Okay, What's the story behind your Cathe name?

Fun thread! My doggie that passed away 1 1/2 years ago was named Hippy & I also wanted something sort of catchy so I arrived at HipChick. I've enjoyed seeing how others arrived at their Cathe user names too...
When I first got back into working out after my 2 kids I joined another forum that had a restriction on screen name length. I wanted "ShakeYourBooty" but it was too long so I shortened it. When I joined the Cathe forum it was just easier remembering the same name so I kept it the same. The idea came from the KC and the Sunshine Band song (no surprise there) which became my mental theme song for getting back into an exercise program again after a 5 year hiatus. :)

Well mine is actually boring too... but it does actually work for this fitness forum... :)

It is my first initial and last name... People always thing the proudfit thing is about the fitness... :) so it works...

Fun thread!!!
lala is one of my numerous nicknames. Don't really know how I got that one, as my name is Leslie, but it is from my college days. Well, maybe that's enought to explain it
:eek: and the 1 is because lala was taken. Althought I have never seen lala on the boards.
BTW> Tess ATL, my mom's name is Teresa and she has always been Tess. I, too love that name!
Adina what a beautiful post! You are a beautiful soul:)

My name is for my love of muscle cars, 60's and very early 70's.

My husband and I share the same love:) So between us have a few muscle cars and 2 street rods.

Shana, I just love the story behind meowracer as I've told you before, pretty darn cool! And you are so brave girl, racing those bikes. You are practically laying on your side going a million miles an hour around those corners!

I'm a piscean, spend a great deal of time living in dream worlds.

Plus "I dream to lose weight. I dream to be fit. Idream and dream and dream.


Banslug....My ladies' beach volleyball team needed a team name several years ago, when we first started in the league. Nobody could decide, so the team captain asked us for a piece of fruit.....banana. Then asked for an insect or bug....slug. So we called ourselves The Banana Slugs! Short version is my screen name...BANSLUG.

Funny thing is, a year later we learned that there is a college with the Banana Slug as their mascot:


I work for the government, and I'm a girl (no spring chicken, but still a girl!) Also, "Government Girl" is the name of a really campy, corny 1940's movie where Olivia DeHavilland "turns the Capitol upside-down!" with her exploits, trying to catch a husband! It just cracked me up :)

Edited to add: I'm one of those government workers that *works* her tushie off!! Not the kind that drinks coffee and complains! :p I know there's a few more of us here among the board!
I went to college in the '80s when the movie "Valleygirl" was popular (anyone remember that one?). My name is Valerie, and my friends started calling me Valley Girl. Sometimes I was also called "Valene" like the character from Knots Landing. I loved the
'80s! But I'm glad those aren't my nicknames anymore!
I really am enjoying reading this thread! Understanding the reasons behind the names really makes them more meaningful - even the silly or "unoriginal" ones - they all mean something to the person who has them. I love it.

Although the devilish (cheeky) side of me was wondering if we should start a post on what we THOUGHT people's user's names meant. But I guess that could get too hurtful, and I don't want any of these lovely ladies hurt.
Mine is just a combination of my DD name (Amy) and my DS name (Aaron) - Amron. Not too original, but sentimental.

Cool thread! I always wonder about user names.

Mine is pretty straightforward. Love to run and am passionate about my job, teaching.

My original user name was seeking_guns because I was looking to get buff. I changed it a couple of months after the VT shootings because I felt uncomfortable being confused with a weapons collector.

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
RetroFit - a name for the Cathe forum. Two parts: Several years ago DS commented on my "retro" excercise habits. I think he may have meant "old" ... and Fit was kinda NB. So I was thinking of RetroFit as in rebuilding myself with NEW (Cathe) and 'my older' - athletic or traditional style excercises. Anyway, it's better than SUMO even tho I do luv those Sumos :p (IMAX2 & Japanese ones, Ha!).

Quickie definitions (retrofit):+

noun: the act of adding a component or accessory to something that did not have it when it was manufactured

noun: a component or accessory added to something after it has been manufactured

verb: provide with parts, devices, or equipment not available or in use at the time of the original manufacture

verb: substitute new or modernized parts or equipment for older ones


*** Cynthia aka RetroFit ***


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