Hi all,
I'm laughing at my accountability list - a nice goal, not there yet! Still and all it has been a terrific first week back east. HECTIC.
Michelle, our agency's four star director sent out my welcome notice and a nice bio on Thurs. BIG GULP. That means tasking is around the corner, as otherwise I wouldn't need that kind of credibility boost ... I don't know if the notice will go DOD wide, though, they tend not to do that. Yes, I'm already working weekends ... mostly to get used to the area, and to find my way around buildings, and deal with the myriad of HR details. Headed in shortly, as a matter of fact.
On the home front. Husband is lonesome, one kitty is tearing her hair out again, and the teenager is having a career crisis about her major. Horses and dogs are tearing around in hopes that showing off will deliver their mom to them again.

Household items aren't due until another week later, so I'm in base housing for longer. Still and all, none of that is unexpected and we'll weather it. I've been by my new apartment, and it's very nice, and close to work ... and it is great not to have to worry about moving at the same time as getting settled in. DH will join me for ten days when the moving van arrives. Am looking forward to it.
On the eating front, I'm doing pretty well. The first night had to be Burger King (my vehicle is searched on/off base while we await my official tags, so it was easier to stay within walls). After that, I picked up some nice healthy Kashi frozen foods, some fresh fruit, protein mix, whole grain cereals, and a few garnishes (gorgonzola cheese bits, pumpkin seeds, salsa) and have been using that for breakfast and dinner. Two Ihop trips, but they have a good hearty and healthy omlette selection. On site, lunch has been cafeteria sandwiches. Not ideal and pricey, but not too bad. All and all, I'm happy on the food side of things. Am not drinking nearly enough water for the heat.
Workouts ... arrrgggg

I have managed one day of bodyweight strength training, and four days of substantial walks in the 45-80 minute range. It's nice out in the evenings and on the days I got back by 8, I called DH and spoke with him while I walked around the facility. The other nights I decided that the "sleep at least 6-7 hours" goal needed to win out over the workouts. During the day, I am getting quite a bit of walking in between meeting locations, andactually the sheer physical movement is more than June most days. Probably much more. I'm just not pushing my cardiovascular or muscle systems the way I ought.
Big ((hugs)) to all, and am hoping to read personals again soon ... what I see is that
Laura is doing great at workouts as well as keeping our postings moving along with
Janie and
Michelle, Janie's new bead site is up (congrats!),
Michelle is doing a great job working out and vacationing, and did I see on facebook that
Renee is making a good recovery ... ?
At this rate it may be next weekend before I can make another post, hope not but that seems realistic. In the meantime, am thinking of you and sending best wishes to all!