Lurkers Invitation 2010

Janie I was somehow 2 pounds heavier today than yesterday for no apparent reason. I decided it must be from looking at those pictures of your bread :D I hope you were able to get your walk with Rolly in.

When it isn't humid the 20 mile bike ride doesn't tire me out. When it's 100% humidity though it just saps my energy. I don't go at an insane pace like some of these bikers I know, my average is around 15 mph which is considered pretty slow.

Cheryl Stew in the crock pot sounds good! That is the best part about cool weather to me - I love comfort foods. It's still too hot here for that, we're supposed to be in the 90's all week.
I'm getting really nervouse about Igor :( I hope it doesn't destry Bermuda. At least this wasn't the weekend we are supposed to be there! How did your SIL end up in Berlin? Is she married to someone from Germany?

Today was 4DS KB for me. I think this is my favorite kickboxing workout. Probably because the KB part is only 30 minutes :) This rotation seems to have a lot of leg and glute work! have a great Tuesday/Wednesday everyone!

I walked Rolly today and plan on doing a cardio later today.

Cheryl, Great job on 4DS and for the extended stretches.

Pam, LOL, I'm already 2 pounds heavier eating that bread!

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Today was 4DS Kickbox. I missed my stretches today but will do it tomorrow.

Pam The stew was good and so easy. The best part is that you have an easy dinner for a few days in the week. It has cooled down here. Today was really nice somewhere in the low 70's. I hope that Igor misses Bermuda. It would be terrible if you couldn`t go because Igor did too much damage. I have my fingers crossed for you. Well my SIL separated from her husband and went to Germany to visit her grandmother. While she was there she met a family friend and they started a long distance romance. After a year or so of this long distance romance she decided that she wanted to move there. She has now lived there for about 12 years now. They are not married but are still together.

Have a great Wednesday Thursday.

Janie Glad to hear that you were able to get our for a walk with Rolly. I remember being in California during the rainy season - I didn't like it! Around here we tend to have the opposite problem. We are way below normal rainfall and getting close to a drought. I don't know how they define normal because it seems like we have been below normal every year for as long as I can remember! Total rainfall for the month so far is less than half an inch though!

Cheryl Soups and stews are my DHs favorite meal. I think he could live on nothing else. It is still too hot for it here though, in the 90's again today, so it will probably be a few weeks before I start making any. I have been getting the urge to make lasagne though. They have some beautiful homemade noodles and locally made mozzarella at the whole foods. And of course I still need to make my ricotta, so that may be on the agenda sometime soon.
Igor is definitely looking like he is planning to ruin our Bermuda plans. The latest tracking though is a little more favorable as it puts it on the backside of the storm which is 'better' than a direct hit or the front side. I think I will keep watching it but also start to determine what plan B will be!
It's funny how things work out sometimes huh? It sounds like your SIL did the right thing visiting her grandmother when she did.
Eunice I hope you are able to post today! Bummer losing your posts.
Shani Come back and see us!

This morning was 4DS BC. Such a quick intense cardio workout with that one. Really tough bis and tris too. It was a great workout. I hope everyone has a great day!

Janie maybe by now the bread its gone, it looked so yummy! I'm not sick its my shoulder that it does not want to get better the ultra sound did not show anything i guess I just have to keep pushing because I can sleep on my left side it really bothers me.

Pam I haven't heard any from our furniture it hopefully it gets here soon, I don't really care about the express because I now see that I really did not send anything that I would need that much, beside my pots and step I don't care when it gets here.
Sorry about your trip:( but at least is good to know that you both wont be there to experience a Hurricane .... so now what are you gonna do?
I love 4DS kick box and I did not bring that one with me..

Cheryl stew sound good, the slow cooker not my favorite kitchen tool, I rather cook on the stove top, its fast ... before we came here the weather was high in the 100s when we got here the weather is freezing, at least for me it feels like it I see kids running in shorts for school not me or my girls... Yeah that's all we got for Winter a few weeks of cold and then summer that people say that it is very hot we'll see..

Now before I hit the submit" I have to save my post yesterday it kept signing me off, silly because if I'm not signed in I can not even write.. so I hope it works today.
Well this week its been a busy week, and even when I don't have all of my stuff here there is always something that keep me away from the computer... now its the service here they sell the Internet by GB so I was looking for a company to get this done I did found one but I'll be contacted whit in 3 weeks!!!! what??? really! so I have this wireless thing that its pay as it goes kind of thing for the Internet but with 3 people using it it runs out so fast and its so expensive so probably if don't come here to often you guys know why. I'll go to FB to talk to my daughter and post here and there but that would be it..
Today I did MMA:Boxing fun one and tough core work I also did ab no equipment ouch!!
yesterday I did Hiit Pyramid and went for a short run its been a while that I wanted to do that so I finally did, so my legs are killing me today but we got to love it!!!
Have a great day everyone !!!
Hi Eunice! So nice to see you here. Sorry you had so much trouble with your posts and that it's taking so long to get your internet service. I know that must be frustrating. :mad:
It's good that the ultrasound didn't find anything in your shoulder (I think?) :confused: Maybe it's a good thing that your weights aren't there right now to tempt you into using them :rolleyes:
So your express isn't even there yet? I guess express wasn't the best word for it huh? I still don't know what we are going to do next week. I'm going to try to contact the hotel today to get their recommendation. My DH wants to just wait and see what happens since we can delay/cancel the flights and the hotel up to the day before. I was thinking about looking for an alternate location but he says we can go somewhere later in the fall. Not sure when that would be since he is traveling a lot in October and then we start getting into holidays but we will see. Maybe we will get lucky. Those poor people who live in Bermuda though :(
How cold is it there? It doesn't get really cold in the winter does it? I imagine it will start warming up soon? Oh boy, my legs are always so sore the day after I go for a run since I hardly ever do it. Hope they are recovering.
This morning was IMAX2 for me, one legged hops and all :p For some reason my weight has been going up this week and I don't know why. Very frustrating! I need to see it start going down again! I'm supposed to do PS legs and abs tomorrow but I don't have that one so I may order the download today. Otherwise I guess it will be another plyo legs and one of the ab circuits workouts. Not weights and plates again though - ouch! Have a great Thursday/Friday everyone!

Hi Pam you are right if I have my weight here I would be getting ready to start using them hahaha!! looks like you know me very well. I don't have the weights but I have the band, after I did the travel fit WO I think I'll find the way to do more band workout its pretty good for shaping those muscles and they get a good burn..
I did not know how complicated it was gonna be to get the services here geez:confused:
I hope you guys find the time to do something fun, have you think about going to Bahamas? I have never been there but my DH family goes there a lot and I know you like the beach probable the weather doesn't change that much there..
Oh the cold its maybe 40s or 50s windy so it feels like 20s to me:eek:
My legs are sore even the outer tight, inner, back side yeah every time I do one of the Hiit's, run or CCC those WO are killers, and since I'm out of shape I'm dyeing:confused: Imax2 one of my favorites ones.. witch one is PS?
Lucky you that if you that you can order the downloads..
I haven't workout yet I'm thinking witch one should I do I have been doing a lot of kick boxing lately and I love them but I want to do something else, oh well I can't so I'll go and check witch one appeals to me. Have a good Thursday here its Friday already...:confused:
Did Athletic Step and abs today. Walked Rolly in drizzle rain. Not to bad, since there were no puddles. Yeah.

Cheryl, Great job on Kickbox.

Janie Glad to hear that you were able to get our for a walk with Rolly. I remember being in California during the rainy season - I didn't like it! Around here we tend to have the opposite problem. We are way below normal rainfall and getting close to a drought. I don't know how they define normal because it seems like we have been below normal every year for as long as I can remember! Total rainfall for the month so far is less than half an inch though!

Pam, Great job on the BC. This one does give an intense workout.

Eunice, So sorry about your shoulder. Hope it feels better really soon. Still have some bread left, hubby eats more than I do.:D Sometimes, when you have a lot of text, it will not save your work. I don't like it a bit when it does that to me either, they don't tell you when you go over. Great job yesterday for HIIT Pyramid and on the MMA Boxing today. Love this one too. You ran too? Good for you!

Have a good one everyone,

I took yesterday off. I was soooo tired after work I could make myself do
4DS Bootcamp. It isn't one of my favorite ones but I did it today instead.

Pam Soups and stews are so easy and they make several meals so dinner is easy for part of the week. I love lasagne. You make your own ricotta? Do you find it tastes a lot better than store bought? It is cooling down here. Right now it is raining and it looks like it will rain for most of the weekend. That sucks about your Bermuda trip. Hopefully something will work out for you. At least you don't have to cancel until the day before so you don't have to make up your mind on what you are going to do right away.

Eunice So much for shipping things express :rolleyes:. I love my slow cooker. I love that fact that you can put things in it in the morning and have a very easy dinner. 40 to 50 degrees is probably a lot colder than what you are used to but that isn't really that cold. You will become accustomed to it eventually. Soon your girls will be running around in shorts too. Every country seems to do their internet service differently. This is the first I heard of selling it by the GB. :confused:

Janie Athletic Step is one of my favorites. Drizzle isn't too bad to go out in. I am sure Rolly enjoyed it.

Have a great Friday/Saturday everyone.

Eunice Oh that band can be worse than the weights sometimes! I always start to groan when Cathe says we're going to pull out the bancds! All that resistance really does the trick! Just make sure you are giving that shoulder the rest that it needs. I know how you are because I am the same way! We can't wait to get back to it and so we don't give it the rest that it needs! Then for some reason we can't understand why it isn't healing! :eek: I have never been the Bahamas and someone else suggested that too. For some reason the ads for the Bahamas don't make me want to go there?! :confused: They always show that giant place that is just packed with people and that doesn't look like fun to me. Everyone who has been there says it is great though so who knows. DH has decided that our best bet is to just wait and see what happens, so I guess if they get a lot of damage next week we just won't be going anywhere next week. The bummer is that I have been waiting for it and have my calendar all cleared at work for it. ERRRRRRR. Oh well, that is the way things go.
PS is Pure Strength. I downloaded it yesterday but forgot that it is a different computer than I used the last time so I went to play it this morning and didn't have a player on that computer that would work. My DH changed the password on our wireless so I couldn't get connected to download a player so I just did plyo legs disc 29 and no equipment abs. I am sure my legs will be feeling it tomorrow. What wo did you end up doing yesterday?

Janie I do really like AS, you get a great wo with that one. I bet Rolly didn't mind the drizzle. Glad to hear there were no puddles! When does Joey come home? My DH is on the plane now, supposed to land in 4 hours! It sounds like he had an interesting trip. He went for a big product announcement and then they had a party at the Lufhansa facility in Frankfurt last night. He said that they got to experience the simulators that they train their flight attendants in and slide down the evacuation slides. Sounds like fun!

Cheryl I have not made my own ricotta before but decided to try it the next time I make lasagne. I've been reading about how easy it is on the internet and I hate the stuff at the grocery store. They used to sell homemade at our Whole Foods and it was like night and day to the grocery store stuff. When they stopped making it I started looking around and all of the information I've read says it's really easy to make so I'm going to give it a try. Once I do I will report back on how it goes! Sorry to hear you are in for a rainy weekend. I hope you at least get some nice weather!

So as I said above, I ended up doing disc 29 plyo legs and no equipment abs. Those ab circuits workouts are all so different and tough! Wow! I just found out that there is an offer coming in tomorrow on my mother's cottage Hooray! :D Of course he had no idea what the amount was so I guess I shouldn't get too excited yet. Keep your fingers crossed for me! I hope everyone has a great Friday/Saturday!

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Hi Pam I have only seen pictures of Bahamas and it looks pretty, DH family owns a house on the beach so they always go there and get to see only nice picture with nice blue, clean water but I don't really know, Why you did not go with DH? Its sounds pretty interesting the trip to Germany? that's what you say.. Oh my! my whole body its sore I think the running got the best of me because I can get over with, so yesterday I ended up doing my own thing + ab ripper from P90X I did 4 sets of 50 jumping rope, 10 jumping box and 16 pushups half straight leg and half on my knees, it was good I break a good sweat and my heart was bumping hard .... so today I'll take as a day off, its getting hard for my to go back on shape:confused:

Hi Cheryl your right 40s 50s isn't that cold but for me its freezing:p maybe next winter I'll be better, good for you that you found a good use of your slow cooker, I wish I would but I'm ok if I'm home all day that's at least something where I can spent my time... on cooking I get tired too but oh well..:rolleyes:

Janie Athletic Step is one of my favorites I can't wait to get it and star jumping again... I hope so too, next week I have appointment for a PT:rolleyes: again!! I hope Australian's PT get to fix me soon hahaha!!! running not always but I'll do it sometimes.. I liked it

so today its rest day, I'll be gone to the market and grocery shopping not excited but I got to do it.. Have a good weekend everyone.
Disc 12 legs. OUCH!

Cheryl, Any plans this weekend? Great job on 4DS Bootcamp.

Pam, Joey got home, well, kinda sorta yesterday. He called me and said that the power steering is not working and to come get the trailor he was pulling behind his truck . He was only a few miles away from home. It was 9pm. He collected a bunch of stuff and couldn't go home without it, so he stayed there the night, on the side of the road. He finally got home by driving the truck until the lights came on to warn him not to drive and then cooled it. He cont'd doing that until he got home. He is so very lucky and I have to say someone above is looking after him. It could have been states away, but it was so close to home. He's been very lucky that way all his life.

The simulators sounds like a lot of fun, what a blast.:eek:

Yeah for the offer on your mom's cottage. I bet she is thrilled. My fingers, toes and eyes are all crossed. Wish her luck.

Eunice, I hope the PT can fix you to. LOL;) You are too funny! Have fun at the market on your rest day. Really.

See ya later,

Eunice Well I guess if they have a house on the beach there it would be nice! I think our plan B is going to be to go to Hilton Head Island. My DH has a friend with a place there who has offered for us to use it whenever we want, so we will take him up on that offer if Bermuda doesn't work out. That is definitely not looking good at the moment. Now it once again looks like it is going to take a direct hit from the eye with tropical force storm winnds starting this afternoon. It is such a huge storm they are just going to be getting pounded for about 36 straight hours. Ouch.
It sounds like by the time that your step, weights, and dvds arrive you will be all ready for them.

Janie Wow, glad to hear that Joey got home safely. i can't believe he spent the night on the side of the road :confused: You're so right that he is lucky that it happened where it did. Isn't it nice being a lucky person! I was just reading an article about the difference between lucky and unlucky people - it was pretty interesting.

DH said that the simulator was really fun. They were all sitting in a real piece of fuselage in this big warehouse and went through take off, turbulence, an engine fire, the masks dropping down, having to put on their life vests, the whole works. He said it was a little spooky going through a simulated crash the day before flying home though! hey didn't get to slide down the slides though, darn!

Still waiting for the official offer to come in on the cottage, it is supposed to be this afternoon. I really don't think my mom is thrilled though. As much as she knows she has to sell it she really doesn't want to so it will be hard. It will certainly make things easier for her financially though.

Cheryl I hope things are going well for you. How was your Friday?
Hi Shani and Kelly

I was supposed to do 4DS LIS today but I wanted more intense cardio so I did Hiit 30/30 and then the weight section from LIS. I liked this combo better but boy the shoulder work was hard for me. Cheryl you are right that this rotation has a lot of ab work! Also seems like a lot of leg work. My glutes were really feeling it from yesterday's workout. I'm hoping to get some skiing in today but not sure we'll be able to work it into the schedule since the kids have a cross country meet and I have a pampered chef party to go to this afternoon (uh oh!) Have a great Saturday/Sunday everyone!

Janie so I guess you are doing STS rotation that sound good! I have to agree with you that your Joe its a lucky guy wow! staying on the side of the road all night, I'm glad hes home now sound and safe.. what did he collect that he couldn't go home with out them?
It was fun going to the market its was cold, we drove a long way to go to the next town Shepperton we walked all day, had Moroccan lunch it was good, today we went to eppin to get some fruits and veggies, DH its driving a government car and they pay for gas so why not lest drive all day or all weekend long:D I don't think I'll be doing the same when we get to pay for our gas:confused::D

Pam sorry that you couldn't go where you had have planed originally your plan B sounds good too, I bet you'll have fun....Getting pounded for 36 hours that's a lot wow!
The simulators sounds fun, crazy,
Your combo for today sound pretty good! 30/30 +weights wow!!! loved it that's part of the rotation or you made up that one your self???
You are a busy lady Pam! have fun at the pampered chef party ?? have a good weekend..:p:D
I didn't workout yesterday or today I'm still recovering from last week workout hopefully I get into better shape soon..
Done with Mesocycle One! Will do cardio and walks with Rolly the next several days and then will start Mesocycle Two.

Pam, There's a difference between being lucky and not lucky? Where do I look to find this article? It's must be an interesting article. I think I know how your mom feels. Hard to give up a home when you spent a lot of time there. If it makes things easier she's wise to do it. Oooh, feeling your oats today, and did one of the HIITs, good for you on that and LIS. The simulators sound spooky but I bet so worth it for their training. Hope you are having a nice weekend.

Eunice, He's collected a lot of antique radios and their parts. It took two trips to Sacramental. It was an auction on Ebay that he found intriguing and could make a little money at. Something he enjoys doing. I'll be his partner too, so will be busy also selling things on Ebay. Sounds like a lot of fun. Take advantage of all that free gas while you can and purchase the things you need.

Have a nice weekend everyone,

Well it was 4DS LIS this morning for me. I never got a chance to get on the computer yesterday. Always trying to cram everything into the weekend.

Pam Let me know how your ricotta turned out. I may want to do the same thing. It did rain a lot this weekend but at least it was mainly at night. The afternoons have been really nice. I hope your mother's cabin sells. I can see your mother having mixed feelings about it though. It is too bad that Bermuda isn't going to workout. At least you have an option, where is Hilton Head Island? Sounds like your DH had fun in Germany. Too bad he didn't get to go down the slide, that would have been fun. Ooooh Pampered Chef. So what did you get????? :D I am having a Norwex party next Saturday. A friend of mine sells it. They have a lot of microfibre clothes and cleaning products that are good for the environment. It is all that I use now.

Eunice You will get used the the tempurature. It will take a while though. I like my slow cooker, I usually use it on the weekends only. I have to leave way too early during the week so things would cook just a little too long if I did it before I left in the morning.

Janie No real plans this weekend, just the normal running around and housework :(. It seems the weekend goes by just too fast. Joey sure had an eventful trip home. He sure was lucky that he was close to home when it happened. Ebay can be lots of fun. DH did sold things for a while. Now he mostly buys :confused:

Well got to change over the laundry now :( Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Eunice Your Morrocan lunch sounds good. My 30/30 and weights weren't part of the combo, I was supposed to do the whole LIS disc. I hope you are recovered from your WOs last week. My calves are still hurting from Saturday!

Janie I can't believe you are already done with meso 1. It seemed like you just started it. Congratulations! The best part is that you don't have all those push ups in meso 2.
I'll look for that article, it was online - there is actually someone who wrote a book about the differences between lucky and unlucky people and things you can do to become luckier.

Cheryl I know what you mean about always trying to cram everything into the weekend. There is just never enough time to get everything done is there?!
I haven't made the ricotta yet but I will let you know how it goes when I do. It still needs to get colder here before I'm ready for lasagne. We are in the 90's still for at least the rest of this week.
The offer on the cottage wasn't a good one, but we are countering today so we will see what happens. Hilton Head is in South Carolina, I think it's a 5-6 hour drive from here.
At the Pampered chef party I got a set of three stainless mixing bowls. They are really nice. They have rubber bottoms, leds and pour spouts. I can't wait to get them. I also got some mini rubber tipped tongs that I was looking at the last time. :D I have never heard of Norwex, I'll have to check that out.

This morning was MMA Boxing. I was going to sub something else but decided to do it. It went really quickly so maybe I'm liking this stuff more? :rolleyes: Great ab section at the end too. We didn't get a ski in on Saturday but we did yesterday. Probably not too many more weeks for that so we have to get it in while we can. Have a great Monday/Tuesday everyone!

Pam Wow it is still in the 90s!!!! It has been raining like mad here but when it does stop it gets to the high 60s to low 70s. Hopefully the people who made the offer on the cottage will accept your counter. It would be nice to sell it before winter comes. I have those stainless steel mixing bowls. I love them especially the rubber bottoms. They don't move around on the counter when you are mixing things. I don't have the rubber tipped tongs but it is something that I do want the get. I have to see if my friend is still selling Pampered Chef and look at having another party. I will only use Norwex now for cleaning. Since I have started using it neither myself or DH has had a cold. We never get sick just colds. I think we both have really good immune systems. I don't know maybe there is something to not using a lot of chemicals when you clean.

I did MMA boxing today too. I like that one.

Have a great Tuesday/Wednesday everyone.

Hi janie I have done it too, when we were at Virginia DH sold a motorcycle he had the Jacket, helmet, I did put those on ebay and sold them after that I had sold my Marine Ball dresses that I couldn't fit any more so I did sold those too, good luck with you radios. You are right we are taking advantage of the free gas this weekend we are driving to "twelve apostles" I think its going to be excited. Congratulation on finishing Meso 1 now getting ready for meso 2 huh!!:D

Hi Cheryl I hope the weather gets better, today I was freezing my booty off, I got up early;) 7am took DH to work I needed the car to go to the Dr. did some grocery shopping and yesterday I cleaned the house so not to much to do, so today was a lazy day.. I'm sore though soooo sore! I also did MMA:Boxing wow! I love this one I think its the easy est of the 3 MMA.

Hi Pam oh boy! I think I need to workout one more day to get use to, yesterday I did Fit travel & Hiit Pyramid and today it hurts to sit down you know what I mean, so when I got up today I was feeling pretty stiff and wonder if should I rest, then I say no way, you are not going to quit on me, this used to be nothing so you better go and do something.. so I did MMA: Boxing it was good only 3 segments and core, I was glad but those pushups and touch toes whew! are something:confused::eek:
Sound like you did have fun at the Pampered chef party. Have fun at you vacation too, you went ski on Monday? wow your good Pam.:cool:

Well today I did MMA:boxing I was afraid this morning, I'm so sore that I don't know how to stay, sitting, standing, laying, front, back, side.. yes! I know Cathe does always a good job on kicking our behinds! I can't wait to get my dumbells..
Have a great day everyone, for me its bed time!!:D

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