Tubal Ligation

Hey Angie! I'm also a day surgery nurse so I know I send these women home pretty quickly all the time compared to some other day surgeries. Yes the cramping is an issue with the gas they pump into you so they can see your organs but other than that they are fine. Of course you get sent home with pain meds but now that I think about it, they really don't have exercise restrictions. Wow! I would do it in a heart beat but I am way too spoiled with not having periods being on Depo Provera. If you decide to do it, you'll do just fine!

I also had my tubal with my C-section. If everything goes well, you'll be back exercising fairly quickly. With my tubal and c-section I was back exercising and working at 4 weeks, doctor approved. I had no cramping afterward.
Hey Angie!! I had mine about 10 years or so ago...sometime after my daughter was born. It was really easy, I went home the same day, and I remember some cramping and feeling kinda tired. I can't speak about the exercise issues cause I was a couch potato back then!! Now my hysterectomy two years ago...an entirely different experience. Good luck and take care....get lots of rest.
Let me know how it went. I might get my tubes tied after my 3rd baby if I do have another one. DH is too chicken to get his pipes snipped. (rolled eyes)

A friend of mine, she's 34 and she wanted her tubes tied. Her doctor said no because she's too young. WTH?? I thought you can get your tubes tied anytime? I know NY is kind of strict with some things which I find stupid. I'm 27 so hopefully I can get my tubes tied by 30.

Hope you have a speedy recovery!
Angie -

Good Luck. I had my tubal at the same time I had my 3rd c-section w/son #3. Since then I have had two myomectomies and finally a hysterectomy.

Recovery times for all were quick. I think it always helps when you go into a surgery in good shape. I was exercising as soon as I got my doctors go ahead.

Again, good luck!

It has been 9 years, so my memory is faded. :)

I remember going in around 8, and was home in the afternoon some time. I told them I get sick with anestisia, so they were very careful with this, and there was no problems there. I had a c-section with my first child, so they used that scar for the bottom incision, and then the other was through the belly button.

I remember not being able to do ab work for about a week, but then everything seem pretty normal. By 4 weeks after, there was not even a pinch.
I had mine done on a Friday morning, had some pain in my shoulder from the gas but it went away completely with 3 Advil. Went back to work Monday. I think I worked out the following week. It was the best thing I've done, I am so glad I did it!! You'll be fine! Oh, and the surgery took about 20 minutes. They went in through my belly button so no scars or anything. And I went home the same afternoon and napped on my couch.

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