Thank you for your prayers everyone for my dear sister (Melody) So sorry for not posting yesterday. Cleaning bug hit me and spent hours on the kitchen. Before I knew it, it was past midnight! Still not done yet but it will be today. My donation pile is getting very big, but it's lifted a lot of weight off my shoulders believe it or not. Didn't realize how much junk I had in there. LOL
Next is the pantry. I did Yoga Relax during the afternoon. It was soooooooo hard because I didn't want to!
Caitlin, We all deserve a day off. Good for you.
Michelle, Great job on TTM. Yep, I know.
It's a toughie, very proud of you.
I'm in Shelton. We just can't plan a whole lot until Joe's beloved brother passes. Everything is up in the air. He is not responding to people any longer, but he eats, sleeps and poos just fine. It could be awhile yet until Joey goes to MI. Walt passed his expiration date one month ago and slowly going. Thank you for asking.
My poor dearest sister, I know what's in store for her. The damn sickness is horribly taking her mind away from her and she from us. Also my eldest brother is going through the exact same thing. I want to hide my eyes!
We are all at the age now that things will most likely go down hill. That's why I think exercising and brain challenges are crucial to stay fit for as long as we can. That way hopefully, when we do pass we will pass with more dignity. I can feel your genuine support and hugs. Thank you so much. Also for the update on Shadowpup.
Great job on Burn Sets Chest, back and shoulders. OOO adding poundage with pace mates is such a wonderful idea. Keep up the good work. You'll be lifting those 25 pounds dumbells very soon. Do take it slowly though. I learned that the hard way.
Laura, I'm motivated by your fire under you. It makes me want it as well. Working out in phases is still wonderful for your body. Get it when ever you can. Great job on PS chest, Shoulders and triceps. Congrats on the DOM's. Marshmallow feeling will go away very quickly. You go girl!
Take care everyone,