General: Mount St. Helens


Hey! Mount St. Helens had a bit of a burp today! my town is currently under an ashfall advisory. just thought i'd share this little tidbit. i didn't get to see the ashcloud today, it went just at around 5:30, just before it got dark when i was still at work :( guess we'll see what else she has up her sleeve in the next few days...weeks...months :)
Hi Maddy,

I live in Shelton, WA. Where I live, there are so many trees in the way, but it is still so exciting.

Where do you live in order to see Mt. St. Helens?

Hi girls - I live in Portland. Finally she is starting to let off a little steam.
My girlfriend's husband works at St. Helen's. He is one of the guys who gets interviewed on the news all of the time. A coule of weeks ago he let it slip in a news conference that they might open up the perimeter to three miles - looks like that is off!

For the past couple of years we participate in the Mother's Day climb on it. Everyone wears goofy dresses, hats, even some purses - mostly the guys. We are really going to miss it this year, but I have a phobia of hot, molten lava.
Unfortunately, the closest I've been to WA State is reading Ann Rule, LOL! Your part of the U.S. looks so beautiful!!!
I'm up in Northern WA so no ashfall advisory here. I heard on the news this morning it is hitting Montana...

Candi, our part of the US is very beautiful, you should check it out sometime.
I was flying out to Seattle two weekends ago, and as we were coming in the pilot directed everyone's attention to Mount St. Helens. Billows of smoke were coming out, it was a beautiful blue sunny day and it just looked spectacular. I hope that whatever is coming won't be too bad for the people of Washington.

I live in Eastern Wa, and we could see the cloud last night, and watched it for a while. This morning, the little dog came in sneezing her head off, and sure enough, there is ash all over everything. No "accumulation" like there was when she really blew in the 80's, but dust all over everything. I was told to spray it off of my car instead of wiping it off, because it will scratch unbelievably!

Wish I could've gotten pictures of the cloud, but it was too dark already.
I'm from Seattle but live in Anchorage now. We saw it on the news last night. Pretty exciting! My family just visited there a couple years ago, it was very interesting! In the paper this morning it said they weren't expecting much else to happen, but we'll see, huh!
i'm over in little old ellensburg, wa. i didn't really notice any ash accumulation this morning, you must have been a bit closer than me snazzy! i wasn't around when she blew the first time, just barely a twinkle in my parent's eye. so i know it sound kinda bad to say i want to see it blow. but...i want to see it blow! even ranier, but only because we have a better view of ranier from where i live.
ah..yakivegas!!!!}( hee hee i was born in terrace heights! most of my family lives in yakima. howdy neighbor!
I know it would be cool to see it blow but having ash cover everything is really bad. I remember last time it blew and everyone was told to stay indoors, especially if you had asthma. And it was really bad on your car engine, and on your eyes if you wore contacts, etc. I think Mt. Rainier blowing would be really scary. Cool to watch but not cool if you lived nearby.

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