Lurkers Invitation 2010

I still haven't found a rotation so just doing what I feel like for now. This morning I did Mindy Mylrea I can't remember the name exactly but it's something like intense intervals. Tomorrow I will probably do the other half of that disc which is pump party. I really need to find a rotation. Any recommendations? I hope everyone had a good day. It's looking like I'm going to have a long tough week even though I am taking Friday off :( Work isn't much fun right now. Hope everyone had a good Monday!

Pam Those darn cats. I finally changed our touch lamp in the bedroom to a normal one. Poor Taylis can't figure out why his nose won't turn the light on anymore. :confused: It must be hard for the kids to go back to school in August. I figured you didn't like the run, but you did it. Well I guess when you go to the beach running is better than doing nothing. I find when I run with someone else it isn't so bad. I think the one with the amazing abs is Amanda. Working out with Cathe and the gang would be so much fun to do. How is your butt doing after your bike ride? I know if I haven't been on a bike for a while my butt really pays for it LOL. I was looking at the calendar and Cathe may not post the September rotation until next week. I am just going to do my own thing this week. Today was MMA Fusion. Man I really have to work on my flexibility because some of those moves were really hard for me because I was so stiff. Tomorrow will be some kind of weight work. Either a circut style or just straight weights.

Have a great Tuesday.

Did disc 4, Chest, Shoulders and Biceps and walked Rolly for 30 min. Burned 528 calories.

Cheryl, My legs and DOM's, Ouch! They are better today though. Great job on those workouts. Although I'm doing STS series, I'm wondering what she will do for Sept. rotation too. How exciting for those two women who won at Daytona. They look awesome and seem to fit right in. Great job on MM Fusion.

Pam, My daughter (Monique) is missing her son while he is with his Dad in Arizona. She's lonely too, that's why I invited her over this last Sat. Loneliness is just awful. Sorry you hated the run, maybe next time it will be better. Great job on the bike ride, I bet it was so pleasant. Time does fly by tooooooooooo fast! You'll find out the rotation most likely tomorrow or on the 1st. I'm excited to see it myself.

Great job on Mindy's workout, it's most likely a challenge, her's usually are for me. Hope your work gets better for ya.

Have a nice sleep everyone,

Cheryl Your cat must be very confused about what is wrong with that lamp! That's funny. I think our kids were actually ready to go back to school this year. The youngest just started high school and he was pretty excited about that. They are also both doing xc for the first time and they went to practices all summer and were excited to start having meets. And the oldest could not wait to get to college. He's coming to the beach with us this weekend for the long weekend so it will be good to see him and hear all about how school is going so far. You're right, running isn't as bad when I run with someone else. DH and I usually run together when we go to the beach. Now that all of the kids are running we may have a bigger group! The butt wasn't too bad after the bike ride because I only did 10 miles. When I do 30 I just can't wait to get off the bike! I don't know how these people do these 50 and 100 mile rides, my butt just couldn't take it! :p
I've been really stiff lately too, ugh. Another one of the joys of aging!

Janie You have really been burning some serious calories lately! Are you losing weight?
How long will Monique's son be gone? My niece is going to be gone for another week and a half. She goes to year round school so she goes to visit her dad while she is tracked out. My sister is not used to being alone at all so I think she's having a really tough time. She does have another daughter here and spends a lot of time with her, but she is married and has her own place so it's different.

This morning I did Mindy's pump party. I found it to be quite a bit easier than Cathe's weight workouts. It was the first time in a long time I've done it, it was a nice change of pace but I'll have to do some tougher weight work on Thursday. Today's going to be a big day so I need to get moving. Have a great Tuesday everyone!

OMG but did it ever rain today. It didn't let up all day and now my shoes just squish water ewwwww. After I get off my train downtown I normally walk the 8 blocks to my building. Not was the subway and I still got soaked.
Tonight it was Cardio and Weights. It got a good sweat going.

Janie, Wow you are doing some serious workouts. Do you see a difference? I was thinking of doing STS again but I think I will wait a bit and see what the September rotation will be.

Pam Yes Taylis is a bit confused as to why he can't turn on the light anymore LOL. Wow kids aren't usually excited about starting school again. But high school and college are a big deal. It will be nice to spend the weekend with your oldest. It is so nice that it is a long weekend too. I find that if I run with someone it doesn't seem so bad. Wow you could have a lot of running partners this weekend. I think the people who ride 50 to 100 miles either have very conditioned butts or they have a really comfortable seat. We used to have bikes but they were stolen and we have never bothered to replace them. I hate being stiff, I sometimes feel like the tin man from the Wizard of Oz.

Have a great Wednesday everyone.

Was raining all day long, couldn't walk Rolly. Don't know what I'm going to do when it's rainy season for Rolly. Maybe he can get used to the treadmill with me. Hmmmmmm. Did 30/30 and burned 303 calories.

Pam, I am loosing a bit, but eating a lot more healthier foods. Anywhere from 1115 - 1350 calories. I zig zag the calories and it works for me. Great job on your workout with Mindy.

Cheryl, I too feel stiff, in the mornings especially. Great job on C&W, I love that one.:) I don't see any difference yet, but I now I will sooner or later.

Cheryl Ewwwww...I hate squishy shoes. That makes a tough start to your day getting soaked like that. I really like Cardio and weights, especially the ab section. Poor Taylis, he'll probably find some other way to start torturing you though :p They seem to be very creative that way! My cat's new thing is after my workout he pulls the straw out of my water glass to play with it. He always comes upstairs when I am finishing my workout and rolls on his back for me to rub his belly, but now he is fascinated with my glass of water. What a weirdo!
I think those people that ride 50-100 miles have just conditioned their butts to be permanently numb! I asked one guy if he has callouses! :rolleyes: The main reason I wanted a bike was because my DH was complaining about being our of shape and I thought it would be a good thing for us to do together. The problem is that he has no interest in it and doesn't want to get a bike. Oh well. It sounds like we are all tin men around here!

Janie Too bad about all the rain. I didn't like the rainy season when we were in California at all! Maybe you can get him a little rain coat and hat?! ;) My BIL got a standard poodle that he was just head over heels about so my DH got him and his dog matching yellow rain coats and hats for Christmas that year. :rolleyes:
With your workouts and your meals I am betting you are definitely going to start seeing some results soon.

This morning I did CCC, not sure what got into me :confused: I was going to do one of the Imaxs or Tracy Staehle High intensity step mix but was thinking I would need to do abs after work, then I figured I could do CCC and get both at the same time. It wasn't TOOOO bad :rolleyes: We are hoping that hurricane Earl stays away from us. It isn't supposed to impact the weather for the weekend either way, but could cause some serious damage if it comes any closer than they are currently predicting. Of course we are supposed to go to the beach for the weekend too. And the poor Outer Banks are supposed to get the worst of it again. I hope it goes further west! Have a great day everyone!

Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing well.
Staying busy for sure, but in a very good way. Wedding plans are coming together well. I have a consult on Saturday for hair/ makeup. I have attached some of our accessories and will post the rest as well.
I have also lost about 5 lbs, an am quite psyched about it. :-D
Have a good evening, and I'll try to play catch-up tomorrow! :)


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More accessories.


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Did STS disc 5, Back & Triceps. Also walked moderately 2.5 Rolly for an hour. Burned 649 calories.

Pam, LOL! Rolly wouldn't like clothes, He's a MAN. That was too funny.:D
How adorable your DH and the dog must have looked. Cute! I do hope I see a difference in the way I look soon, but we'll see. It's a little early yet, but we'll see. One can only hope.

Great job on CCC. I'll be doing that one tomorrow. I hope Earl stays away from you too. Be safe please.

Kelly, So nice to hear from you! I can see how excited you are about your wedding being so close now. Love the accessories. Looking forward to more pictures. Congratulations for losing 5 pounds! Good for you.

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Janie I see you are continuing your major calorie burns. I think you will have to be see results soon from all of your hard work. I bet Rolly loved his hour walk! He will definitely be missing that during the rainly season. I hope you enojoy CCC today :rolleyes: I was feeling it in my abs during my wo this morning.

Kelly Nice surprise to hear from you. It looks like things are really coming together for the wedding. Remind me what the date is again? Congrats on the weight loss!

Cheryl I hope you are doing well!

I've heard from Eunice on FB. She just got moved into her place yesterday but they didn't have the electricity hooked up yet. She is hoping to get a wo in today. Next week her DH is back to work and her girls are back to school so hopefully we'll be hearing form her here soon.

This morning I did muscle max, I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow. It's my last day of work before a 4 day weekend, hooray! have a great day everyone!

Today I did a Kick Punch and Crunch cardio conditioning premix. The weather has been much nicer here. We broke rain records on Tuesday.

Janie I hear ya on the rain. Wasn't that something. Well you never know Rolly may like the treadmill, some dogs do.

Pam Squishy shoes are horrible. I thought about wearing my rubber boots but I didn't think it would rain as hard as it did and I thought the boots would be too warm. Yes I am sure Taylis will find some other way to annoy me. We will see what he thinks of. After I am finished working out Taylis likes to come downstairs and roll on his belly and get his tummy rubbed too. It is funny how our two cats are the same that way. CCC???? what did get into you LOL. I like that workout but only when I feel like I have a lot of energy. I saw on the news that Earl is heading up your way. They were evacuating people from the beach. Hopefully it won't ruin your weekend. I have a four day weekend too. Did you see that Cathe posted the September rotation? I am going to do it except for the Monday workouts since I will be doing bellydancing instead.

Kelly Glad to see you back. It sounds like everything is coming together for the wedding. Congratrulations on your 5 lb weight loss.

Have a great Friday everyone.

Today was Cardio Core Circuit (CCC). I also speed walked Rolly for an hour at 3 to 3.5 mph. Burned 603 calories.

Pam, If you get to talk to Eunice, please tell can't wait to see her on this forum and hope her move went OK. I loved CCC but it didn't look very pretty, modified, modified as Cathe said to do. Great job on MM!

Cheryl, Great job on your workout. I'll try Rolly on the treadmill, see what happens. You never know. I would walk in the rain, but in the forest when it rains, there are puddles literally as deep as your knees, and never can get around them.

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[BCheryl[/B] I didn't think I had KPC, but noticed when I was going throuh the workouts that I have downloaded on the PS3 that it is there, so I guess I will have to try it! Glad to hear you are having nicer weather. Earl has come and gone with no major damage so everyone around here is very happy. They are very conservative about evacuating some of the islands at the Outer Banks since they are so vulnerable and tend to get hit hard with these storms and cut off from everything. Ocracoke is only accessible by ferry so they get people out of there early. I think it's s good idea.

It is funny how alike our cats are. As the kids would say, maybe they are brothers from another mother! :D I don't know what got into me choosing to do CCC! It reminded me of the time that you did that and I asked if you were crazy! I guess I was feeling a little crazy that day. I did see the September rotation so I think I will start that next week. Does your Belly Dancing class start next Monday?

Janie You go girl with those major calorie burns! Is Rolly losing weight too? ;) He's getting a lot of speed walks in these days! I will tell Eunice everyone says hi and we hope to see her here soon They just got into their house but she said that their furniture is not supposed to be there for 6 weeks! I think she is trying to get some workouts in now though.

This morning I did Tracy Staehle High Intensity Step mix. It felt great. Now we're off to water ski and head to the beach for the weekend! Yea :p Have a great weekend everyone if I don't get back here.

Did Butts and Guts standing legs and abs premix. I didn't have time to do the whole thing since I had a hair appointment early this morning.

Janie You never know Rolly may enjoy the treadmill. The ground in the forest can be quite soft so yes I can see puddles as deep as your knees. With the amount of rain we get in the Pacific Northwest Rolly might be seeing a lot of the treadmill. You sure are doing some intense workouts. You are right though modify, modify, modify. I find that sometimes I need to on CCC as well.

Pam Give KPC a try and let me know how you like it. It is one of my favorite kickboxing workouts. Glad to hear that Earl didn't do much damage. It is smart to evacute the outer islands just in case. It is better to be safe than sorry. It is nice that it won't ruin your weekend at the beach either.
Well Taylis was a stray when we got you never know :D. I guess sometimes we get that crazy idea that we want to do CCC :rolleyes:. You have to be crazy every once in a while. My belly dancing starts on September 13th so I can do this Monday's workout.

Have a great long weekend everyone.

Taking care of Adrian and not having a lot of time. Just wanted to say I'm keeping up with STS. Will talk again tomorrow.

Jaine Is Adrian another grandchild? Good job on keeping up with STS.

For me it was MMA Boxing along with the heavy bag bonus. I don't have the heavy bag but it was a good workout without it. One day I will get one.

Looks like it is going to be very quite around here for a few days.

Have a great weekend.

Adrian was such a perfect little baby. Such a pleasure to babysit. I had all weekend to play with him and now it's time for more serious workouts.

Today was disc 7, Chest, shoulders and biceps. Rainy today, no walking little Rolly. :( I'm going to try him on the treadmill tonight sometime.

OK all. The holiday is almost over, Summer is winding down, school is in session and it's time to get back in the swing of things. I'm looking forward to hearing all about your updated goals, failures... after all, this is what our forum is all about. Being accountable, and needing/relying/helping/pushing/encouraging/caring for each other to make it happen.


It's understandable if you've grown out of Lurkisim and if that's the case we can always change our name to something better. It would be exciting to find another name for our group or change it up a bit somehow, (suggestions?). Or leave it the same. Perhaps you have accomplished what you wanted and ready for something different/move on. Congratulations and all the more power to you!

Cheryl, Adrian is yet another grandchild of mine. He is so precious.Great job on MMA Boxing and don't you just love the bag bonus?!? I did that one not using the bonus on Sat. It was a great workout.

I loved the 4 day holiday, it was so needed and caught up with a lot of cleaning and organizing the house while baby was sleeping.

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Janie Sounds like you had fun babysitting your grandson. MMA Boxing was a good workout. The heavy bag was an added bonus. Good job on Disk 7, I am assuming there were lots of push ups in this one too ;) It did rain a lot today didn't it. Oh well I got lots of laundry done.

OK for my goals it is to do more stretching. I know I have said it time and time again that I need to do more but this time I will try to do at least 20 minutes a day. As for my goals it is just to keep healthy. I saw the list of names that you had and not very many of us post anymore. I don't know maybe the others went back to lurkdom??? I am really bad at thinking of names. Maybe someone else knows of one?

This morning was Step Jump and Pump. That was one I hadn't done in a while.

Hope everyone had a great long weekend.

Cheryl I think KPC is in the September rotation so looks like I will be giving it a try soon. I will let you know what I think of it, but as you know I'm not a big kickboxing fan in general. Not really sure why... I do like that heavy bag bonus on the MMA boxing disc though, and I don't have a heavy bag either.
I am a day behind you on the September rotation - I started it this morning. I will most likely be substituting something else for the running in this rotation though.

Janie It sounds like you had a nice time with Adrian. It is great that you get to spend the time with your grandchildren while they are young. They sure do grow up fast!

You are doing great with STS. Are you going a 3 month rotation or 6 months? Once the weather cools off and we aren't skiing anymore my goal is to do a 6 month STS rotation. I think I will work Insanity in with it as well. My goal is really just to maintain my weight, health and overall fitness level.

Hmmm...seems like we should be thinking of a new name for the group since we really aren't lurkers anymore. I'm not sure I have any brilliant ideas though. I'll have to see if something comes to me.

I started the September rotation this morning with Step Jump and Pump. Love the jump and pump part of this one, it's not my favorite step workout, but that part is pretty short. I didn't do a lot of exercising at the beach. Took a 2 1/2 mile walk on Saturday and Sunday and then a 2 mile run on Monday. Got in a bit of boogie boarding as well, but did lot of lounging, reading and eating so I need to get back on track now. We leave for Bermuda 2 weeks from tomorrow so I need to get in shape before that trip! The 4 day weekend was great, but as always it went by way too fast. We had perfect weather the entire time! Have a great day everyone!


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