You know you've worked out with Cathe when...

- You're drenched in sweat and your muscles are screaming, but you have a HUGE smile on your face
- You do bicep curls with your friend's 10 year old, 60 lb son for fun
- You enjoy wearing sleeveless shirts and are way too proud of your emerging bicep vein
- You make up songs and poems about Cathe workouts
- Your SO starts working out because he doesn't want you to be more buff than he is}(
...not just the ponytail is wet, but all of my work out clothes and hand towel, too
...there's a puddle of sweat on my work out room floor can't stay on the stability ball when doing abs (if cardio is done first) because of the sweat son won't let me change his diaper because he says, "You're dripping on me mom!" and he runs off to DH.

Great thread.

Dallas have to clean drips of sweat off the TV screen (I still don't know how it flies that far, but it happens!)
- when after doing a leg workout, your legs feel like jello.
- So drenched your dh tells you that you look to sweaty to even hug.
- you're doing her tape and she says "Oh you are looking so great" and I am wobbling all over the place. I say "yeah right"

- She gives you confidence!!

Oh Brandi, I have fallen in love all over again! Jack is precious! :+ Golden retriever? How old is he? Reminds me of my Clyde when we first got him! Are you in love yet? :D
Happy Birthday!!!

They are simply awesome! Such a wonderful breed! Enjoy him! He'll bring you so much joy! :7
YOu would rather buy another Cathe workout than the NEW COOL sweater you saw at Banana Republic!

And............when you are drenched in sweat!
You know you've worked out with Cathe when...You look forward to being drenched in sweat after working out...You know you love your teenage children dearly, but you shamelessly can't wait for them to start college so that you can transform his bedroom into a larger workout room, so that you can store more equipment and more Cathe dvd's(hanging head in shame). are so drenched in sweat that you can't get your sports bra off because it is stuck to your body. look forward to using the bathroom at work so you can admire your biceps in the mirror while you wash your hands (I'm very glad to know that I am not the only one that does this). go to bed at night looking forward to the alarm going off so you can do another workout. look forward to trying on your clothes every day because they just keep getting bigger and bigger on you. hear one of the songs from a Cathe workout on the radio and all you want to do is go home and do whatever workout it's from. are afraid to do reverse crunches with the medicine ball because your legs are so sweaty that it's about to fall on your head.

Great thread!

You get to sleep at night by repeating the workout you just did, or the one you're going to do the next day!

You love looking at your arms in the mirror when washing your hands (like others have said).
..."You lie in bed thinking up new rotations" Yep, that's me

...You look at your kids trampoline and think, WOW! I could do KickMax blast chalenge on there}(

You watch Cathe workouts for entertainment. Intermittently I will watch a few of her workouts I have not done in a while so I can develop new rotations for the future!
After your workout there's a imprint of the high step riser on your hands from doing tricep pushups:)
You plan your DVD purchases months in advance. I already have scheduled what I am going to buy this paycheck, next one, next and so forth...
You get your credit card bill and it's ALL for Cathe workouts:)

You have a yard sale to help you buy more workouts. Teehee...I'm doing that this weekend.:p

You get bummed out when the dvd/vcr beaks. NOT because your kids can't watch movies......but because you can't work out to Cathe.
.....your arms/shoulders/chest hurt so bad (good) that you have a hard time getting your exercise top off.

.....your legs hurt so bad (good) that you shake when you try to sit on the toilet!!;-)
>...You look at your kids trampoline and think, WOW! I could do
>KickMax blast chalenge on there}(

LOL! I just asked my husband (before this thread) what the weight limit was on the little trampoline we have in the basement. He looked at me like I was nuts. Got to get a rebounder.

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