Okay, What's the story behind your Cathe name?

I used to be Wendymin which was just my first and part of my last name. BORING, right? LOL

After I had my son I changed it to fit_mom as inspiration to lose the pregnancy weight and get back into shape! IT WORKED! :7
Fun thread! I always love doing these.

For the longest time everything that DH and I did - emails, web addresses, you name it, was DananMis for Dan and Missy. After having my third, I was breastfeeding and didn't feel like I had anything for myself - especially not even my own body! I felt like my identity was only as a mother and a wife and I wanted to have my own "name" so to speak. I came up w/ "fortitude" because that is what keeps you going when things get difficult. I can't think of anything harder than being a mother; you are training your children up to be wonderful, responsible, self-controlled and happy adults when the world is pulling them in the other direction. You also want to do what you believe is the right thing yourself; you have got to stick to your guns and have convictions that can't be swayed even when everyone around you gives up, tries to dissuade you or puts you down. You have to have... FORTITUDE!

The pink part... well, that is my daughter's favorite color. I guess it isn't really my own name is it? :+ But pink is considered a feminine color and you can look at the world through rose(pink) tinted glasses to make it seem like a brighter and better place!

RE: Missy!

Aww, Debbie, thank you! You're so wonderful and sweet so to me it means a lot coming from you. :) (not that it would mean less coming from anyone else!)


What a beautiful memorial. I am so sorry! How special that you honor him every time you post! HUGS!!!!


Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
I can't believe I didn't see this fun thread yesterday, but I guess I was a bit busy.

Mine is simply because my first name is Lainie and my dad has always called me Fig or Figgie. He has gotten in the habit of actually spelling it Phigue, though, for some reason. He's kind of a weird dude and he chose Fig because my older sister's nickname was Prune. He figured Fig was a good name for the sister of a Prune. I would rather be a fig, so I'm glad that's mine.

I use lainiefig all over the web--email addresses, Facebook, Myspace, blog, etc. I also use Fig in other forms, like I have a Fitness Fig blog and a Dreamer Fig blog now.

I love reading the stories behind everyone's names.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font]
I'm a flight attendant. I only ever fly the redeye trips to the west coast and those are only on our 737 aircraft. I'm high in the sky at 40,000 feet for hours. After picking this I thought people might think I liked to get (high) which not the case. I love my job. Easiest job in the world besides being wealthy by inheritance. Which I am not the later, so I gotta work.

Free flight to Philly for me if I get in the RT.

Christie ATL
Ladies and Gentleman,

Thank you all for participating in this thread! (and I hope there are still more stories to come!!!) I've read it completely through twice just to make sure I didn't miss anyone's post. Some have made me laugh, some have made me a little sad, but all have made me take stock of the wonderful and diverse group we have here. Yes, we go at each other some time, we totally disagree, we hurt each other's feelings, and we sometimes seem to try to drown each other out with our "yelling," but, when it's all said and done, I think we still really like each other quite a lot, don't you? I know I value all that I've learned from you guys!

High-fives all around for the Cathe group!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!
fitlulu--I am very fit in spite of my lupus. I believe that keeping fit is the key to staying in remission. Even tho I may feel pretty miserable some days (usually the days I DON'T work out!) I'm very healthy. I use this name for everything. :)

One of DH's friends called me Paula Baby one day and my husband has called me that ever since. I sign all my cards/notes to him that way too. No one else ever calls me that so whenever I see it, I think of him.
I think I joined the Cathe boards in about 2002. The whole look and feel of the boards was different back then, and I actually didn't realize that the name I picked was going to be my screen name. Duh. I obviously just used something I would remember: my name and birthdate. I've tried to change it, but I can't figure out how, and I like the "charter member" designation, so I'm not that sure I want to. :p I think I'm one of the few who have been around for SIX years!! :eek: :eek:
To Suzanne:

Oh, I hope you didn't think I was insulting you! I just thought that it was a wonderful thing to say to someone to remind them that they need to care for themselves as well as others and to important role that they play in their own lives. I meant "WOW" in the very "I'm in awe of you" way!

I think I may use that line on some friends when they seem frazzled with the pressures of their life.

Thank you so much for sharing your "story."
It's been so nice to read this!

DH calls me chefkate. I love to cook and I have waaaaaay too many aprons. Hey, a girl's gotta be fashionable even when she's cooking, right? Well, I've always wanted a black one. My completely computer-challenged husband surprised me FOR NO REASON AT ALL and went to the Williams-Sonoma website. He ordered me a black apron and had Chef Kate embroidered on the front of it. :D

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