Your last drink


Do you plan for your last drink before bedtime so you can have uninterupted sleep, due to potty calls?

I'm getting a glass now at 10:03 and I'm wondering how many times I will have to get up to do potty.

Thinking if I stopped sooner I could get more sleep. Does drinking late affect your sleeping habits.??

I'm talking water, or whatever else you drink for health reasons, not the pleasure ones.

Working towards Perpetual Motion
i know it definitely effects me. but then again, sometimes i think it's just a mind thing. i try not to drink much before bed, but i always end up craving a drink of water right when i get into bed. so i take that drink, and then i'm up at 2 or 3 in the morning going potty!
I wake up 2 to 3 night for potty calls, also have to let the dog out its no big deal, I am used to it.............. as much water as I drink I can't stop sooner.................. like last night my last drink was about 8:45 cause I feel asleep about 9:15....... Rhonda
I always have to have some water before bed and I have to have a glass by the bed at night as well. Our room is very very dry and I wake up in the middle of the night with a mouth that is drier than sandpaper! I don't chug it, but I take several sips through out the night so it builds up and I usually have to get up atleast one time a night...sometimes 2 now that I am pregnant.;-) We bought a humidifier but I guess it's not a very good one cause it really hasn't helped...have to go out and buy a better one soon.

As far as watching my fluid intake prior...nope, I've never done that....

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I think the last drink went okay. I did have the last 12 ouces before 11 and it seems I was okay. It just takes a bit to get back to sleep and I'm concerned about not getting the proper sleep. LIke this is going to make a HUGE difference. I know it does.

So, I'm okay now on the water. I best start as it's 9:42 now and I'm searching for breakfast. :) thanks guys.

I think some nights it just affects me more, I guess it's not all the last drink, I think it's the drinks prior. When I work 11-7, I will have to go 3 times during that shift. Must be the more active body flushing it's way out.

Working towards Perpetual Motion
I work 12 hour shifts in an ICU. I don't get to drink alot during the shift so when I get home I am so thirsty and drink too much water. I'm usually up all night if I'm dayshift or up all day if I'm night shift . Oh well such is the life of a nurse.
I always laugh when I see posts like this...where people actually plan how much they are going to drink near, at, or during bed time. LOL. I just keep doing what I do all day long. If I am thirsty when I go to bed, I'll drink 32 oz.

Usually I wake up once, maybe twice to pee. Second time, I can barely get out of bed and my bladder is actually SORE after I empty it because it has been stetched so far. Don't know why my body doesn't wake me up sooner. I guess because I drink so much water so often, my bladder is used to holding much more before it says, "Hey, gotta go".:)
the nurses at the hospital I work in pretty much have some water on the station, nurses station but I know, you all are busy. When I'm there on 11-7 always moving. Always.

I sit for the patients on this shift and that's when I don't want to go to the ladies room because I have to get a nurse to relieve me. I try not to bother them so I won't drink water.

12 hours is a lot on the body. How do you get your exercise in?

Working towards Perpetual Motion
I don't really ever think about it. Sometimes I'll have something to drink shortly before bed, but I don't usually have to get up to use the bathroom during the night. It's more that I get awoken by my daughter crying because she took the wrong stuffed animal to bed with her.
I try not to drink much 3 hours before bedtime. I hate getting up at night cause I have a hard time getting back to sleep.
I think I have a bladder the size of a walnut! (And I know I have smaller capacity than many, because I hear other people peeing in the public toilets at our school, and they let loose with a lot more than I do when I "gotta go!")

When I drink a lot of water, most of it seems to leave pretty quickly (and not stick around to help hydrate my skin, mouth, etc). If I drink to close to bedtime, I can be up several times to pee. I try to drink more earlier in the day, and avoid too much fluid about 2 hours before bedtime. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!
Day shift I generally don't have the time to exercise but I always exercise to Cathe or jogging before and in between nightshift. I am tired when I don't exercise. I'm the same way as Kathryn, I have a walnut as my bladder I swear.
I'm the same way
>as Kathryn, I have a walnut as my bladder I swear.

I'm SO glad I'm not the only one with "walnut-bladder syndrome"LOL!
not only that, it's cold out these parts. and I start shivering and it takes longer to get to sleep, again.

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