first (and only) time and he couldn't walk for 3 days afterwards! Of course, he was trying to be "manly" and match Cathe's weights.

The Pyramids are my all time favorite weight workouts.

Good luck!
Wendy did you have any problems modifing this workout? I've seen such good results in my arms from this workout. I'm now at the point where I could up my weights, but I guess I'll have to wait till the end of the year for that. I really hope I can keep my weights where there are at now, and don't have to go down. I will of course if it is necessary, but I hope it's not. Anyway so glad to here you like it! Oh PLB is one of my favorites, but right now for legs I'm using MM and GSL.
Hi Julie...No problems with modifications on PUB...just did all exercises where Cathe was laying down on an incline...I don't have enough risers to create one so I prop my step up on my fanny lifter instead. The only thing is...with the big ol' belly "weighing me down", I am MUCH slower at getting in and out of that position so I have to pause A LOT! lol

You should be able to continue using the weights you have been using with no far as wether you should up them at this time...I'm not really sure...I'm thinking you could as long as the increment you will up them by is small...I mean, there is no sense in doing a weight work out if it doesn't challenge you, right? There is just a limit as to HOW challenging it should be for a pregnant woman.


Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
>Watch out on PLB - I got my husband to try it for the first
>(and only) time and he couldn't walk for 3 days afterwards!
>Of course, he was trying to be "manly" and match Cathe's

LOL Tracy! Sounds like something only a MAN would do! ;)
I have already decided, in the interest of self-preservation that I will NOT be doing the entire work out the first time. I will be doing only pyramid UP tonight! I am no fool! :)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I like to do "up only" for both PUB & PLB, that way I can fit them both in on one day. I went heavy the first time I did PLB and I couldn't sleep well for a couple nights cause my legs ached. Now I go lighter and will work up to heavy weights! I LOVE the ball work for the legs. I think it's helped slim my legs. I like to add it on to other workouts too. Let us know how you like PLB.
Hi Wendy - PUB is one of my favs. When I used to train with my ex-boyfriend in the gym (he was a competitive bodybuilder) he had me follow a pyramid routine which was great for giving small shapely, muscles in record time. This DVD reminds me so much of that routine! If I'm short on time, I usually only do pyramid down so I lift heavy and fatigue my muscles in the first set then fry them on the way down the pyramid. Its so effective in so many ways!!

Enjoy!!! You're lifting with the BIG GIRLS now! hee hee :)
Wendy, Glad to hear you like PUB, I really enjoy the pyramids too!

You may have already figured out that there is a chunk of PLB that you cannot do because it requires you to lay on your back with feet elevated on the stability ball. The first half should be fine.

Get this, my best friend has the pyramids and I asked her a few weeks ago "how do you like the bicep work" and she sheepishly admitted to using 12's. 15's, then 20's!!!!! I was FLOORED! She isn't huge and bulky, quite lean but STONG, I tell you! 20's!!! Sheesh!
>Wendy, Glad to hear you like PUB, I really enjoy the pyramids
>You may have already figured out that there is a chunk of PLB
>that you cannot do because it requires you to lay on your back
>with feet elevated on the stability ball. The first half
>should be fine.

Yeah, I saw that stability ball section. I will just skip it for now...stinks though coz it looks good! Oh well, it will just have to wait!

>Get this, my best friend has the pyramids and I asked her a
>few weeks ago "how do you like the bicep work" and she
>sheepishly admitted to using 12's. 15's, then 20's!!!!! I was
>FLOORED! She isn't huge and bulky, quite lean but STONG, I
>tell you! 20's!!! Sheesh!

My goodness, not in my wildest dreams could I have done biceps with that kind of weight! WOW! Good for her!!!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
>Enjoy!!! You're lifting with the BIG GIRLS now! hee hee :)

LOL Joy! That's cute! :) Hopefully one day I'll be able to lift the same amount weight as the BIG GIRLS also!
(I'm still a weakling x( )

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
PUB was one of my most (actually i think most) used workout last year!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

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